
Dawn of Terra

The world of Terra is the world that is similar to our earth with similar creatures and similar intelligence creature like human called terran living on it, the terran have a very similar culture and civilization like human on earth. But the planet Terra is being invaded by a foreign entity that trying to devour it, a boy fated to save the Terra, need to fight the foreign entity beyond the constraint of time and space.

NoahRegis · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Peaceful Day

Alarm clock ringing in the morning and wake up a boy from his sleep.

still half a sleep

he is going to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Then he change his pajama to his school uniform and take breakfast in the dining room with his family.

"so today is your last day of exam right?" Ask the boy's father while reading newspaper.

"yup" the boy replied.

"you got everything ready for it dear?" Ask the boy's mother.

"yup" again, the boy replied with a single word.

"okay if you say so, I know you could do it, you are my son after all" said the father confidently with smile on his face while still reading his newspaper.

The boy then finish his breakfast and going to school.

"mom, dad, I'm leaving" shout the boy at the house entrance before he leave the house.

"take care dear" his mother shout back as a farewell and blessing for the boy to doing well in his middle school national exam.

The boy is Nuh sandra, he is a 3rd year middle schooler and today is his last day of middle school national exam.

Nuh is going to his school with his bike.

On the way to school, he meet his friend Mira.

"huh?... Mira?" Nuh stopped his bike beside Mira.

Mira is Nuh's classmate and childhood friend, they have been classmate since kindergarten, it as if they are fated to be with each other and that is why Nuh having a little crush for her despite him not realizing it.

"huh?... Nuh?" Mira surprised.

"Mira why are you walking here? Aren't you usually take the bus to school by now?" Ask Nuh

Mira replied "well yeah, but I wake up late because I study until very late last night for today exam"

Mira and Nuh living on the same block in south Daten residential area, it is quite far from their school, that is why Nuh is going with his bike to school, while Mira usually take the bus.

"at this rate you will be late for the exam" said Nuh as he step down from his bike and setting up the back seat on his bike.

"okay, hop on or you'll be late" Nuh telling Mira to sit on the back seat and take her to school together on his bike

"but are you okay with me, I might weight you down and make you too tired for exam" said Mira.

Then Nuh replied confidently "its okay, it count as exercise so my blood could flow easily to my brain for the exam"

Mira smiled

"okay then"

As she feel assured with Nuh words,she decide to sit on Nuh's bike back seat and go together to school.

Oh and about Nuh having a little crush for Mira, it was not only one way crush, because they always having a same class together since kindergarten both of them start to having crush for each other despite both of them never realized it.

Nuh and Mira arrived at school on time, and the exam start.

All student focus on answering the question and filling their answer sheet, then the bell ring marks the end of the exam, students hands over their answer sheet and the teacher making a speech, "okay kids, that is the last exam you have in this school, I might miss you all little rascal later, and you guys might miss me too right?"

The student simultaneously reply "no..." as a joke.

"ah..." the teacher acting as if he being stabbed in the heart by the student's reply

all of the student laughing and the teacher then composed himself back and having a speech "well... I might really miss you guys later, but this might not an absolute good bye, because that is how life works. In every meeting there is a farewell, and in every farewell there is always a new meeting later on. You guys still have a long life ahead and we might meeting each other again, so until then live your life to the fullest and when the time came for us to meet again, you could share your joy and woe together, there is a saying from Jillian black -joy and woe are woven fine- and those joy and woe are woven from the string of fate, and that string of fate is what bind us together no matter how far away we are, because at one point in time we have fated to meet each other in our lifetime. So have a nice day today and enjoy your vacation kids"

And right after the teacher's speech end.

For a moment all the students having deep thinking about their future.

Later they bid farewell to the teacher and leave the class.

Some still in deep thought.

Some meeting up with their friends and family trying to forget the stress of the exam.

While some don't care about anything and live their life.

And for Nuh, he was the last type.

While Nuh and Mira walking in the hallway a shout heard from behind

"hey Nuh, how's the exam for you?" Shout Michael

Michael is Nuh's and Mira friend since kindergarten, but unlike with Mira, Michael never on the same class with Nuh and Mira after elementary school, but the three of them always hang out together most of the time

"I'm good" Nuh and his simple reply

"how about you Mira did you do good in your exam?" Ask Michael

Mira replied "well I hope I did, after all I study all night that I even almost coming to school late becaus of it"

"Did you guys got the type B question? how about the question number 4? What is your guys answer?"

