
Daughter of the Rare White Werewolf

While growing up young orphan Rena Harper wanted to be like everyone else except she was a hybrid. Now in college she thought this would be a little bit of a change for her by making friends and discovered a little bit more about the world around her. Until her whole world is turned upside down when she discovers she is the daughter of the rare white shadow wolf! Now with race against time to defeat the evil dark shadow alpha wolf, Rena must learn how to handle her newly founded self and protect the ones she cares the most while handling her college life and unveiled hidden secrets about her past and before she was born. Even she will tell you her story from her point of view. (Copyright)

LadyTheHybridGirl · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Werewolf and The Shadow Wolf encounter


It's been two months since I transformed into the white shadow wolf and I learned that I can transformed into a human, but the scariest thing was the alpha shadow wolf was after me. So, it's best to be alert and train my hardest to get stronger to able to take down the alpha of the shadow wolves. When I stepped onto the campus grounds, Z jumped out of my bag and ran inside. I quickly raced after him trying not to lose him like last time when he was loose in the building. When I found him, he was getting petted by Aiden which Z really likes a lot.

"Let me guess, Z jumped out of your bag, so he can find me," Aiden asked, while looking at me.

"I didn't train him to do that and I swear he has some weird personality like going into my stuff on the shelf," I said.

When Z was done of being petted, he jumped right back into my bag and fell asleep. As soon as the bell rang, Aiden disappeared into the crowd and I quickly headed to my first class for the day. At one point, I quickly looked back for a minute because I felt like someone was following behind me, but there was no one there. So, I hurry to class and made sure I wasn't late for class.

During class, the intercom turned on and ask me to report to the dean's office, so I did. The hallways were extremely quiet, a little too quiet for my taste and I felt someone watching me, while I slowly walked to the dean's office. Suddenly I was being pinned down and be choked to death by a human, but this wasn't a human this was a shadow wolf.

"Give me... your blood white... shadow wolf!! GIVE IT TO ME.... NOW!!" he hissed in his creepy voice.

I tried breaking lose from his grip, but his grip was getting tighter each time I was breathing and I slowly closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes again, I was in the nurse's office with a breathing mask on my face.

I jolted up quickly and I thought to myself, 'Wait... what happened? The last thing I remembered was getting choked by a shadow wolf, but who saved me?'

Then I saw a figure behind the curtain, so I got up and open the curtain what I saw next shocked me to the core. It was a young man, but he was some sort of hybrid between a wolf and a dragon. He wore a black face mask, but I could see some of his markings on his face and his shirt was a long sleeve with a large neckline so he can breath. I also saw a yin charmed necklace around his neck and more markings on his neck. He took one looked at me then he walked towards me in a single stride.

I nearly fell over, but he caught me in time which I was kind of lucky.

Then I recognized who he was that I said, "It's you! The wolf that saved me from those guys in that alleyway!!"

He reached forward with his clawed hand and grabbed the breathing mask off of my face because I was awake now and I didn't need it. I saw him place the mask on the bed then he leaned forward still holding me in his arms and I can hear his breathing right next to my ears. Suddenly I felt sharp pains from my ear that I pushed him away from me in pain and being scared for my life. When I looked over he was gone like he was never there in the first place.

When I meet up with my friends again Kelly said, "Rena, what happen to your ear?"

I didn't say, so I remained quiet.

Soon enough Scarlet grabbed my wrist and she said, "Guys look at this."

I looked as well and on my wrist was a charmed necklace wrapped around my wrist and the charm was yang. Then I looked in between the cords of the necklace, there was a word on my wrist which said, 'Werewolf.' We were all confused at this point, who was this person who gave my this and bit my ear? Afterwards, me, Carly and Scarlet walked away, then Alana yelled, "Don't forget we're have a sleepover at your guys dorm tonight!"

Scarlet, Carly and I almost forgot that we planned a sleepover for tonight, so we quickly headed back to our dorm to get everything ready. I just hoped everything will be ok tonight and we will have a great night.