
Dawn Of Destruction

Before you start reading, remember that this is a work of fantasy and any terminology found is an idea thought of by the author. I have no intention of offending anybody with this book, and if I have so far then I wholeheartedly apologize for that. ... It was a game, that is what it was, or at least that is what it was supposed to be. On the last day of the MMORPG LORDS, a day signifying its ultimate end, the high rankers of the game came together to stage an event, a PVP event to once and for all determine who the greatest player is. As one of the high-rankers, Sango as well participated in the game, getting to the last draw with his opponent. That was his last memory of LORDS, of his comrades and the world known to him as Earth. Awakening his eyes, his vision displayed before him a horrendous scene accompanied by a child monster kin, with a statue of himself versed as incarnate of authority. He was told that he had become a God in this new world, a God hated and feared by all for what he represents. The ones who acknowledged themselves as his followers were brutally murdered, and deemed heretics who were against the laws of the nine Gods. The last surviving follower beseeched unto him for might so that revenge can be claimed on those responsible for the massacre of her tribe. This is a story about a God walking down the path of destruction, staying true to his heritage.

Catastrophy_Y9 · Fantasie
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137 Chs

Abranyth Empire Courtroom

*** One Month Later ***

Location = Capital City Of Abranyth Empire Known As

Vodia Capital City

An Empire with a not so long history surrounding its foundation, but has already solidified itself as the sole monarchy taking up a single Continent out of the world's geographical plane.

A Continent large enough that when compared to earth, would need the multiplication of the largest Continent on earth by four to get its size right.

After the unification and the naming ceremony, the Abranyth Empire was then divided into five regions.

The Northern Region, The Southern Region, The Eastern Region, The Western Region and The Central Region.

Each of the region is ruled over by a Grand-Duke with the exception of the Central Region where the capital is located and is ruled over by the Emperor.

The four Grand-Dukes are vested with authority over their region and the rights to name a lord of their own. Their powers however all come from the Emperor who has the absolute authority to rescind their position if ever the needs arise.

Abranyth Empire was founded by a low born, similar to stories that tells the tale of an ordinary born rising to become the best even amongst layers of genius and talents.

The only difference between those stories and this, is that this is reality and not a story. An event that really happened thereby putting the high ranked members in the Continent in shock.

The unification of several kingdoms under one umbrella requires strength, determination, and long life to accomplish.

Tired of the way the Continent was being handled by the high ranked members, the current emperor, Avidius, made it his purpose to bring about stability to the Continent by merging the separated kingdoms and forcefully bring them all together.

It was a conquest that took him one hundred and thirty-five years to accomplish, but he did it nonetheless, and now he sits at the hierarchy watching over the activities of the land and ensuring that war was no longer a natural occurrence to the people.

In a way, it would not be too far fetched to refer to him as a God trapped in the body of mortals.

That same majestic being is not without his own worries. One of the cities under his empire has been distanced in communication and transportation by an unknown source.

No communication from within the city has been able to leak out, and all attempts to get into the city using the outside forces have proved futile.

"Any ideas people? I am open minded to whatever suggestions you might have up in your head".

In the courtroom, a place where the high ranking nobles gather to discuss terms concerning the empire, with the Emperor present at the top most floor of it where he can see the heads of each noble from where he majestically sat on.

The Emperor has a manly type body size, the type gotten from excess weight lifting and going through body management procedures.

Both his height and body weight can be linked to a famous actor by the name of 'D' and a nickname starting with a 'T' for reasons known to you, I am unable to say the full name, but I can tell you that he starred in a movie with its name starting with 'B' under a production company by the name 'D' owner of the famous 'S and B'

If you still don't get it after all the clue, you can ask for specifications under the comment section.

The Emperor Avidius sat in his throne demanding for solutions at the hands of the nobles whose body were fidgeting with his presence in their midst.

Following his words, the room was left dead silent with each of the Lords that are present, thinking of what to say to satisfy him with.

"your majesty, I suggest calling for the church's attention on this. The attack might have been from the unbelievers. If so, the church is the best solution out of this".

The Lord that spoke was standing on the right side in a position very near to the Emperor's throne.

He spoke with a calm collective mind, having a reassured expression different from the nobles fidgeting at his back and the ones lined up beside him.

His name is Sigmund Starck and he is the Prime Minister of the Abranyth Empire, holding the position of second in command only to the Emperor.

"No Sigmund, I don't want to get the churches involved. The glory will be theirs to claim, and I can't have that. I can't give them more power when my goal is to completely clip their wings".

Avidius openly and fearlessly declared his hate for the church, an organization that most of the nobles present in the court are involved with.

He said it, and did it while being intentionally oblivious to the dangers surrounding it.

The Lords on the other hand were not as shocked or as internally furious about it since it wasn't their first time hearing about it.

The animosity between the church and the Emperor did not just start on a whimp.

It began with the origin of the Emperor and also his accomplishments that involved him bringing to an end, several kingdoms whose faith in their God is unwavering, or so they say.

He ended the rule of kings and brought down the banner of years of history of a kingdom to an abrupt end.

In the eyes of the churches, he is not deemed as an Emperor but as an ill omen set to bring upon himself the wrath of the nine Gods for what he has done.

They have called him out for it on several occasions, making it known to him that the path he is walking on is against the teachings of the nine Gods who forbids the existence of a single Monarch ruling over a Continent as his own.

Avidius turned deaf ears to their warning with claims of his own that if the Gods truly care that much, why haven't they done anything to put an end to the oppressing reign that most of the nobles in the kingdom gave to their subjects.