
Dawn of Mystical Era

Like the surge that subsides after it's time, the era of Gods and Devils is returning, how far will a person go for his ideals in this mystical epoch? Please post review and vote support me at ko-fi.com/krishnayadav https://www.patreon.com/krisna97 There would be 5 chps updated weekly If there are 50 stones it would go to 7 chps Each review means 1 extra chi on the already 5 chps

Krishna9u · Fantasie
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77 Chs

44: Ghouls

Wade understood, although he was a fourth-grade apprentice, with Abby's help not only was his speed of making nodes increased but also his potioneering skills had helped him improve at a tremendous speed.

Abby also helped him in learning spells which might even surpass Sam and others in learning spells.

As for Melissa and the others were relying on the missions to gain knowledge, meaning they would try not to go on it if not required. Bringing them out was no help at all if they were unwilling, and they might even become a danger.

Hence keeping them within the academy was also good for them.

"Come! Let me make the introductions!" Sam smiled.

"The green-haired girl is Jill, and the one beside is Freya. They are both apprentices under my mentor and advanced to Rank 2 Apprentice two months ago..."

"Hello! Wade!" Jill's eyes shone and she took the initiative to approach Wade.

"It is really lucky to be able to go on a mission with you this time!" Freya stuck out her chest and spoke in a sexy voice in a very nasal pitch.

Seeing this scene, Karon looked elsewhere, his expression a little gloomy.

"I only have a little talent in Potioneering and I must even thank Mentor Fred, it was him who..." Wade rubbed his nose.

He knew that he only needed to reveal a bit of desire and this beautiful girl would pounce into his arms. However, he had been concentrating on cultivation lately and had very little wants in this aspect.

Furthermore, after so many of his wild trysts in his previous world, to him, Freya was only a girl who was good looking.

"Alright, what are the contents of our mission?" Wade took the initiative and asked, interrupting what Freya was going to say next.

"As this is our first time going on a mission together, I am preparing to take on the simplest one: hunting the Ghouls in the dead forest around 30 to 40 miles from the academy. They have a core in their heads which are used in the research of necromancy, what do you all think?"

In fact, the five of them had not discussed this before so Sam was asking Wade so as to know his thoughts.

"What do you all think?" Sam asked everyone.

"Let's go! From what I know one Ghoul core sells for 2 magic crystal, so if we can get a dozen or so then our trip will be considered a success." Karon said.

"I don't mind either" Freya answered while looking towards Wade.

"Alright! I am also interested in this Ghoul cores!" Wade agreed.

This team of theirs was newly formed, so taking on a simple mission to improve their teamwork was within reason. From this, it could be seen that Sam was a good leader.

"Abby! Scan!" Wade commanded silently.

[Beep! Karon. Strength: 1.2, Agility: 1.1, Vitality: 2.0, Spirit: 3.7. Status: Healthy]  

[Jill. Strength: 1.1, Agility: 1.4, Vitality: 2.1, Spirit: 4.3. Status: Healthy]  

[Freya. Strength: 1.8, Agility: 2.0, Vitality: 2.9, Spirit: 4.6. Status: Healthy]  

"Ever since the processing capability of Abby increased, its perceptive ability has also increased. Not including the Sages, all the apprentice in the academy right now are unable to escape the readings of Abby." Wade mused silently.

These readings must naturally prioritise not alarming the other party. As Sages have a layer of force field around them constantly, Abby would definitely be discovered if it was to attempt to take readings of them.

"From this data, everyone has indeed advanced into Rank 2 Apprentice. However, I never thought that Freya was the strongest of them.

It seems like this girl has also done some physical enhancements. Her body and strength are not to be underestimated!"

These few people had just advanced, and even if they had bought spell models before, they might not be able to comprehend it.

Furthermore, the models have to be constructed in the mind, so they were definitely unfamiliar with it. After all, basic spells are still very dangerous to a Rank 2 Apprentice.

Without complete control of them, there is a chance of failing and even causing a backlash!

Based on just their physical strengths, Freya could possibly defeat the two of them in one fell swoop if no one was to use any spells.

This Freya, who seemed to be interested in him and wanted to approach him, was actually the strongest out of the team of three new guys.

It was likely that only Sam knew of this. The corners of Wade's lips arched into a smile.

To be in full control of Rank 0 spells, regular Rank 2 Apprentice must practice for at least 3 months to half a year.

However, for him, he will learn the spell in a flash once Abby has completely analysed the spell model and transmitted it to his conscious.

As for the might of any of the Rank 0 spells, they are not something that a simple body modification can withstand. If done by Sages, than it would be a different matter.

While Wade had been taking the readings, Sam had already run to the counter and accepted the patrolling mission. After the discussion with everyone, they set off and left the academy.

Wade's eyes could not help but squint as the piercing sunlight shone down.

He used his hands to block the sunlight. His snow white hands were a sickly pale colour, like an ill person who lost too much blood.

It was due to him staying in his lab the whole time and spending very little time basking in the sunlight.