
Elijah taking holiday...

Sector- X, Block- A.

Inside Adrian's Space,


Yawning Adrian woke up, as he slapped Mr. Pervert's fingers which were digging into his asshole.

They had just finished making love last night, and this pervert was already horny enough to do all this early in the morning.

But Elijah whose eyes were still closed, kept his cutie pie in his hug and made his fingers disappear back into the open hole and start fingering slowly.

Ahhhhhhhhh..... this was heaven, waking up digging his cutie pie's hole, having him in his hug, and then getting slapped on the face by his angry cutie pie…..


The moment his thought ended the slap came, and slowly Elijah opened his eyes, pulled his fingers out to hug his cutie pie tightly, and gave him a loud kiss.