
Dating Sim System In Different Worlds[DROPPED]

Joseph Holmes did not know how he died if there is something that he knows is that he is not in his original world anymore. Suddenly a sound ring inside his head. *Ding* [DSS: Welcome to the world of Rising of Shield Hero] [DSS: The four heroes have their weapons as a starter, to be fair you will receive a not so random skill in 3...2...1] [DSS: *Active Skill: Emotion Manipulation Received*] -- Disclaimer: I own nothing...but Joseph.

Mister_Ren · Anime und Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 40 - Meeting Mei.

In the inn.

"Umm...Tomorrow we resume walking...I've got to admit, leaving Konoha once in a while is good...Well, I will go to my room now," Joseph said, the three of them are in a separate room.

Joseph can fly to straight to Mist but he didn't want to carry Zabuza soo...yeah.

"Sleep well Joseph-sensei and Zabuza-san," Haku formally said, she can finally let her guard down because she is the only woman around Joseph...Those thieving cats!

"Hmm, You too...I will explore the town, I will see if there is some information I can gather," Zabuza said then left the inn.

Haku is the only person left in the inn cafeteria, after finishing her meal, she decided to go to her room too.

Joseph entered his room and noticed someone standing with blood-red eyes staring at him, He opens the lights and said, "It's rude to enter someone's room without their permission...I can kill you for that, Itachi-san," Joseph said with a neutral expression.

"My apologies..." Itachi emotionlessly said then added, "You know why I am here right?"

"I've been waiting for you..." Joseph said as he sits on his bed. "This would be much cooler if I had an office chair..."

"What does the seal means?" Itachi asked Joseph. He wanted to know if Joseph knew the story about why he massacres the entire Uchiha.

"I want to heal you for your service to the village," Joseph said, but Itachi knew that this isn't the reason.

"Cut the bullshit...Why?" Itachi said with a slightly hostile tone. His time is limited and Joseph is not answering him properly. It seems like Joseph knew about the story but he didn't know who told Joseph the information.

*knock knock*

"Joseph-sensei, can I enter?" The voice of Haku can be heard outside the door.

Joseph stood up and said, "Reasons is for humans, I do what I do because I like it..." He then applied the seal of regeneration to Itachi's neck...

Itachi touches his neck, then looks at the mirror beside him and saw a chain drawing on his neck. Before he can ask another question Joseph uttered a word...

[DDSv2: Itachi Uchiha added to Subordinates]

[Itachi Uchiha | Status: Health Degrading, Healing... | Chain | Neck, Seal of Regeneration]

"Vanish..." Joseph said with a completely emotionless face. Joseph tried to use his divinity to command the space and it successfully works.

Space swallowed Itachi as if it's taking Joseph's command as an order. Itachi didn't have the time to use body replacement as space already took him in.

"You can enter Haku-chan," Joseph kindly said.


The space spit Itachi in a different location.

'What a dangerous man...' Itachi thought then proceed to go back to Akatsuki's hideout.


The trio finally arrives in the mist. They got block by a few ninjas asking for their identity.

Before Haku can answer, the voice belonging to an old man resounded in the area, "Let them in, they are our backup."

Haku offered a handshake that Ao took and said, "Welcome to our camp...I will lead you to our leader..."

Ao was a middle-aged man with blue hair which is styled in a moused-up manner. His left eye was blue and his right eye was covered with an eye-patch

Zabuza getting weird vibes that this man is faking his kindness, It's like he is afraid of them...or more specifically...of Joseph.

The trio is taken to Mei's tent. Where Ao stood beside Mei.

"I am Mei Terumi the current leader of the resistant, Nice to meet you three...I didn't know that Konoha is so generous that they are sending one of their monsters..." Mei said while looking at Joseph as she licks her lips seductively.

Haku's thot sense is tingling, she took a step forward then said, "No matter how lovely you are, It is quite rude to lick your lips while looking at my lover...you are not a snake, aren't you? because snakes get killed," Haku said with a dark aura releasing in her body.

Mei felt weirded out because this is the time that her right-hand man will stop the girl in front of her from being rude. She looks beside her and saw Ao sweating and cannot move while staring at smiling Joseph.

Mei gently smiles then said, "Forgive me, I didn't know you are his lover...and to answer your question, no I'm not a snake., but I have two mountains that someone's snake can live in."

Haku unconsciously looks at Mei's breast then stare at her own, she got to admit that she loses in terms of size. Haku clench her fist and said, "I've got a feeling that I will destroy some mountains tonight."

"Stop, we are here to help them..." Joseph said as he is staring at Mei's breast without moving an inch.

"My eyes are up here man of steel, not that I mind you staring, An artist surely can appreciate a good landscape," Mei said with a flirty tone.

"Bitch..." Haku said with an emotionless voice, the dark aura around her is getting stronger by seconds.

Joseph noticed Haku can't take it anymore and decided to pat her head while using his skill. Supreme Hands(A) can remove nervousness, fatigue, and negative effects, effectively suppressing Haku's anger.

"Joseph-sensei?" Haku looks at Joseph with a blush on her cheeks.

Joseph summons a comfy chair from his inventory, then lift Haku and put her in his lap while patting her, which makes her go to heaven and ignore everything around her.

"Nice..." Zabuza said with a grin. He is getting worried because he knew that Haku is quite unstable when it comes to Joseph. Good thing that Joseph can calm her down with just a few actions.

'Space Ninjutsu? Seal?' Mei thought of many different things when she saw Joseph retrieving something out of nothing. She glances at Ao signaling if he knows something about that but Ao just shakes his head.

'A monster indeed,' Mei thought with sweat on her forehead.