
Dawn of Terra

The world of Terra is the world that is similar to our earth with similar creatures and similar intelligence creature like human called terran living on it, the terran have a very similar culture and civilization like human on earth. But the planet Terra is being invaded by a foreign entity that trying to devour it, a boy fated to save the Terra, need to fight the foreign entity beyond the constraint of time and space.

NoahRegis · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 : Dusk of Chaos

The world we live in are not the only world exist, there is infinite numbers of worlds out there, one of them are "Terra", a world with much resemblance to our Earth, from the inhabitants to the nature, even the intelligence creature on Terra are the same as human on Earth, they refer themselves as "Terrans".

Although similar at a first glance, but this world are different, for example as the current era of Terra it was 8020 Terran Era (TE) it is equivalent to our Earth 4010 CE, it was twice the age of our earth and despite some similarity in culture, their civilization are much more advanced that they have settled on their moons by now.

And another great difference between Terra and our Earth, is that Terra are unfortunate enough to be invaded by a foreign entity.

It was exactly 50 years ago in 7970 TE.

Terra suddenly invaded by foreign entity that slowly devoured it.

The invasion of the foreign entity start with a sudden dusk in the middle of a day and suddenly the whole sky are in dark like a nightime, and then multiple sighting of a falling objects falling down to the Terra surface.

Later on this phenomena are called 'nightfall'

A thick black haze coming from those falling objects spawn the hideous and monstrous creature that ravage everything known as 'nightmares'.

Tese creatures wreak havoc on multiple nations and countries across the whole Terra simultaneously, and within a week the whole population of terran in Terra are reduced by 60%.

The remaining 40% formed a United Front from remaining countries and nations and took shelter on special built cities with special protection system from nightmare called 'sanctuary'.

1st sol 8000 TE - 00:00 AM, known in history since the foundation of United Front and the establishment of sanctuary system as the terrible new year of Hon sanctuary, the sudden attack of nightmares that suddenly invade the sanctuary without any clear sign of nightfall since it was in the middle of the night, it become the worst new year for Hon sanctuary.

The city streets that a moment ago full of people cheerfully celebrating the new year, are turn into chaos and terror with panic people trying to save their live running away from nightmares.

Man and woman screaming, children are crying and the sight of nightmares slaughtering terrans are all over the place.

"This is captain Han from 4th battalion 2nd company, requesting for AF backup on 3rd grand square main street ASAP" a request that is transmitted in the communication line as the gunfire heard echoing in the hellish landscape of a battlefield that once a grand parade not too long ago took place.

The Hon Defense Forces (HDF) trying their best evacuating civilians and eliminating the nightmares. "Lee just take all the injured civilians, pass them to the police in the evacuation AMV and let the medic on the shelter treat them later, we must clear the area and regroup to form defense line with the other quickly" scream the captain of HDF 4th battalion 2nd company, captain Han adya.

The nightmares that suddenly came from the middle of the Hon sanctuary grand square are being slowly pushed back by the HDF, as the heavy gunfire on a defense line formed by the 4th battalion 2nd company firing at the nightmares.

A scythe crawler suddenly coming from the flank and attacking one of the soldier "AAAAAHHHH" soldier screaming as his arm being cut by the scythe crawler.

"M*THER F*CKER" a swear coming from the soldier's mouth while he firing his gun at the scythe crawler emptying the gun's cartridge and killing it

"Lee get him on the back and stop his bleeding" captain Han ordering Tian Li the 4th battalion 2nd company combat medic specialist, "sir where is our AF backup? we almost run out of heavy blaster cartridge and there is still many large nightmare from the core spawn about to come" lieutenant steven frustrated asking.

"just hang on for another few minutes, they will coming soon" captain Han answer, "we don't have a minute" protest lieutenant steven in the middle of gunfire.

The HDF 4th battalion are mostly consist of infantrymen and their main duty is the protection of the civilians within the sanctuary, the 4th battalion company only having light weaponry and some heavy blaster while the majority of their vehicles are light to medium armored vehicle used to carry troops and civilians, some medium armored vehicle are equipped with heavy blaster, so they maybe able to handle small to medium sized nightmare spawned from the core spawn, but the large nightmare are starting to spawn and the 4th battalion didn't have enough firepower to handle them.

