

(Reupdated Story) Aiden White now living with his father in the small town of Forks, Washington. as mysterious things keep happening around him and the people. as unexplained deaths, and attacks keep happening. all centered around a group of teens, one he can't seem to keep his eyes off of.

_ANANSI_ · Andere
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22 Chs


Far away from the bus debacle, the once seen large man was standing at the edge of a cliff waiting for his family, like a god looking down on the mortal realm.

He heard rustling of broken branches as he turned around to find a blur of sorts before it settled down. As the next minute something was tossed onto the ground. But before it hit the man with superhuman reflexes caught it. 

"Rosalie, what did you do?" the hulking man said to the women standing a couple of feet away. 

Now holding the woman in the white dress, he sways back and forth, as if he was holding a child in its fathers' arms. 

"Me, nothing, ask her what went wrong," Rosalie said, flicking her head toward the woman. 

The large man looked at Rosalie with curiosity but still guardedness, as he loved his sister but sometimes her actions didn't match the event. He said out loud.

By the edge of a rocky cliff, the man seemed to be having a hushed conversation. The woman recounted the events of what happened. As his eyes opened wide, realizing the severity of what happened.

"YOU ALMOST KILLED A HUMAN" he said out loud. As it echoed across the cliff. 

"Emmi, he smelled so good, it instantly made my throat burn, as if it was the most appetizing thing in the world. I couldn't stop myself, I tried, I really tried" she cried out sobbing in his arms.unable to stop.

"Why didn't you take her home, Rosalie?" he said with a little irritation in his voice.

Rosalie looked at the man as if he was the stupidest man on the planet, as if the answer was obvious. coming closer to the others, pointing her perfect finger into his chest.

"First, what would that solve? Huh, she would have kicked and screamed like a child, until she saw you. 

Second, she is not my mate, and what does that have to do with me? I am not the mother "Rosalie said while looking into the water far down below.

And third I was also a few seconds away from doing the same thing, but because I have discipline, I was able to get us out of there in time." she said lastly. 

"So, you should be thanking me Emmett, not berating me like I'm a dog that has defecated on the rug." She said, clearly unpleased by the situation. 

"You guys should stop fighting, I could hear you from the other side of the forest." said an unknown voice.

Emmett was about to say something back to her but stopped, as another set of glowing golden yellow eyes from the shadow emerged from the forest behind them.

Revealing a tall man with golden yellow eyes and porcelain white skin just like the other two. He had brown reddish hair that looked like he just woken up from a long sleep. 

"I'm almost amazed that you could control it for that long, Good job El." the figure said, as the curly haired woman nodded. 

"Edward, I understood your concern, what she did was uncalled for" he said.

I would have done the same thing, no offense Elise" Edward stated, looking at the women.

"It's fine, I'm not concerned with it anyway," finally coming out of the mental state, but Emmette didn't let her go. 

"Was it La Tua Cantante?". The tall lengthy man said. sparking an interest in the blonde woman.

"I don't think so, even I was affected by it too," Rosalie said.

"But it was new, definitely new, I would have gone crazy earlier than this if it was." Elise said, pulling away from her mate.

"It could be because you're still new to this as well, changing your appetite is not easy". Emmett said, as they all nodded in unison. 

"But as long as we don't kill or turn others, the treaty still stands, and we don't have to worry about the other covens." Edward stated. 

"Either way, we should get going, the others might get worried, we should finish up here, Carlisle might have something to say about this" Edward said again, moving away not to be seen.

I know you're still hungry, so you should feed, I saw a clutter of bobcats not far from here." she said, pointing behind her, before running off into the forest. 

"Thank you, Rosalie," Elise called out, but Rosalie was already gone.

Elise looking at her mate, she had a little but of sadness 

"I really tried to stop, Emmett but it wouldn't let me." 

"I know sweety, don't worry about it, I know." he said as they ran off to finish their nightly hunt.