
Dawn of Terra

The world of Terra is the world that is similar to our earth with similar creatures and similar intelligence creature like human called terran living on it, the terran have a very similar culture and civilization like human on earth. But the planet Terra is being invaded by a foreign entity that trying to devour it, a boy fated to save the Terra, need to fight the foreign entity beyond the constraint of time and space.

NoahRegis · Fantasy
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Chapter 2: Fated Encounter

A young man yawning, waking up from his bed after having a long dream. He then go downstairs,going for the well and washing his face as he greet the morning in his village.

The young man is the son of a farmer and the only noble on a humble barony, he is Noah Xander son of Tyr Xander.

The young man start his day by having a quick breakfast with yesterday dinner leftover soup and bread. He then go to help his father working on the farmland along with other farmer of Xander barony in the Tyr village.

The Tyr village is located on a small land on the valley of Tyr at the far east of the kingdom of Telles, bordering the kingdom with the great prairie and forest of hyme.

The baron Xander is under the viscount Soltice on the Tegris County.

Everyday life in Tyr village are peaceful, they have enough food to live with, far from any war, the tax are not too high and burdening since viscount Soltice and count Tegris are both generous and good noble, and the overall condition in the Tegris county east of the Telles kingdom are great.

After the farm work, Noah is having a free time in the middle of the day until dinner time. He often hangout with the teenagers around his age in Tyr village

"hey Noah" greet Hanna, the daughter of the knight platoon leader stationed on the Tyr Village,

"done with your farm work today?" Ask Mark, son of a local butcher and meat shop owner in Tyr village

"you are quicker than usual today" said Alex, son of the local merchant and owner of general store in Tyr village

The three of them are often hangout and playing with Noah since childhood.

"yeah the heavy work are done yesterday and from today onward until the harvest time, it is all the light work, so I have more time to spare" said Noah

"then let's go to the river now, it is hantis season, there is probably a lot of them there" said Alex enthusiastically,

"I brought the fishing rod from my pop's store for all of us" said Alex.

Then Hanna cheekily says "you stole stuff from your father's store again aren't you?"

Alex reply " no... it was a mutual contract agreement between me and my pop for the investment of four fishing rods for a bucket full of hantis as a reward"

"so your dad lend you the fishing rods for you to return it with a bucket full of hantis?" Ask Mark

"exactly" said Alex

"what a way to teach your problematic son about investment" say Noah in his mind.

Despite a poor farmer noble, Noah also learn many knowledge to ethic and manners, because despite at the lowest rank he is still a noble after all. Such knowledge about economy are needed for the prosperity of the village and as he would one day take his father position and manage the village, it was what Noah should learn eventually. So despite his age, Noah are much more knowledgeable than most of the teenager even more than some adult in the village.

And so the group going to the river for fishing the hantis.

Hantis is a species of river fish that are usually migrating upstream to the river near Tyr village in the middle of summer for mating, this migration called hantis season by the people of Tyr village.

The hantis are quite the delicacy with few bones and fat juicy thick meat, so sometimes when hantis season came, many people would fishing for them in the river.

Finally the group arrive at the river, and there is already many people fishing around the river. Most of them are familiar face from the Tyr village, but it is not uncommon for some unfamiliar face fishing in the river since many people from other town and village would often came there for hantis when hantis season came.

"Ah... the village's four troublemakers are here" a bearded man sitting on the side of riving with fishing rod in his hand greet the group

"we are not troublemaker" protest Mark

"well maybe not all of you"said the bearded man while he sneer at Alex

Alex are quite known as troublemaker in the village. From peeping at woman's bath, stealing stuff from his father store, even releasing pok pok by accident and having them wracking the village's plaza, and for almost every shenanigans that Alex did, the three of them usually involved with it, so they mostly known as the village's four troublemaker.

Although the villagers know it was mostly Alex doings, but they still do that just for making fun the four of them.

"Well anyway are you here for the hantis?" Ask the bearded man,

"if so, you probably won't find a good spot for fishing around here, all the good spot already occupied" said the bearded man,

"how about going a little bit upstream, some hantis manage to pass through and probably there is a handful of them there", suggest the bearded man

The bearded man is the local carpenter Mr. Anderson, he is a good guy that sometimes making some wooden toys in his spare time as he train his crafting skill and give it to the children in the village.

"Thank you for the information Mr. Anderson, we'll get going then before the spot is taken" Noah replied

"okay be careful going there, the rocks are quite slippery and good luck with your fishing... oh and Alex, don't make a trouble" said Mr. Anderson

"I won't" Alex replied while Mr. Anderson laughing as the four of them going upstream.

After moving passing the rocky area on the riverside, they arrive at a place where they see many of hantis are swimming around, there they fishing and soon each of them filled up their bucket with hantis very quickly.

After all their bucket are filled, when they are about to return to village Noah notice a floating log with a black clothes across the river.

As he focus on it, he realize it was a terran floating.

"hey there is a terran over there" Noah shout to his friends.

Then Noah cast his fishing rod, hooked the unconscious terran's robe across the river and pulled it to his side, and the unconscious terran finally out of river.

Then Noah checking on the unconscious terran in a concealing black hooded robe, and when Noah remove the hood, Noah and the other surprise to see a girl face

"its a girl... is she okay?" Hanna asking with concern

Noah checking the girl's condition, her pulse and breathing are normal, although she is cold, he think she is fine and just unconscious, so the group return and bring the girl to the village.

The group take the unconscious girl to Noah's home, his father surprise at first and ask Noah's mother to take care of the girl to the guest room.

"where did you find her" ask Noah's father

"on the river while we fishing for hantis" answer Noah

Noah's father ask again "did you find anyone else beside her?"

While Noah answer "no, she is alone floating on a log by the river, she might be from upstream when she fell unconscious and floating away on a log carried by the stream"

"yeah that is most likely the case, for now we let her rest and if she wake up and get a little bit better, we may ask her origin" said Noah's father.

And so this begin of the fated encounter between Noah and the unconscious girl, for the fated future yet to come.