
Dating an idol

In "Dating an Idol," delve into the intertwining lives of Ross and V, two individuals from vastly different worlds brought together by fate and circumstance. Ross, a determined young woman with aspirations of becoming a doctor, finds her world turned upside down when she crosses paths with V, a member of the world-famous K-pop group NOVA. As their journey unfolds, secrets are unearthed, and emotions run high as Ross grapples with the complexities of love and fame. From chance encounters to whirlwind romances, "Dating an Idol" takes readers on a captivating ride through the highs and lows of relationships in the spotlight. Set against the backdrop of bustling Seoul and the glamorous world of K-pop, this novel explores themes of love, identity, and the power of destiny. As Ross and V navigate the challenges of their newfound connection, they must confront their pasts and confront the realities of their present, all while discovering the true meaning of love and loyalty. With vivid descriptions, heart-pounding romance, and unexpected twists, "Dating an Idol" is a captivating tale that will leave readers breathless until the very last page. Join Ross and V as they embark on a journey of self-discovery, passion, and the enduring bonds that connect us all.

Jiya4567 · Urban
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22 Chs

Chapter 8: The Revelation

Ross stood frozen in place, the weight of the photograph heavy in her hand as she stared at the image of V. Her mind raced with conflicting emotions, torn between the desire to confront the stranger before her and the need to unravel the mysteries surrounding V's sudden disappearance.

But as she opened her mouth to speak, her gaze lingered on the photograph, and a sense of clarity washed over her like a tidal wave. It was as if V's smiling face held the answers she sought, guiding her towards a truth she had long been seeking.

The stranger's impatient voice broke through her reverie, his urgency palpable as he demanded information about V's whereabouts. But Ross remained silent, her attention fully captivated by the image before her.

"How is he?" she finally asked, her voice barely a whisper as she tore her gaze away from the photograph to meet the stranger's eyes.

The man's expression softened, a flicker of disappointment crossing his features before he snatched the photograph from Ross's hand. "How could no one recognize NOVA V in this town? He's a superstar," he muttered to himself, his tone laced with frustration.

Ross's heart skipped a beat at the mention of V's identity, her mind racing with the implications of his words. NOVA V, a superstar? The realization hit her like a bolt of lightning, sending shockwaves of disbelief coursing through her veins.

As the stranger hurriedly made his exit, Ross stood rooted to the spot, her thoughts consumed by the newfound revelation. NOVA V, the enigmatic idol whose music had touched the hearts of millions around the world, was none other than the man she had come to know and love.

With trembling hands, Ross rushed home, her fingers flying across the keyboard as she searched for information about V online. And as she delved deeper into the rabbit hole of celebrity gossip and fan forums, she uncovered a world she had never known existed, a world where V was hailed as a god among men, his every move scrutinized and adored by legions of fans.

But amidst the glitz and glamour of his celebrity status, Ross could not shake the feeling of betrayal that gnawed at her heart. How could V have kept such a monumental secret from her? And what did his newfound fame mean for their fragile relationship?

As she scrolled through endless articles and fan sites, Ross's mind buzzed with unanswered questions, her emotions swirling like a tempest within her soul. And as she gazed upon V's smiling face plastered across the screen, she knew that their journey was far from over, their paths destined to collide once more in a whirlwind of love, loss, and redemption.