
Dawn of Mystical Era

Like the surge that subsides after it's time, the era of Gods and Devils is returning, how far will a person go for his ideals in this mystical epoch? Please post review and vote support me at ko-fi.com/krishnayadav https://www.patreon.com/krisna97 There would be 5 chps updated weekly If there are 50 stones it would go to 7 chps Each review means 1 extra chi on the already 5 chps

Krishna9u · Fantasy
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77 Chs

45: Outside

"Let's go!" Sam took the lead.

Looking at the foggy mountain behind them and the two statues of what he had learned were mechanical guards, Wade turned his head and followed the rest of the team.

"We are going southwest area of the academy, where quite a number of Ghouls have been showing up recently. We need to clean up their numbers, as well as a few other living organisms.

Of course, all of the materials that we acquire will belong to us. Moreover, everyone receives a remuneration of 3 Magic Crystals."

After the five of them walked out of the mountain pass, Sam picked a spot and took out a huge map and spoke as they crowded around.

On the huge paper, the Black Academy was located in the centre and occupied about ten percent of the total area.

There were a few simple routes around it, and there were descriptions of the places written in black colour. A few dangerous places were also marked in red with warning signs.

"We had better hurry there and begin our hunting. This mission requires us to bring back the hearts of 12 Ghouls as evidence of completing the mission. Do you guys have any other questions?" Sam ended with a question, displaying the bearings of a leader.

After he saw Wade and the others shake their heads, he continued and said: "Since we are teammates, let us not hide anything from each other. Each of us should report our general strengths so the others can have a better understanding! I'll go first!"

"I'm Sam, I am a Rank 4 Apprentice. I know four Rank 0 spells and one advanced Rank 0 spell!"

"Sam, I never thought that you'd have learned an advanced spell already! It seems like your last mission was a huge success... I'm Freya, I have a good physical qualities because of physical modification. I am still learning the Rank 0 spell "Mage Hand" but I'm unable to use it yet!" While saying this,Freya looked at Sam with a little surprise.

"I'm Jill, I...I am still learning a spell, but I am good with bows and arrows!" Jill said shyly.

"Karon, Rank 2 Apprentice. I don't know any spells but my archery skills aren't bad!" He never thought that Freya would have already begun to learn spells and was a little embarrassed. Patting the wooden bow on his back, he continued, "Don't worry, I will not be a burden to all of you!"

"Wade, Rank 2 Apprentice. I am good with a crossbows. Right now I have learnt a spell!" Wade said.

"Even you have learnt a spell...Oh! I'm sorry!" Karon said a little disconcertingly. He originally came to the Academy a year early the Wade.

He also knew that Wade had entered only half a year ago from Sam.

Never did he think that Wade's accomplishments would already exceed his by such a margin in such a short time.

"No worries!" Wade shook his head and indicated that he did not mind it.

In fact, Karom's meditation efficacy was the same as Wade's. It was simply that he did not have enough Magic Crystals to exchange for information and other precious resources. Hence, he was gradually losing out to Wade.

"You are indeed as the rumors describe you! Do you know what others are calling you now?" Freya said in admiration.

"Oh? I don't mind hearing about how others are evaluating me!" Wade said amused.

"A Potioneering genius who is seen once every century! If you did not already have a mentor, the other Potioneering professors would have invited you to be their apprentice!" Freya's pitch was very high and sparks almost seemed to jump out of her eyes.

Seeing Freya's fiery gaze, as well as the expressions of Jill and the others, Wade smiled bitterly.

To sell his potions faster, he could not help but take on the role of a Potioneering-genius acolyte.

Fortunately, he had his senior Sam to take the brunt of the attention off him. If not for this, the attention given to him would be much greater.

"Oh right! Wade, you should have enough resources if you always sell potions right? Why would you still need to come out?" Karon asked softly.

"About this? You know that the knowledge on what to do after you form your 5th apprentice rune and the path to Sage all require Academy points.

I thought it was better to start taking up some missions from the start so that when I need it it won't be to late and I would then have to start taking dangerous missions to make up the number of points.

Besides, I have just learnt a spell so I need to familiarise myself with it!" Wade added at the end.

Wade's main purpose was to make preparations for travelling out alone to look for a black market in the future. However, such a thing could not be mentioned.

"Alright! Let the gossip end here! Our destination is not far away but it will take some trouble to get there! If we don't move out soon, the sky will turn dark!" Sam pat his hands, picked up his blade and led the party to a Humvee that was not far ahead.

"Let's go!" Wade followed behind and sat at the middle.

"I want to sit with you!" Freya sat by Wade's side, not masking her intentions in the slightest. Jill followed next, with Karon sitting at the back.

After driving straight for around 30 minutes they reached their destination arm everybody got down from the Humvee.

"Be careful, the area near the school is vacant land, but now that we have entered the forest, there will be a lot more danger!" Sam continued walking as he reminded the party.

Wade did not bother with Freya who was beside him. Instead, he paid more attention to his surroundings all the way while also maximising the Abby's detection range.

This was his first time coming into contact with the dangerous magic world outside of the academy so he could not help but be more alert.