
Darkness began with her

The seven guardians of Ethen, wield the seven supernatural power, light, fire, storm, rain, wind, fertility, and darkness. They were to protect and guard the seven cities against dark magic and every other danger. But then was faced with a great danger when"Leia" the Guardian of darkness associated herself with dark magic and birth an immortal whose power was greater than the guardian. She would either destroy or build, the choice was in her hand.

Casey_Bae · Fantasie
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15 Chs


There was a deafening silence for some seconds as the man slumped on the dirty pub floor, she couldn't help but glared angrily at the body then at the men seated at the table, she wanted to hurt all of them, she wants to watch them bleed to death. She felt a raging anger that was threatening to pull her apart, she could only stand in the center of the room with her hand clench by her side and watch the lifeless body on the floor.

And all of a sudden, she felt a strong grip holding her against the shoulder and pushing her lean figure to wall, Ares heard her bone cracked as she hit the table nearby spilling the cup of coffee and leftover food all over her dress and for some seconds she lay there helplessly while listening as the men cheers happily at each other. She just wish she could gather the storm and let them all drown in it and when she was finally dragged up to her feet, Ares found herself staring at the man who had claim her as his wife. "You daughter of a bitch! She felt the hot sting of pain as his palm landed on her cheek and then come another, from the crowd she could hear the man cheers for him, some reached out and dragged her by the dress.

She could only try to pull herself away from them which was stupidly futile, her vision had already turn blur due to the thousand slap which she had received and the next thing she saw herself being pulled away from the pub, some men poured drink at her, some spit on her and she felt utterly helpless as she was being dragged away like a thief.

And only when she was outside did she noticed that the boat had finally left Esely, she felt half relief noticing that she had finally left the town she thought she will never be able to leave but the painful grip of her captor only reminded her that her state here was going to be much worst here if she don't plan for her escape.

And it was only when she was pulled into one of the lowly lit room did she realized who her captor was and staring up at him seems as if she was waiting for an angry beast to devour her, "What do you think of yourself, huh? Greece reach out and grabbed her wrist tightly while watching her cry out in pain. "Do you know what you had caused me, huh? You have knocked someone unconscious and that would only result that I'm going to pay with my money! He slammed her hard on the old crack cabin wall.

Ares felt her back explode in pain as she stared up to the man standing over her "They were disrespecting me and I had to do something! She muttered with a watery eyes while trying to stand on her feet which only gave out in each attempt.

This only made him to burst out in laughter, she was amusing him? Because she demanded for respect? And slowly he bent down toward her with a cruel expression "And who did you think you are, Ares! He dragged her up to her feet and angrily pushed her lean figure to the crooked bed on the room. It look like it would crumble down if much weight was applied to it but the old man didn't even mind as he reach out for her dress that was only when the realization of what he was planning to do hit her.

You don't have to do this! She scream in tears as he tore off her dress, she fought and tried to hold onto them like it was her life but Of course he was much stronger than her as he pinned her down and tore her dress like it was nothing but a pieces of rag on her body, Ares found herself screaming out for help but no on here cares what happen to her, her life in here didn't matter.

And only at this do her body shuddered with disappointment, she was finally left seated on the bed with no cloths on while she watched the greedy eyes stared down on her body, she felt disgusted watching him lick his already watery lips, all her life she had never felt this humiliated having a man watch her bare body while salivating, she felt exposed and ashamed on herself.

Her skin looks so pale as if she needed more blood to survive and she was thankful for her red hair because it did her a favor by providing much coverage for her bare breast. Tears crowded her eyes as she slide to the edge of the bed with her arm hugging her legs while the stupid man watch her in satisfaction.

"Such a fresh meat" Greece muttered as he started greedily at the girl sitting naked o the wooden bed, he had paid enough money to get a room in the boat just for him and his new wife, he had planned on doing a lot of things on her bar body but that have to wait now since he still haven't finish at the pub, he still has a lot of liquor to gulp down ignoring her tears he grabbed her tightly and tied her to the bed while enjoying the sight of her bare skin, her ripe molded bosom.

He wanted to feast on her now but a good meal was always kept and preserved for the perfect time "I hope you'll be quiet" he said than jerked her face towards her and pressed his lips to her red perfect lips "I'll be back soon"