
Daughter of the Rare White Werewolf

While growing up young orphan Rena Harper wanted to be like everyone else except she was a hybrid. Now in college she thought this would be a little bit of a change for her by making friends and discovered a little bit more about the world around her. Until her whole world is turned upside down when she discovers she is the daughter of the rare white shadow wolf! Now with race against time to defeat the evil dark shadow alpha wolf, Rena must learn how to handle her newly founded self and protect the ones she cares the most while handling her college life and unveiled hidden secrets about her past and before she was born. Even she will tell you her story from her point of view. (Copyright)

LadyTheHybridGirl · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Modeling and Z on the Loose

I felt real energized after I slept last night and I meet two more people when I arrived in the campus building. Their names were Kelly and Aura and they didn't know that I was a werewolf or a meif'wa which is a cat person. We were talking in the hallway when I saw Z on one of the steps of the stairs, so I quickly left my group and ran straight for the stairs. Before I got there, I tripped right in front of someone taking pictures of Aiden and this other girl. The girl walked up to me and spoke to me in her nasty voice, "Um... excuse me, but didn't you see this is a photo-shoot what about you scram and go back to the place where you belong."

When I got up, I went to the stairs quickly trying to catch up to Z, but someone told me to stop. I turned around and the photographer began to speak, "Can you posed like this for me?" He had his one hand under his chin, while his elbow rested on his other arm, so I did the same thing and I smiled softly. Then after a few pictures he looked at his camera and I rushed over to my friends. I was out of breath, but I quickly said, "Guys Z was in my bag and now he's on the loose in the campus building!! Can you guys help me find him please!?"

Soon enough the photographer came over to me and said, "Young lady, you have the potential of a model, how would you like to pose with Mr. Walker?" I looked over at Aiden then my friends yes for me, but before I was pushed away from my friends, Scarlet whispered in my ear and said, "Don't worry we'll find him, while you do this." When the shoot was about to begin I saw my friends racing up stairs and started looking for Z. It was kind fun doing some fun poses and I had that strange feeling again which was driving me crazy. It was super awesome because I was excuse from my class for the day because I was doing this modeling for the camera.

As soon we were able to take a break, the same girl walked up to me and said, "He only chose you because you just a pathetic girl who has no reason to come here. You're just like those loser, but you're just a scum who has no reason to be around Aiden because I'm his mate you riffraff. So what go back to where you belong." She turned her back on me and walked away, then I began to cry. I left without telling anyone I was going back to the dorm. I didn't even answer my phone when I got inside and locked the door, while I sat in the darkness.

The hours past by slowly as I hid under my covers crying my eyes out. Just then I heard a knock at the door which I said in sad voice, "Please go away!!" "Rena I know you're in there, please let me talk to you," it was Aiden's voice. So I got out of my bed, turned on the lights and unlocked the door. When I open the door Aiden was standing there with Z in his arms and Z jumped out of his arms into mine. I collapsed onto the floor holding Z in my arms, while I cried from being scared, happiness, but mostly sadness.

Then I felt warmth being wrapped around me followed by Aiden's voice. "Shhh... it's ok Rena. Everything is ok you don't need to cry I got you," he said stroking the back of my head. He continued to speak, "Ivy just thinks everything should be hers and I promise you're ok now." I slowly calmed down after awhile and Aiden slowly let go of me and started petting Z on the head. "Did you know you're not allowed to have pets in the dorms, but I'll keep this as a secret as well since you two are very close," he said before leaving out the door.

Once I closed the door, I saw a red collar around Z's neck and a folded piece of paper attach to it. At this point Z was past out after his adventure he had, so I placed him on my bed, gently grab the note from the collar and read the note. It said, 'Hey Rena, I found him in the library and I over heard your friend trying to look for him. So I went to the pet store and got him the collar and some name tags so he doesn't ended up lost again. P.S Alana told me your phone number yesterday. Keep smiling Rena- Aiden'.

I looked at Z and slowly petted him. I also thought to myself, 'Thank you Aiden for finding him... I guess not all of this world is not as bad as it seems.' I was grateful that Z came back, but I wondered what other secrets was Aiden hiding?