
Darkest Matter: As above, so below

As the Dark comes, the chaos comes as well, yet, as He arrives, Darkness fears him, as he enrages for more with vengeance. As She continues her journey, the world is in great danger, more to the apocalypse. Hatred the powers, Her husband will never stop until he finishes his task once and for all. Until the end of his life https://www.royalroad.com/profile/348604/fictions

AntiHero874 · Fantasie
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41 Chs

Hi no ochi

"Amelia, daughter of Akira. How pathetic are you? No mother, the one that always is with you?" a hooded man, wearing a gothic mask took a greatsword off from the dead body lying on the floor, draining in blood.

"What do you want from us?!" Amelia shouts hopelessly.

"A price... for us to pay your grief." As the man kicks the body to her, she goes to it, and her eyes shed tears, looking at it.


(1 Hour earlier)

Erra, in a chaotic way, has become a blood-shower place. Uncountable Legions appeared from every edge of the valleys. The mightiest army was no match with them, as the Legions are not fools. They're not just well-trained, yet they alerted their surrounding, making them impossible to be defeated. The people of Erra were on the brink of collapse. They had no chance to evacuate because it was a flash attack. A big, prosperous kingdom was blitzed by an army of Legions, led by an Apostle-78.

"WHITE HAIR MAN!!" a legion who saw a zippy entity along the valley. It orders a hundred other units to get him.

"Papa!!" Amelia screams as everyone scurries away from them. Akira and Lisa sprinted to each other as they were whispering.

Then, Lisa called Hinata and Melania to follow her. Akira yells at Max to bring Amelia to the unknown place in Angelic Lingo. "Ame, c'mon, follow me," Max said.

Amelia hesitates to follow him, yet as she looks at Akira, he nods signing of trust. So, like it or not, she has to follow her uncle someplace. Now, what's left is himself, which is Akira.

As he looked at his back with a hundred legions chasing him, Akira didn't stop and entered a narrow space of the building. He finally stops in the middle of it, takes a breath, and exhales slowly, he pulls his dual swords on the waist and drops them. After that, he pulls the other two blades on his back and did the same thing. Finally, he pulls out the last blade, which was not normal. It is longer than a typical blade and the tip of it shapes a spiral. He closes his eyes, and not long after that, he sprints through, and unexpectedly there are another million legions hidden in the darkness. He expected it.

He starts spinning his Greatsword from side to side, like a normal blade but in both hands. Blood splashes around the walls and most of them get cut in half or splits into two. But, he still sprints to the end of the buildings. He didn't stop. He can't stop. His face was stoic, he never shows emotion. From the back to the front, the legions keep attacking him.

As he finally goes out of it, he saw a giant flying machine gun robot with Apostle-78, Heria on it. As the legion attacks him from his back, and fortunately Amelia from afar shoots it. Akira stares at her and back to where he is supposed to do.

(Amelia )

As Amelia and her uncle Max, they go into the building, the plan; to the top. Max is good at guns, any guns that he can. When the legion appears, he immediately pulls his pistol out and shoots it at a short sweep. "Ame!! Catch!" he said. He throws a device at her and as she caught it, at the same moment the legion appears behind her back. So she flashy clicks it and it expands a long hard steel rod and smashes it.

"OJI!! WE CAN'T MAKE IT UP THERE!!" she said.

"Then do your thing, Amelia-meichan,"

Aggressively she runs on the wall and climbs up to the stairs. Then she cleanses the space, and the blood and fleshes fall from the top. Max calmly climbs up while killing the other survivors.

As they reach the top, Max prepares his sniper, pulling his cigarette out and tranquil. "Ame, help your mother," he said.

"How about you?"

Max licks his bullet, inserts it into his sniper, and says "I see your mother is not stable yet. So I say you guide her,"


"Mama, control it," Hinata said.


What Lisa saw as an entity that traumatized her.

"Kill...Akira..." the entity said.


"She's manipulated by someone," Melania said. "Where's Amelia??!!"

As soon she mentions Amelia, she shows up. "Sorry, I'm a bit lost,"

"Your mother, Ame. She needs your aid," Hinata said.

Amelia goes closer to Lisa, pats her head, and starts appealing for her mother's sanity. "Repeat after me," Hinata said.

For a few minutes, Lisa begins to chant again in a harsher way. "Mama, don't force yourself," Hinata said, holding her mother's hand, yet Lisa holds her hand while staring at the air.

Akira on the other hand, standing in the middle of the road. His vision becomes more focused on Bliztkriegkampf. His body soon slowly burns, changing his form into a berserk knight, named, Dark Knight. "Dark Angel? More like a hypocrite." Heria said.

Blitzkrieg flows a bit higher and aims at Akira. The barrel rolls, the bullets are inserted, and the black gas is released, it fires 50 shots in one bullet for one barrel. As Akira runs forward, it aims and starts shooting him without time. It destroys a building into a ruin. He just avoids it after Blitzkrieg. Then, while he's running, he wields the same great sword, but then he spins it, and suddenly, he aims it with a great sword that is now a techno laser shooter, and he says "Moero, kuso shito kuso yarō-me!!!" and he blasted it to the body of blitzkrieg.

After that, the hole is exposed, then Max aims carefully at it. "He swears so hard," Max said. He shoots from 3 miles from his place. Suddenly, he saw someone, standing with Heria, and falls to the ground. "That's unusual. Who is that guy?"




Elden Apostle-03






As he lands on the ground, Akira strikes at him at any cost. Then, the guy halts Akira with his heat wave force. "Nice blade you got there," he said.


"You were here to kill my follower, aren't you?" he said.


"Tsk, you were here just to find your younger brother? Let me ask you, do you got yourself aroused by your sister's performance?" he said.

Akira screams harshly and swings his greatsword, yet it's a miss. "How about your wife's? Is she love it?" Brandr said, making Akira resentful of him.

Suddenly, as Akira swings his blade at Brandr, Heria appears on Akira's back, then he stabs him. Akira stops his attack as he tries to pull out the dagger on his back and without any sudden moves, Brandr flawlessly took Akira's blade and spins it, making Akira's face majorly injured, and as he kneels, he raises Akira's head, and slowly insert the spiral greatsword into his mouth.


Amelia runs to search for her father and she saw Akira lying down, his blood like a river. "PAPA!!!!!!!!" she mourned.

"Amelia, daughter of Akira. How pathetic are you? No mother, the one that always is with you?" said Brandr.

"What do you want from us?!" Amelia shouts hopelessly.

"A price... for us to pay your grief." As Brandr kicks Akira to her, she goes to it, and her eyes shed tears, looking at it. "Heria, do your thing,"

As Heria almost touches her, Max shoots Heria's head like a watermelon. As Brandr saw someone walking towards them, Lisa, with a similar blade that he wields, her orange eye on the left shining brightly. "Is that an experimental Apostle? Why does she seem so angry?" Brandr said.

Her form was like Akira, in female, they call it "Dark Maiden," as Brandr said it.

"You should've not touched my husband...not a single edge."