
Darkness began with her

The seven guardians of Ethen, wield the seven supernatural power, light, fire, storm, rain, wind, fertility, and darkness. They were to protect and guard the seven cities against dark magic and every other danger. But then was faced with a great danger when"Leia" the Guardian of darkness associated herself with dark magic and birth an immortal whose power was greater than the guardian. She would either destroy or build, the choice was in her hand.

Casey_Bae · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter Twelve


Aryanna made her back to her mother's chamber but unexpectedly met Luke around "A word with you Aryanna" it was already dark but the palace light shone brightly enough for her to get a glimpse of his face, he was one of the strongest loyal and her mum trusted friends. "Sure, uncle" Aryanna retraced her steps as they both headed toward the palace fountain.

She wondered what he wanted to talk to her about, Luke wasn't the type of man that lingers on unnecessary words unless her mother have of course had told him about Adeera's summon "How have you been, Aryanna" And did she fail to mention that Luke was also like a father figure to her. "I'm fine, Uncle" she slide both her palm on her silk dress, she wasn't going to lie it had been long since he had wanted to talk or spend time with her, and she had missed him.

"Your mum had been keeping you so busy that I hardly see you these days" "The festival is in two days and I have tons of work to do and also I have to be a good representation of my mum" Luke reached out and laid his palm on her cheek gently "I'm happy that you know your responsibilities just like your mother" he retraced his palm and watched her smile, he had always been like a father to her and each day watching grow into this powerful lady, it made him so proud but this wasn't why he was here.

"Your mother told me about Adeera summon? "Yes" "Did you find out the reason she had summoned you? "Yes, Uncle" Aryanna smiled while she focused her gaze on the fountain "Yesterday, I got summoned by her but when I visited I didn't get any response from her, and today…And invited me over to join her tomorrow at the meeting…I don't know why uncle" Luke could only smile as he reached out to touch her arm gently "Sometimes, the guardians do something far more beyond our knowledge but whatever it is, we should know that there are more knowledgeable and we should go with the flow, we should allow what is meant to happen… "Thanks, uncle...

The step moved faster…silent and faster…blending himself with the shadow, a message have to be delivered but away from human sight, the risk was higher but he'll go down for anything just to show his master how devoted and submissive he is.

And just behind the dark wall, he could already make out the man standing behind the shadow with a cloak over his head, he quicken his step toward the darkness to meet him, and only when he was a few steps away from him did he stop "There will be a meeting tomorrow only then would it be possible to lead them in" He slides out a stroll from his pocket and handed it over "All the information you need to know are all here and Aryanna I think would be our next target.