Finally the defense line are about to be broken, "Oh shit here come the big guy" scream one of the soldier as the large nightmare coming closer.

The 4th battalion 2nd company firing away the heavy blaster but it only able to flinch and stun the large nightmare for a moment, the firepower are not enough to take it down.

And when the last cartridge for heavy blaster emptied, the whole morale of the soldier dropping drastically in a second and many have despair written in their face, but some brave ones just blasting whatever they have to the large nightmare even if it do nothing to them but they still continue to hold the line. "Keep the fire going, the AF from 2nd battalion will soon be here, we need to hold the line or else the nightmare would reach out the shelters where the civilians located" shout captain Han encouraging the 4th battalion 2nd company.

The large nightmare is coming and preparing for an attack, while in an ongoing heavy fire, captain Han noticed a kid under a rubble, the large nightmare arm start to transform and glowing in red, and without thinking more, captain Han run to the kid when the large nightmare firing a beam that broke the defense line.

The large nightmare attack killing multiple soldier and give opportunity for the other nightmare to advance, captain Han got heavily injured as his body protecting the kid from the large nightmare attack while the remaining soldier recovering after that attack.

They know they wouldn't last, but either they simply die there or die trying, so they rise up and start to firing at the advancing nightmare.

Captain Han although is about to collapse with heavy injury and bleeding, one of his arm reaching for his gun while the other is holding the kid thightly as he whisper to the kid

"its alright, everything is going to be fine", and at that moment, an explosion appear in the middle of the advancing nightmare one after another, and the face of despairing soldier turn into a relief one with eyes full of hope, and from the kid eye there is a reflection of a silhouette of a giant coming down from the sky, it was a blue Armored Frame (AF) from the 2nd battalion.

"thank you for your hard work and sorry for the wait, taking care of the other core spawn took longer than expected" said the operator of the blue AF from inside the cockpit.

He then starting to firing at the nightmare and then a grey AF dashing to the nightmares as he reveal glowing beam blades from the AF's arms, the grey AF slashing through countless of nightmare and executing many large nightmares with ease, while grey and blue AF killing the nightmares, another three AF flying by and assisting on eradication of the nightmares.

Slowly the five AF thin out large numbers of nightmares and finally manage to get closer to the core spawn, on the core spawn, the thick black haze where the nightmare spawn from, it somehow gathered in more smaller and compact sized, looking more solid like trying to protect itself.

Then the grey AF revealing and activate it's inner device and the frame start glowing bright.

As the frame glowing, the light from the inner device dissipate the black haze and revealing a bright red crystal from the haze, the grey AF then take aim and shot the crystal shatter it apart.

"And that is the last of it" said the blue AF operator, "the whole 4th battalion did great holding the line, now take a rest and let the 3rd battalion handle the clean up" the operator of the blue AF talking to captain Han.

Only one short and simple sentence coming from captain Han as a reply while he having a sigh of relief "thank you".

The battle took about 6 hours, it only just 5 core spawn that suddenly appear inside the sanctuary, but the casualties almost reaching millions and it is almost 30% of the whole Hon sanctuary population, and as the dawn came, the people of Hon sanctuary greet the new day with a sigh of relief and heart of grief.

hey ya'll reading this, this is my first time I writing a novel, I just want to do this as something to spare and trying to make it as a hobby since I like to imagine and fantasize on stuff, even making my own lucid dream sometimes as enterteinment at night, and one day I'm thinking, hey how about I make what I always fantasized about and make a novel out of it.

And so here I am, with my very first chapter.

Oh and this novel is quite a tease with some plot twist, so I hope you are quite patience on put the puzzle piece together, as I update each chapter, and in advance I'm sorry if I'm bad with picking words, afterall I'm a beginner, like this is my very first time writing a story, like I never ever did this once even when I was still in school

NoahRegiscreators' thoughts