
Dating Sim System In Different Worlds[DROPPED]

Joseph Holmes did not know how he died if there is something that he knows is that he is not in his original world anymore. Suddenly a sound ring inside his head. *Ding* [DSS: Welcome to the world of Rising of Shield Hero] [DSS: The four heroes have their weapons as a starter, to be fair you will receive a not so random skill in 3...2...1] [DSS: *Active Skill: Emotion Manipulation Received*] -- Disclaimer: I own nothing...but Joseph.

Mister_Ren · Anime und Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 31 - The end of the Snake?

Inside the barrier.

"Aging is an empty thing, isn't it? I feel that keenly when I look at you, you'll die here and I'll get a younger, more beautiful, and stronger body...Konoha truly lets me have my fill of fun," Orochimaru said with a big creepy smile on his face.

"I get it...You want Sasuke Uchiha, eh?" The Hokage said while his palm is glued together, like praying hands.

"Right...Exactly...Sasuke-Kun," Orochimaru said while licking his lips.

"A reviving jutsu someone else's body is stolen and the spirit is immortalized huh? How many faces and bodies have you gone through?!" Hiruzen shouted with hatred.

Orochimaru maniacally laughed.

"I will atone the sins of my past!" Hiruzen shouted.

"It's too late!" Orochimaru said making the two Hokages beside him dash towards Hiruzen.

Hiruzen produces two shadow clones and started to make numerous hand sign, he is planning to call the grim reaper.

"You've gotten old, after all..." Orochimaru said while looking at the desperate attempt of the Hiruzen.

"Old man don't do it!" Joseph voiced resounds the area.

"Who is that?" The Anbu outside the barrier questioned.


The barrier suddenly broke and Joseph appeared in front of Hiruzen.

An ice mirror appears beside Joseph then Haku came out of it.

"It's past your bedtime, Konoha is already safe, you can leave this snake to me," Joseph said without looking at Hiruzen.

Seeing Joseph standing in front of him, and hearing his news, Hiruzen sighs a relief then left the scene. This shows how much he trusted Joseph.

"So...the man of steel and the white snow..." Orochimaru said while thinking about how to escape this situation. He thought Joseph is not interfering because of the barrier but it turns out he prioritizes the civilian's lives.

"You can't escape, not from me," Joseph said suddenly ice mirrors surround the roof.

"Kukuku, I won't escape!" Orochimaru bolts towards Joseph with the two Hokage beside him.

The Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju sends a genjutsu towards Joseph, "Genjutsu: Infinite Darkness Technique!"

"Genjutsu won't affect me," Joseph stated. Unique Regeneration(S) rewinds time inside Joseph's body, making the foreign chakra vanished like it was never there in the first place.

Haku released herself from the genjutsu, she then dashes towards the Hokages and starts to seal them.

Joseph vanished and appeared in front of Orochimaru, he kicked him in the stomach making him fly upward.

Orochimaru puke blood while in the sky, he didn't even have time to use the substitution technique.

Joseph fly and kicked Orochimaru down.

"Kukukuku, As expected...you truly are strong," Orochimaru spoke while slowly getting up.

"Take this!" Orochimaru said, he got on all fours and spit uncountable snakes from his mouth.

"Party tricks, " Joseph said, his eyes glow red then lasers with unbelievable heat came out from them successfully scorching all the snakes.

Orochimaru vanished and appear behind him then bit Joseph's neck.


"So hard..." Orochimaru said while wiping the blood from his face.

"Oh...so there you are, Sorry this fight is so boring I fell asleep a little bit," Joseph mock while yawning.

"You..." Orochimaru growl with hatred. "You dare to underestimate me!"

Joseph flew towards him then did a stump landing in Orochimaru's stomach.

"Ugh!" Orochimaru got buried in the tiles with a hole on his stomach.

"You can still fight, right? you are not dead, right? hey hey get up," Joseph said like he was provoking a child.

Orochimaru glare at Joseph before opening his mouth so wide, another Orochimaru came out from his mouth completely unscratched and said, "Fufufu, sorry I lost my cool for a second, let's start again, come."

Joseph dashes towards Orochimaru but is interrupted by snakes that came out of the ground, the snakes restrict his movements by coiling around him.

Meanwhile, Haku already sealed the two Kages and just waiting for Joseph to finished his fight. "He seems to be enjoying himself," Haku thought while looking at Joseph.

"Take this!" Two huge snakes came out of Orochimaru's sleeve with a blade on their mouth.

Orochimaru knew that the blade will not damage Joseph's body but it will give him time to escape. Another Orochimaru came out of his own back and secretly left the fight.

'Fufufu, I don't have an attack that can damage you right now, but you better get ready when we meet again," Orochimaru thought while escaping the fight.

Joseph rips the snakes to pieces using his bare hands, After that, he quickly dashes towards the fleeing Orochimaru, "Where do you think you are going!"

Joseph kick Orochimaru in his chin making him fly while spinning.

"Laser Party! Dodge this, little snake," Joseph said his eyes glow red again but stronger this time.

Haku quickly left the ice dome.

Joseph shots his laser to the ice mirror, making his laser reflect everywhere. On the other side, Haku is trying her hardest to maintain the ice dome, "Joseph-sensei is overdoing it."

"Damn...this is bad," Orochimaru was having the hardest time of his life. He already sheds multiple times in just a few seconds. The randomly moving lasers are almost impossible to dodge.

"Triple Rashomon!" Orochimaru said summoning three huge gates with menacing face in them. He formed them in triangle form and put a bunch of snakes as a roof.

Joseph stopped his attack because the ice dome is getting a little weak, suggesting that Haku is nearly out of chakra. Regeneration(A) doesn't regen Haku's charka, unlike Unique Regeneration which rewinds everything, making the user have almost infinite energy.

Joseph observes the Rashomons, he got to admit that they pretty good defense, But...some of his lasers manage to penetrate them.

The Rashomon vanished showing Orochimaru with multiple burned cuts, he is down on his lap while puking blood. Joseph saw two skin beside him suggesting he shed again two times before running out of chakra.

"Dude, what a waste, you are dying how pitiful," Joseph look down at the dying Orochimaru.

Orochimaru glare at him then pukes some more blood.

"You cannot even talk, sigh," Joseph said with a fake sad voice.

The Ice dome vanished, making everyone see what is happening inside.

Hiruzen gazed at Joseph with gratefulness.

Old Monkey Enma touched Hiruzen's shoulder and stated, "He finished what you'd started."

"It's a great battle, requiescat in pace," Joseph said, then burned whole Orochimaru's body with his laser.

Joseph grabs the weakened Haku, then started to fly away.

"The shadow of fire will Illuminate the Village, and once more the leaf will sprout...by help of the mighty Sun," Hiruzen quote while looking at Joseph.

The ninjas are all bowing without Joseph and Haku knowing with one thing on their mind..."Thank you, for saving our Hokage...for saving our village."