
Darkness: Book One

Sophie Ortiz has had to grow up much faster than most 18 year-old girls in New York City. With an alcoholic step- father and a mother in constant financial distress, Sophie carries a heavy burden that forces her to juggle school, work, family and friendships – leaving little time for herself.  So when a handsome stranger walks into her life one summer afternoon, she flushes, her heart skips a beat, and… she dismisses him, thinking she doesn’t have the time for a relationship. But her heart and his persistence convince her otherwise. Sophie is about to come of age, and in so doing will learn a painful, heartbreaking lesson – that monsters are indeed real, and the scariest ones are those with whom you share your heart."

Jacks_Morales · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter: Truth is Revealed

Having left the church behind I figure it is about time I fill back up on concealer to hide most of these nasty marks. Walking down the street towards the nearest make up store I keep my head low not wanting any added attention after seeing Father's reaction. So, concerned with what had just transpired I walk head long into a chest I would know anywhere. One that I have spent countless times running into, running my hands along, and daydreaming about. "I've never seen you so bundled up." He puts out a hand to steady me, waiting for me to raise my head in knowing defiance but instead I keep it low still staring at the ground.

"Yeah, well its cold." I mumble through the material of my scarf. Reaching out he grabs hold of the material before I can move away and yanks it down away from my mouth, revealing my split lip and bruised cheek. My eyes fly up to see his expression go from confusion to anger within mere seconds. Without any consideration to my feelings he starts yanking off the rest of my disguise to showcase my ugly truth to the whole of the street. His eyes burn with fury as he starts to demand "he did this to you didn't he!" Unwilling to continue this interaction any further I reach out for my stuff yelling back "Just leave it alone!" the unshed tears now running down my cheeks once again. Sebastian winds his arms around me pulling me into a hug before gathering me up in his arms to drop me in his car. He pulls away with me gripping the door handle trying to open my door, but he must have the child safety locks on.

"Please Sebastian just let me go. I don't want to fight anymore. I just want to go about my day." I beg as more tears slide down my face burning my cuts and bruises in their wake.

"No." such a simple word he says. He is determined to take me to whatever destination he currently has in mind.

"Sebastian it is not that bad. I am fine. Just let me go. I promise I will call you later." I try another approach hoping that if I relent in going back to him a little, he will allow me the opportunity to return to my house.

"Why should I let you go back? Clearly it is unsafe at your house. Look at what has happened to you." He states as if it is the most obvious conclusion in the world and it is. My house is a dangerous place to be. At least when Jimmy is around it is. We arrive at our destination, his home but I refuse to leave the car.

"Take me back!" I demand; arms folded over my chest and legs firmly planted on either side of the seat. Instead of arguing he comes in after me, picking me up with easy no matter how much fight I put up, and carries me to his room. Only placing me down once we get to his bed. In the short period of time since the last time I had been here I have forgotten the feel of how soft his bed is. Standing up I leave the comfort of the bed and stomp my way towards the door feeling dizzier with every step. Only making it three feet before his arm catches me around the waist once again throwing me back onto the bed gently.

"You are my girlfriend and I love you. It is my job to protect you and take care of you. Now, why will you not tell me if this is your stepfathers doing? Why will you not talk to me?" He bares down.

"Because I don't want you to think differently of me or my mother." I say giving in. Finally giving the truth behind my need for secrecy.

"Principessa, I can never think any different of you. I will always love you so much. As for your mother I know it can be hard to get out of abusive relationships. However, I cannot just take you back to that house knowing this. I want you to stay with me. To come heal with me." He brushes his hand gently through my hair so as to not hurt or irritate any of the abrasions.

Shaking my head violently I can feel a headache forming but don't stop as I continually mutter "No! No! You will not take care of me and watch me like this."

"I want to. I want you to come with me to an old cottage I have in Pennsylvania." Walking away he heads over to his wardrobe.

"Sebastian, I have to stay for work and school." Removing myself from the comfort of his bed once again to stop him from throwing clothing into one of the bags.

"It will be good for us to get out of the city." He starts pulling clothes for me out of the wardrobe next putting them into the second bag.

