
Dawn of the fallen: The battle of a million worlds

Val Oswald, a cold-hearted and enigmatic prodigy, hides his intelligence to avoid attention. After a tragic accident takes a friend's life, he reluctantly becomes one of ten champions in a high-stakes war. Val's unique talents set him apart as he manipulates allies and enemies to further his own agenda. As he grapples with the consequences of his ruthless actions, the line between hero and villain blurs. Will Val's aversion to heroism lead to his downfall or propel him to ultimate power? In this tale of moral ambiguity, Val Oswald challenges conventional notions of heroism as a calculating anti-hero.

Auzyko · Fantasie
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8 Chs


I rattled Kaguya a bit to wake her up.

That way our departure would be faster, as we would already be prepared.

With a soft yawn she looked around and said "Did we arrive?"

I nodded and replied "Almost."

After ten minutes I could feel the airplane's landing attempt and see the airport through the window.

Soon after the airplane had touched the ground and taxied to the gate.

Kaguya and I were the first ones to depart from the plane.

Maybe due the VIP seats? Maybe because we were really close to the door? Not that it matters but for some seconds I couldn't get that thought out of my mind.

We picked our luggages and immediately headed towards the exit.

I didn't care to rest at all as I was sleeping all the way here and also I wasn't interested at all to explore the airport.

It was smaller than the one I had departed from and surely not of the same caliber.

"So this is Greece, huh?" I exhaled, looking at the blue sky, as soon as I went past the exit.

"Aah, that breeze sure is refreshing." Kaguya said while letting her hair blow in the wind.

Although we're in Greece, we're still far away from our final destination.

Thus taking my and Kaguya's luggages we approached a cab and got inside.

Thankfully Greek was one of the languages I had learnt when I had my phase and wanted to learn as many foreign languages as I could.

So I was able to communicate with the driver without any issues.

Our next destination for now was the bus station.

From there we were going to take the bus to Mykines. Although it will take us a couple of hours to arrive, it's the only way to get there.

But the best part was that I didn't need to spend any of the money I had taken with me as when I checked my bank account while being in the airplane, my balance had increased by five thousand euros.

I'm pretty sure that this had to do something with that God, but this time it wasn't annoying. In comparison it was one of the best things I had received till then.

Well, to make long things short, after some time we arrived at the bus station and from there we took the bus to Mykines.

In the way I didn't have anything to talk about with Kaguya so I thought of sleeping in order for the time to pass faster. But on the other hand Kaguya managed to pick my interest with the question she made.

"Val, who was the girl in the dream you had?"

The moment I heard that I immediately looked at her with a confused face.

"How did you know that I had a dream? Did I mumble while sleeping?"

But that can't be possible, I never have done that. And I'm absolutely sure about that cause otherwise Sagiri would joke about it till the end of time. How could she know?

"The truth is that for some reason when I had fallen asleep I also had a dream. But my dream was your dream. I was inside your dream, but only as an observer. I couldn't touch anything and you couldn't hear my voice. And by observing you I'm pretty sure you had a lucid dream as you were able to think straight."

"How are you sure that you were inside my dream? You might as well just had a weird dream."

"First of all, I don't have dreams. I don't know why, but I'm pretty sure about it. Secondly I could hear your thoughts and I'm pretty sure from the content that they weren't mine. Plus your reaction once I mentioned it works as a confirmation to me."

That…That caught me off guard. I honestly didn't know what to say. Though the only possible explanation here is that this has something to do with the summoning. Maybe we're somewhat connected due to it? I'll have to ask that God once I get the chance.

Without being able to get away from Kaguya's question anymore I started explaining to her my dream.

Although I gave her many details about what had happened there I avoided mentioning anything related to Sagiri or the reason I summoned her and took part in that event.

I thought that she would thankfully mistaken my motive and would think that I did everything for money or fame, but looking at her face I didn't see any of the emotions I thought I would.

I waited to see a face of disgust from Kaguya as she seemed like a warrior and those always put pride above all, but what I saw was an expression of compassion.

I don't know why she felt that emotion towards me and to be honest I didn't want that conversation to continue so I just leaned my head on the window and fell asleep.

After feeling Kaguya shaking me I slowly opened my eyes and I saw the ruins of an ancient civilization laying right before me.

That gave me a feeling of sorrow and nostalgia for some reason. Like I was part of the history of that place.

But by looking around I saw that only Kaguya and I were inside that bus. Which is strange as when we first entered it was full of people. Plus they couldn't have departed to any station as this bus did not stop and went straight to Mykines.

"Oi Kaguya, where's all the people? Why is it only the two of us?"

"To be honest I also don't quite understand what happened. We entered a tunnel with all of the passengers being present. The moment we went inside all the lights turned off and only after a while turned back on. But once I could see again everyone except the two of us had disappeared."

Under normal circumstances I would have freaked out hearing this, but knowing our circumstances I'm pretty sure it was that God's doing. Probably he doesn't want other people interfering with the meeting.

We both got out of the bus and looked around.

We were on a plain surrounded by mountains. On our left there was a sign saying "Treasury of Atreus" and on our right there was the archaeological site of Mycenae.

As I still didn't know where the meeting was supposed to happen I kept looking in case I spotted something that would solve my question.

But that didn't last for long as I saw a person walking out of the place the sign was pointing to.

Of course there was no mistaking that person. He was wearing the same white clothes as the first time I had seen him.

"Ah, Val, Kaguya, you arrived just in time. Everyone's here waiting for you."

"Wait, who are you and how do you know my name?" Kaguya slightly yelled.

With a lightning fast movement he went next to Kaguya and by pinching her cheeks he said with a smile, "You may not know me, or it's better to say that you don't remember due to your death, but I know everything about you."

Kaguya shook her head to make him stop pinching her and said, "Honest I don't care who you are, but you'll tell me right now everything you know about me." And summoned her spear pointing towards him.

With a swift but extremely strong movement of his left hand he smashed Kaguya's spear to the ground making it stuck between the rock underneath it.

Then before Kaguya could react at all he caught her by her throat and lifted her up.

"Listen there young lady, I have patience and I'm willing to help you win this war, but I won't tolerate such behavior. I won't tolerate anyone pointing any weapon towards me, especially you. Understood?"

While he was saying all that I could clearly see him tightening his grip, making Kaguya's blood vessels become visible at the place of her throat as she couldn't breathe due to the pressure.

On the other hand while looking at him I could see him having a slight smile which he could barely maintain as it was obvious that he was highly irritated from Kaguya's behavior.

To be honest I found it a bit strange as he became so angry towards Kaguya who pointed at him with her spear. Well, that would be the normal behavior any person would have but he was a God. He should just warn her without any violent act.

But as soon as he finished his monologue and Kaguya's face had turned red due to the oxygen deficiency he released her, letting her fall to the ground coughing like crazy.

Then wearing again his previous smile said, "I know you have many questions but all of them will soon be answered. Now, follow me to meet the other champions." and started walking the same way he had previously made his appearance.

I helped Kaguya stand again on her feet and slowly walked along with him.

I guess the time has finally come.

"Time for me to meet the heroes that will save humanity." I thought and a smile imperceptibly formed on my face.