
Dating Sim System In Different Worlds[DROPPED]

Joseph Holmes did not know how he died if there is something that he knows is that he is not in his original world anymore. Suddenly a sound ring inside his head. *Ding* [DSS: Welcome to the world of Rising of Shield Hero] [DSS: The four heroes have their weapons as a starter, to be fair you will receive a not so random skill in 3...2...1] [DSS: *Active Skill: Emotion Manipulation Received*] -- Disclaimer: I own nothing...but Joseph.

Mister_Ren · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 41 - War is coming

"So what is the plan?" Zabuza said.

Mei grabbed the map of the village the spread it on the table. "First, We need a distraction from the west here," She said while pointing to the map.

"We are not fit for diversion..." Joseph said.

"I know that is why I already assign a team for that, Yagura may be insane but he sure has many followers, We are not massacring everyone, that would make this village crumble from within," Mei explained.

"So you are basically saying that we can't go on a rampage?" Joseph said while looking disappointed. He pours his anger into petting Haku with made her little wet down there.

"Ahhh," Haku quickly covers her mouth before anymore sound came out.

Zabuza and Mei decided to do not question Haku's action.

"That right....ehem, so I want you to only kill Yagura and some of his big-time supporters, to make their army decay," Mei said seriously but can't take her eyes off from Haku, who is blushing on Joseph's lap

"Killing everyone is easier though," Joseph said with a sadistic smile.

"What happens after that?" Mei questioned. "Our village will be turned into a ghost town, weaker than every village."

"You have a point but that's not for you to decide," Joseph said will bloodlust in his eyes.


After their strategical meeting, Joseph and friends left the tent to rest.

'I'm so happy that Konoha actually sends some reinforcement...Their very own man of steel at that, but that man is quite unstable, I feel that he will explode anytime soon...' Mei thinks while puffing out smoke.


"Mizukage-sama our spy in the revolutionary army said that they acquire backups from Konoha, I'm afraid Konoha sent one of their powerhouse, the man of steel, based on the report the man of steel didn't acquire even a single scratch in all of his mission." One of Mizukage's jonin reported.

"I heard you but did he battle any of the jinchuriki before? Rally our troops! Time to make that steel melt," Yagura said without an ounce of nervousness in his voice.

"We are attacking now!? But Mizukage-sama we don't have any plans," The jonin said.

"Did I stutter? I tolerated that little army for such a long time, This is perfect to show the world the strength of the bloody mist," The Mizukage said with an evil smile.


Yasaka was a jonin of Kirigakure, he fully supports their current Mizukage, People with bloodlines are so full of themself that they treat people without one below them.

The 20 Jonins are gathering with the army behind their backs.

The Jonin commander started his war speech, "Comrades who suffer from the oppression of those with bloodlines, the time has finally come, this the moment we've been waiting for."

A bunch of ninjas started to release some blood lust. They truly believe that the bloodlines holder are all evil and they are doing the right thing.

"The Mizukage finally deliver his order, Death to bloodlines holder! Death to the Revolutionary army! Free the Kirigaruke from those evil wrenches! The purge starts now!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Sound of pure killing intent reverberated around Kiri.


Revolutionary army's base.

A ninja is giving a report to Mei, "Mei-Sama, we miscalculated...Our reinforcement from Konoha made the Mizukage's attack earlier. Right at this moment, hundreds of ninjas are marching towards us in every direction."

"Tch! Ready the army prepare for defense, We need to protect our people from that tyrant, and...call the man of steel," Mei ordered.

The Ninja quickly vanished to comply with her order.


A bunch of ninjas didn't know whether to enter Joseph's tent or cry.

They are sure something is going on inside because they can hear a bunch of moans.

"Hey be a man and enter, our village needs him," A random ninja said.

"If you open that tent we will die a pointless death, Hey you stop that pervertedly breathing it's creepy!" Ninja B retorted.

"Fuck you I will open that tent, At least I can saw some woman's body before I die," Ninja C said, then quickly dash to open the tent.

Ninja B manages to stop Ninja C, "Stop! we still don't want to die!"

"Just a little peek won't hurt," Ninja A mumble taking advantage that Ninja B is restraining Ninja C.

"NOOOOOO STOP!!! I still need my life!" Ninja B said with deep fear in his voice as he throws a kunai towards Ninja A.

Ninja A dodges the Kunai successfully. Ninja B sigh relief as he successfully prevented Ninja A from opening the tent.

"Ichi and San, I'm disappointed in both of you," Ninja D entered the scene.

"Go-Kun thankfully you are here, It's hard to stop these two alone," Ninja B said with pure happiness in his voice.

"You both need to work together to achieve the impossible...good, I will lead you! Let's all go to heaven!" Ninja D sagely said as he slowly approaches the tent.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" Ninja B cried with comical tears.

The noises inside the tent stopped as Ninja D is near the entrance.

Ninja D sweat Heavily and said, "For a second though, Ichi-Kun be a man and open the pandora box."

Ninja B look above and said," I can see it, the stairway to heaven, father, mother, I can finally meet you."

"Ahhh! I Left something in my tent! Excuse me," Ninja A said before trying to run but Ninja C stopped him.

"Bastard, we're in this together!" Ninja C said.

The tent's entrance slowly opens as the atmosphere starts to get heavy.

The four ninjas are frozen in their spot as they wait for their judgment.

"Sate sate sate, What do you want from me?" Joseph said with a gentle smile. He already knows the situation as he can already hear Yagura's army footstep.

The four ninjas fixed their appearance and begin to stand in a horizontal line in front of Joseph.

"S-s-sir we've come to inform you about Mei-sama's plan of defense, Yagura's army is approaching.

"I see, I see, 3 perverts and 1 decent Ninja. I'm surprised that this revolutionary army is still standing." Joseph said with his arms crossed while looking disappointed.

The three ninjas are sweating really hard right now. They don't know what to say, one wrong word and their lives will go bye-bye. The three look at each other before they decide to prostrate themselves to Joseph. "Please, don't kill us."

"Eh? I am a benevolent man, I don't kill without any reasons," Joseph said, fooling himself.

"Fufufu," A womanly voice inside Joseph's tent resound when he said he is a benevolent man. "Let's see, tenth mission, rogue ninja killed including their family. Eleventh Mission, You blow up bandits because they don't know who is Pikachu. twelfth Mission, when we go undercover to find a rogue ninja you killed the icecream vendor because he doesn't have cookies and cream flavor. I can go on and on Joseph-sensei.

"Hahaha! Your imagination running wild again Haku-chan," Joseph said with sweat on his forehead.

While the ninjas getting paler and paler while they listen to what Haku is saying.

"Tell Mei-san that I will be there shortly just need to teach my student something," Joseph said.

"Yes sir!" The four ninjas disappeared almost instantly.

Joseph closes the tent, then look at Haku and said, "Somebody's been a bad bad girl..."

"Punish me, sensei," Haku sweetly said.