"Where did you get all this stuff?" grabbing at one of the dresses he pulls out giving it a look over, I recognize it from one of the shops I had pointed at nonchalantly. "Have you been just buying things that I have pointed at over the past several months." I look up at him wide eyed. I knew he has bought me things in the past, but I did not realize he has been building a whole closet for me.

"Yes, I love buying you things and having things for you here in case you ever want it." Planting a kiss gently on my lips I hiss in response. The cut on mouth burning a bit from his attempt at sweet romance. Not wanting to start another fight I just give in, give in to everything. Knowing that I will not be able to stop him even if I was to have him locked up.


Driving through the country I see the trees changing with multi-colored leaves. "So, what are you doing for Halloween next month?" He looks over quickly not wanting to take his eyes off the winding rode for too long.

"I don't know. I don't have anything to wear currently." I keep my face turned away looking out the passenger side window.

"Then we will get you something while we are out here." He places his hand on mine squeezing a bit. Nodding I sigh again in resignation that this will be a thing as long as he is in my life. Pulling into a small, gravel half round about. He parks in front of the cottage shutting off the engine before coming around to let me out, forever the gentleman. To my amazement from the outside the house appears to be very humble. Opening the front door, he carries in the luggage for us bringing it to the back of the house passing a large kitchen and living room areas, as well as several closed doors. Placing them down next to the very last door on the left. He swings it open to showcase a king sized four poster bed laid out in a red room. The mahogany furnishings blending with color scheme of the space. Sebastian starts to bring in both sets of bags and I tilt my head confusion lining my expression.

"Is there another bedroom?" I question him wondering why he would assume that after this time apart and with my injuries I would want to spend this time sleeping beside him.

"Yes, why?" He questions back as if my obvious preferences are not obvious by now.

"Well I would sleep in the other one while you slept in this one." I state mildly trying not to have to completely spell it out for him.

"Why would you sleep in another chamber when this one is large enough for the both of us?" His concern over the wrong thing has me close to laughing at how clueless he can be over the situation.

"I just want to sleep alone." I tell him outright hands one hand on my hip while I reach out with my other to grab my luggage. Pulling it away, he drops his bag in his room and takes me diagonally to my room. Releasing the door from its latch I am thrown into a world of light blues. A cherry wood dresser sits next to the entrance on which he places my bags before leaving me to settle in.

"If you need anything Principessa I will be in the living room." He imparts before backing out of the doorway. Taking out the clothing he had so carelessly thrown into the bag in his hurry to get me here, I carefully fold them while I take a mental note of all the outfits I have during this trip and the under wear he so graciously had on hand for me. Placing it all in the draws in order I make quick work of it before heading to the inviting bed. A smaller version of the one sitting across the hall its down comforter still provided a heavenly cloud like feel to it. Pulling it over my face I bury myself inside, hiding myself from the world, and falling into the ever-waiting slumber.

Feeling a tug on the cover I open my eyes to see his face in front of me. Yanking my face back I demand "what are you doing?"

"Watching you sleep. You are absolutely beautiful." He plants his hand on my cheek gingerly rubbing circles with his thumb on a clear spot of skin.

"I look like roadkill" I declare with a humph removing my face from his hand not liking how much I am enjoying his touch.

"You do not look like roadkill Principessa" he asserts as if it can be the only truth in the world. Leaving the comfort of the bed I swing my legs over the side of the bed letting them hit the floor with a soft thud. I run out the door to the bathroom locking the door behind me. I make my way over to the crystal sink with a silver antique mirror hanging over it. Looking at the damage done to my formerly pretty face, which is now covered in bluish, purple bruises. My lip fat and split on the left side. My eyes look like they have been replaced with two gulf balls. I can hear Sebastian outside the door begging me to let him in but it is all background noise to the buzzing that has settled in as I continue to view the swelling that has developed while I slept. The purple bruising having taken on more ground on my upper chest and neck as well. Sobs come tumbling out hard and unforgiving as the extent of the situation dawns on me. I did not even get involved in their fight this time. All I did was get my laundry together. My brain goes through any possible reason for why he would have beaten me but fails to come up with anything. My sobs become stronger as I fall to the floor and into Sebastian's waiting lap. He rocks me soothing my cries, kissing my hair.