The three of them later comparing their answer in the school canteen.

"phew, so at least I got some of it right and made it" Michael sigh of relief as he glad he know that he barely have enough correct answer to pass the exam

"yeah but you just BARELY have the passing grade" said Mira.

"yeah, but a pass is still a pass right" Both Nuh and Mira take sigh for Michael statement

"so Nuh what is your plan for the vacation before high school entrance start?" Ask Michael

"well I'm going for a trip with my parents to my grandpa in the countryside" answer Nuh.

"cool, how about you Mira?" Michael then ask Mira and Mira replied "I'm going to my grand parents too on the countryside with Nuh's family".

Mira and Nuh grand parents are actually next door neighbor in the countryside, and Nuh and Mira first encounter with each other is also in the countryside when they visit their grand parent when they were 4 years old.

"Damn you guys sometimes always together and left me out" Michael grumbling

"then how about you Michael?" Nuh ask Michael and Michael reply "so there is stack of games I really-really want to play yeah, so I decided long ago that this vacation after the exam, until the high school entrance start I will dedicate the whole vacation time to finish them all".

Ten Nuh says "so you decided from long ago that you want to focus on your games alone, stuck in your home until the start of high school entrance while you saying we left you out the whole vacation?"

"Yeah" Michael cheekily smile.

Both Nuh and Mira sigh at Michael again.

Nuh, Mira and Michael then take a walk back home together and then Michael going separate ways at the road's intersection to his home, while Nuh and Mira decide on going back on Nuh's bike

"so Nuh, wich high school did you decide to choose?" Ask Mira to Nuh.

"I choose Trisula high school, it is a decent high school with a low passing grade, even with Michael passing grade, you still can be accepted there, me and Michael already decided going there long time ago when we enter 3rd year" said Nuh

Mira suddenly says excitedly "trisula high school? Really? I choose there too"

Both Nuh and Mira are very happy deep inside their heart.

Then Mira asked "why you decided to go there?"

And Nuh answer "well the main big reason is because that is the only high school in the area that would accept someone like Michael and still be a good and decent high school"

Mira a bit confused at first then Nuh continued with his reason, "so... after we enter 3rd year, one day Michael suddenly asking me to planning for choosing a decent high school that would accept dumb people like him after he being chewed up by his mother because he playing games all the time after he enter the 3rd year. And after researching about that place for Michael, I'm starting to think it actually a good high school for me too, the good education despite low passing grade, fairly good environment, multiple achievement and awards both from the students and the school itself, not to mention it relatively close. So then I decide that I also choose that school, and when I tell Michael that I would choose that high school too, he is so happy about it that he would cut his gaming time for study, so we could surely enter there together. And the result now, he really might able to pass... well barely pass... probably"

Nuh explaining the reason why he choose trisula high school as Mira giggles hearing such funny reason behind it, and Nuh also laughing knowing Mira giggles from his explanation.

And they finally arrived at Mira's home, and then greeted by Mira's father watering the front garden.

"oh hello Nuh, you driving Mira back from school? You must be very tired, my daughter gain a lots of weight recently, she probably weight you down real bad"

Mira's father joking around

"DAD!" Mira shout to his father while her face spouting for him making fun of her in front of Nuh

"ha-ha, it is fine sir, it is a light works for me" said Nuh

"oh yes Nuh, I have talked with your father and decided we are going to go to the countryside the day after tomorrow by train together, so tomorrow you can rest and have time to prepare for the trip" said Mira's father.

"okay Mr. Reyhan, I'll take my leave then, bye Mr. Reyhan, bye Mira" Nuh bid his farewell to Mira and her father.

When Nuh return home, his mother greet him

Nuh enter the house "I'm home"

"oh welcome back dear, how's your exam? Is it difficult?" Nuh's mother greet him and asked for the exam

and Nuh answer

"I'm good mom, it is a walk in the park, after all I prepared for it from long time ago".

Nuh is quite a smart kid he earn a high score in exam multiple time and got a 3rd ranking in the whole city for elementary national exam, in the middle school national exam, he might also gain a high rank for it.

Nuh get back to his room take a shower and having dinner with his family, after a nice peaceful day, Nuh take good sleep in his bed and having a dream about the future... a grim future of the world.