
Darkest Matter: As above, so below

As the Dark comes, the chaos comes as well, yet, as He arrives, Darkness fears him, as he enrages for more with vengeance. As She continues her journey, the world is in great danger, more to the apocalypse. Hatred the powers, Her husband will never stop until he finishes his task once and for all. Until the end of his life https://www.royalroad.com/profile/348604/fictions

AntiHero874 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


"We've might not know each other, I'm Heria, and I would like to meet the white hair people," A good-looking boy, with a red eye on the left side, smiles at Akira. He carries a big soggy sack next to him.

Akira and Amelia glance at him like they're scanning him from the tip of the hair to the others. Heria order his food and waited. As the food arrives, he says "C'mon, enjoy the breakfast."

Amelia whispered to her father about the sack on the floor, skeptical of what was inside of it. "What's the purpose of your journey, Mr. Akira?" Heria said.

"Why do you want to meet me and my daughter?" Akira said.

"An order from my Lord. So, it's my turn," he said. "What's the purpose of..."

"What's in that sack?" Amelia said with an undertone. She stares at him, making Heria's eye glitches a bit. He acted normal after he noticed something extraordinary from both of them.

"Let me finish what I'm trying to say," Heria said in a dominion way.

"Not until I know what's inside that motherf***ing sack," she said and immediately grabs the sack. Heria grabs the sack too, and both of them started the fight.

Amelia pulls the sack to her and saw something dreary inside. Blood stench all over and the smell of rotting meat with noxious fruit in a mutter. She dropped it and began to ejecta it on the floor.

Heria stands and picks up his sack. He puts his hand in it and pulls out a woman's head while it's still dripping in blood. Everyone in the Schakols tavern began to scream and chill on it. "Isn't that..." Amelia remembers a person that hugs her last night.

"Poor her, she was dreadfully begging for me. Begs hard for me to stop. Sadly, let her go..." He paused a bit. "... to heaven," he laughed.

Amelia's heart beats faster, her body shudders as her anger burns in her. She attacks Heria with her skeletal dagger, and swings carefully to avoid anyone in the tavern injured but Heria. Yet, as she got hold of Heria's hand and then he triggers finger Amelia, making her body shattered in blood. No bones, no flesh, no organs, just blood spread on the walls and a cleaner of the tavern.

Heria laughed loudly and grabs a young woman, ready to be triggered. "Well, Mr. Akira. What's the purpose," he said. "Or else, this girl will be the next."

Akira didn't care about anything, even his daughter as well. He takes a bit glance at his daughter's blood without a body, and stares at Heria, holding the young woman with his finger on her head. The girl's expression was like afraid to be dead. He stands and facing to Heria. "Let me tell you something. Firstly, all of the people, including this tavern thought I'm an Apostle, which is b*llsh*t. Second, you are the most generous young man, yet you just interrupt me with my daughter," Akira said.

"What do you mean? I don't understand," Heria said.

"Third and most important thing for you to know; I'm the final Three Golden Rings, And the one you hold there is no ordinary girl," he said.

Suddenly, a young woman Heria holds stabs his midriff with her hidden elbow blade and escapes. And then she back tornado kicks him off and knee kicks his face. Heria goes back and holds his jaw. He smiles and walks slowly toward the girl. "You must be Hinata Fujiwara, Daughter of Lisa Fujiwara, Daughter of Akira Itto," Heria sounded. Then, he builds his martial stance, his arms glowing in tribal sign and his eyes turn bright light. Gravity forces the movement underneath their foot. "NO ONE CAN STOP ME NOW!!"




The chant keeps ringing in Heria's ear. Then he stares at the doorway and saw Lisa, Max, and Melania standing there. And the one who chants is Lisa Fujiwara. "Who's the other one who chants?" he said. He looks back and saw the cleaner of the tavern chants in Angelic Lingo.

He starts his attack on the cleaner first without hesitation. Surprisingly, as take a blow, the cleaner effortlessly catches Heria's first, then she slowly turns into ashes and becomes a beautiful girl once more. A whole Tavern appraised to her as...

---------------------------- (AKHIRA ITTA)-------------------------

"Impossible." Heria couldn't believe that she could be reborn once more.

"Phoenix's ashes... Reborn to the place it died," Akira said. Amelia then punches Heria's face and then Hinata captured him by locking him, then Amelia stabs him again with a hidden elbow blade once more.

As Heria is on the ground, Akira goes near him. "Outstanding, " Heria said.

" Now, tell me. Where is Takeru?"

"If you want to know where is he, you should face my pet, BlieztkrigKampf," he said, and suddenly a shoot-out rumbled outside of Schakols. A large flying Machine Gun robot without a driver, larger than a dragon.





Steampunk God

Name: Heria / BlietzkrigKampf (Robot)





"Sir, we have an emergency," an officer said.


"Blietzkrig is coming."

"Does my Cousin outside?" he said.

"Akira? I'm afraid so."

"Then, let him be."


As he stands up and walks towards the large screen inside the operating room, staring at the image of the giant robot. He has red long hair, a masculine look, and a bulky body. Wears an armor full of gold. "Because he the Seraphim,"

"Don't tell me..." the officer begins to vibrate.

"Akira Itto, son of Megumi Itto, A Grandson of Akhira Itta," he said. "Assist him at any cost," he said.

The officer salutes and goes after the order. Then, there's a phone call. As he picks up, it was Andrew. "What are you waiting for?" he said.

"Waiting time," he said.

"What time, Tomioka?"

"Time for him to embrace who he used to be. His vengeful ambiance will be heard by Takeru and will take benefits from them."

"How about his daughters?" Andrew said.

"Will be joining with Aiko," he said. "Verbrenne es bis auf die Grundmauern und hinterlasse nichts als Asche,"

Meanwhile, at the Tavern, Heria stands in the middle of the valley, saying "The day has come, Mr. Akira. I will become Elden Apostle once I kill you, and your family and the whole world will bow down to the Supreme." He flies above the sky and reaches the robot. After that, the large bullets with millions of barrels were aimed at Akira.

"Bring it then, Apostle scum."