"He hit me for no reason. I did nothing this time. I did nothing." I wail into his arm which has securely fastened itself around my body, holding me tightly to his body. "I look as if someone hit me with a bat, not fists. What could I have done for him to do this type of damage Sebastian?" I cry looking up into his eyes hoping maybe he has the answer to my question.

"Like you said Principessa, you did nothing. He is an extremely sick man." He soothingly whispers to me. I take this information knowing it is true but unable to let go that I must have done something different this time to have gotten such a unique treatment. Sebastian continues to rock me and I can feel my eyes grow heavier, the tears gradually coming to an end as I fall asleep in his lap on the bathroom floor.

Waking up I am back in bed in the blue room. I take a moment to enjoy the comfort of feeling unburdened by last nights cry. The comfort of the bed I find myself in and the comfort of a man who has taken time off to take care of me the way I wish as much as he can relent. Looking around the dark room I first take note that heavy curtains are drawn blocking out the majority of the sun, that would have probably woken me up sooner if the light streaming in is any indication. The second thing I notice is a figure sitting on a chair in the corner. The light doesn't reach the corner and I squint to make out whether or not I am just imagining things. "Sebastian?" I call out hoping that it is not a stranger or someone from his house just randomly joining me.

Stirring himself he groggily replies "Sophie, I am right here." Standing up he moves over to the bed as he notices my beckoning hands. He lies down beside me placing his arm around my hips squeezing me in tightly into him.

"I love you" He whispers sleepily.

"I love you too" I reply, smothering my face into his chest inhaling a succulent scent. "You smell good like fruit and chocolate." I murmur in between inhales. Tempted to remove his clothing to see if he would taste the same as he smells."

"I made some earlier. Would you like?" sitting up he gets ready to go before I even give my answer. Anticipating my needs as if he knows me. I nod my head enthusiastically while sitting up leaning against the wall waiting as he takes his exist. I can hear him rummage through the cabinets and fridge in my prone position. After some time, I hear his footfalls coming back towards the room with a tray of delectable treats. Setting it beside me on the bed I take note of the fresh juicy strawberries, cubed plums, and kiwis with a side of a medium sized bowl of melted milk chocolate. Sitting at the edge of the bed he passes me a long two tonged spear.

"Thank you" taking the spear I stab at a strawberry dipping it in the chocolate before bringing it to my lips. Licking the dripping chocolate prior to biting into the succulent fruit.


The days pass by quickly as we spend it in the house participating in friendly activities. Sebastian shows me his library, a small room lined with bookshelves, a window bench, and a couch. I spend most of the time either reading, nursing my wounds alternating between towels packed with ice or frozen bags of food, and just curled up with Sebastian. The whole time we didn't talk so much but just enjoyed being in each other's company. By that Friday most of the swelling and bruising to become a little less noticeable that it can be covered easier by the makeup we brought with us.

"Ready to go?" Sebastian calls from outside the bathroom door. Impatient to head out to the mall. I swear this man is more excited to go shopping for me than I am.

"Almost, if you would leave me alone." I relay in my sarcastically sweet voice.

"okay, okay." I can hear his hands raise in mock surrender as he backs away from the door. Still in my pajamas with a face, neck and chest full of makeup to cover up any bruising I look like I am about to go to a party instead of just go out to the mall for a quick trip. I figured if I am doing my makeup might as well do a full face, eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner, the works. I used the basic blue pallet we had bought before coming up here blending the lighter and darker blues together while highlighting my brows. I walk back to my room to get dressed, pulling out the blue lace corset, I find a matching pair of booty shorts next to it putting them on along with the now fitted corset. Rummaging through the draws once again I find a black tank top and pair of hip huggers to pull over my under garments. After dressing I grab a pair of knee-high boots and slip them on. With one last adjustment I fluff my curls just so before combing out my straightened bangs. I have them frame my face perfectly to cover up the remaining swelling around the upper areas of my brow and back cheek. Stepping out of the room I nearly walk right into his chest yet again an action that seems to befall us constantly. He steps back taking in the full view of me whistling as he decrees, "You look gorgeous."

