
Daughter of the Rare White Werewolf

While growing up young orphan Rena Harper wanted to be like everyone else except she was a hybrid. Now in college she thought this would be a little bit of a change for her by making friends and discovered a little bit more about the world around her. Until her whole world is turned upside down when she discovers she is the daughter of the rare white shadow wolf! Now with race against time to defeat the evil dark shadow alpha wolf, Rena must learn how to handle her newly founded self and protect the ones she cares the most while handling her college life and unveiled hidden secrets about her past and before she was born. Even she will tell you her story from her point of view. (Copyright)

LadyTheHybridGirl · Fantasie
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27 Chs

A Spooky Dare within Yin and Yang

We waited for the others to get here which was kinda boring and we were already in our pj's. My ears were hurting because after we had everything setup, Carly took me to get my other ear pierce because the other ear that was bitten into was big enough to put an earring in it. So, now I had both my ears pierce along with a bad headache due to how much blood was lost. Finally when they came, we began the sleepover. We shared snacks which were so good until Scarlet threw a pillow at me, that's when we all yelled, "PILLOW FIGHT!!"

Then it was time to play a game called 'Truth or Dare' which was going to get crazy. We each took turns on asking each other truth or dare. Soon enough it was my turn and Alana asked, "Rena you're up girl... truth or dare and you can't chicken out if you chose dare." I wasn't scared, so I said, "Alana I choose dare!" Everyone was shocked, but it made Alana smiled. Alana signal us to follow her and we did.

When we got there, we arrived at an old kinda alter place and in the middle was a large well. "OK Rena, your dare is which you have to be alone for is... you have to go up to the well and say 'Ayakashi' three times, we'll wait for you at the forest entrance." They went back through the forest and I was left alone, so I went up to the well. I looked down the well for a second before I said, "OK, here I go no spooky stuff. Ayakashi, Ayakashi... AYAKASHI!!"

I waited for a minute before I sighed in relief... there was nothing spooky. "If you keep on leaning in like that, you're going to ended up falling into the well," said a ruff spooky voice. I suddenly turned around and that same guy that bit me was leaning against a tree looking at me. Slowly I took out my pocket knife out of my pocket and in one quick movement I pinned him against the tree, while my blade rested on his neck which made him panic a little bit. The moonlight shine bright so I could see him real well in the darkness including my blade. "Why are you following me you creepy stalker? Give me a reason or else!!" I said staring into his eyes.

He could tell I wasn't messing around and I would easily cut him if he didn't tell me why he was following me. "OK I will tell you, but I would only tell you after you removed your blade from my throat," he said putting up his hands in complete surrender. I slowly removed my blade from his neck then I sat on the edge of the well still holding out my blade, so he can see it. Soon enough he said, "I'm only following you, so you don't run into danger like when you were getting harass by those men and werewolves." He then looked at me then he spoke again once more, "So, tell me this... why a girl like you doing in the Ayakashi forest at night in your pj's."

I looked at my pj's then I looked at him before I spoke, "I was at a sleepover and my friends dare me to yell that name into the well three times." Suddenly he started laughing at me because I went into the woods at night in my pj's to just yell into a well. "Sorry... I never thought some like you would risk her own life to come out her at night when there are shadow creatures running around in this forest," he said, but I still was offended by him laughing at me for doing that. "Why did you give this to me?" I said holding up my right wrist with the charm necklace on it. He softly smiled then he said, "I can see a powerful light inside you and you're strong even though no one can see it."

The wind blew softly and gently which made both of our hairs dance in the wind. "Werewolf that's the most nicest thing someone has ever said to me." I said smiling as well. Suddenly he disappeared into the shadows of the night, so I decided to head back to my friends. I already put my pocket knife away when I reached my friends, but I didn't tell them what happened back there. This was a secret I will keep to myself, but will I able to see him again or what he said was true?