"Thanks" I blush as I walk out of the room with him at my heels. Turning me, he lifts my chin kissing me hard without warning. Heat ignites within me and I yield to him, opening my mouth as I feel his tongue invade. Kissing him back passionately I nearly lose myself in his embrace instead I move back breaking from his sweet tasting lips, I put my hand to his chest stopping him from gathering me back up in his arms. "We have to go." I let out in a breathy voice. My legs jelly beneath me as I try to walk away from him.


Arriving at the closest outlet mall we walk around until we find a small Halloween shop hidden between two bigger chain stores. Ambling into their spooky shop we ask a clerk where the female costumes are only to be directed down the furthest lane. Moving through the aisles of decorations we come to the proper area in the far corner filled with sexy nurse, sexy devil, and sexy vampire costumes. Going through the racks of dresses I find a pretty corseted snow-white dress. "What do you think Sebastian?" I inquire pulling it out and holding it against me.

"I think it's perfect." He fingers the silky material. Bringing it up to the front we purchase it and head back to the cottage with the feeling of a job well done.


Walking back into the cottage dress in hand I hold it up against myself once more and ask, "want me to try it on for you?" winking at him knowing that I would need help lacing up the back of the dress and better yet unlacing it to get back out.

"No, that I will wait to see you in. For now, I just want to see you without those shirt and jeans." Leering at me he locks the door to the house suggestively. Knowing this is something I started and how we have started to be a bit more intimate again. Kisses here and there but nothing more because of my injuries, as well as my need to just get to know and feel safe with him.

"Well, you'll just have to wait." I decide upon. I need to go back to my original plan of taking my time.

"Wait? Wait for what?" He sounds almost incredulous.

"Until I am married." I state as if it is the most obvious answer in the world. Turning on my heel I go straight to my bedroom shaking off my jacket that has done a mediocre job of protecting me from the October wind here in the country. I toss it onto the chair in the corner of the room. He leans in the doorway watching me as I stand now beside the bed, bending over so he has a perfect view of my butt. I take off my boots straightening slowly to throw them in the corner on top of my jacket. I bring my arms around my sides gliding my shirt up over my body tossing that on the ever-building pile. I can feel his eyes watching me, moving towards me slowly he asks, "Am I marrying you soon?" he asks hungrily.

"This is me teasing you with what you cannot have." I respond throwing my pants onto the pile revealing my undergarments. I look at him then watching his approach as I back away my fingers sliding against the bed as a reassurance. Fear and excitement have taken a hold of me waging battle inside over who gets control.

"Really" one word is all he needs, and I know I am in trouble. Excitement wins over for a moment as I wonder exactly what he will do to me if he gets his hands on me. "Your wearing the corset and a very delectable pair of matching panties and garters it seems." His voice is like liquid lust coating me in need, but I try to fight it. "You look so sexy I just want to-" I jump onto the bed before he can lunge at me making my way quickly over to the other side as he starts to climb over in an attempt to get at me. Running out the room and down the hallway into the living room. Knowing he is only a few feet behind me I hope I can get some more of a lead running around the couch. He follows me but I kick up my speed a bit more leaving him behind and run back into my bedroom locking the door behind me. Understanding dawns on me has the key to enter still as he approaches the door. Running quickly, I crawl into my closet to hide in the furthest corner. I curl myself up to be as small and invisible as I possibly can. His footsteps echo inside the room coming closer and closer to the closet door. I bring my legs in nearer to my body hoping he doesn't hear my beating heart. Part of me cannot wait for him to find me, roughly drag me from the back of the closet and kiss me senselessly. Abruptly the door swings open shaking me from my daydream. A small triangle of light casts itself a centimeter away from my pinky toe and with bated breath I wait to see if he will find me. Crouching down he looks right at me as if he can see through the darkness. Extending his hand, he touches my chin and comes in after me. Just as my daydream he drags me out from my hiding space, roughly picks me up and brings me over to the bed. Throwing me on top he scales over me keeping me place as he takes my mouth in heated possession before harshly making his way lower. I am unable to control my emotions anymore and I whimper for more. His hands rip my panties off as he kisses the inside of my thigh making his way closer to my most sensitive possession. He hovers there staring at me, breathing heavily on my wetness. Sending tingles up and down my legs as I begin to want to move my hips up to him to feel him there. The moment he comes down and I feel his tongue lap at me I feel as if I will come undone and then I do at his skilled hands.