

I finally got out of bed and strolled around the castle. Wondering aimlessly across the castle, I found Amber poking some bricks on the wall. It was a hallway leading to nowhere, but the paintings looked nice I guess.

Does she want to put a painting there?

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Ahh! Don't surprise me from behind!" She pouted, it's scary how cute she is when she's mad...

"So... what are you doing?" I repeated the question.

"The bricks just looks oddly clean, I was just appreciating it" She shrugged

"Oh... that is not suspicious at all!"

"I... didn't find anything though... oh well! Wanna go somewhere fun?"

"Fun in a masochistic way or an actually fun way?"

"Who do you think you're talking to?" Amber innocently smiled

Oh right! You...

"So where are we going?"

"To Shin!"

We started walking out, but Amber started whining about having to walk and eventually made me carry her.

When we got to the entrance the knight from earlier was talking to one of the guards.

"What ya guys talking about?" I shouted from a distance

"Lord Ignis! We didn't know we were blocking the way..."

"Don't worry about it, we don't really care. We're just walking around" Amber said half awake.

"I'm sorry, but who might you be?" Alvin asked without thinking

Damn if this was Novem, he'd get recked with words...

"I have no idea!" Amber replied looking like she was drunk

I should get used to her in my head huh?

"She's Crimson,"

With only two words the guards went from questioning her to bowing to her.

"We're so sorry lord Cri- LADY Crimson!"

"Lord's fine, calling me lady sounds like I'm the damsel in distress or something"

Welp that's Amber alright.

"I won't get off your back" she whispers on to my ears making me sigh

"Youuuuu suck," I said to Amber's face

"I know right?" Amber replied then fell asleep

"Well, I better get going," I got ready to sprint.

"Have a safe trip I-Ignis" Alvin stuttered

Alvin took off his helmet and bowed. His hair was straight teal and his eyes were hazel brown. He looked like was 14 or something... so young...

"Thanks!" I shouted then ran off carrying the sleeping Amber.

"Oh my what ever's holy, I ship it so hard!" a girl knight screamed loud enough for me to hear.

"What seriously?!"

"What you don't like Ignison? Ignius x Crimson man,"

"I guess both of them w-work well together,"


Before I knew it I was smiling from my own imagination...

She is... kinda heavy... for me...

"I can feel it, you're saying I'm heavy," Amber said, half-asleep.

You know what? I think I wouldn't even need to say anything anymore, I'll just use my thoughts!

"No, I'm lazy"

You're doing it half asleep! Also right now!

"Do you really want me to be in your thoughts ALL THE TIME?"

Aren't you already reading my mind all the time?

"No, I only read it when we're alone together or I wanna taunt you"

Of course... taunt me...

"Are we there yet?" She complained

I might be fast, but my mage stats aren't as good as your warrior one!


Yes, we're here

I walked into a kind dungeon. A guard stopped him, but Amber showed her badge and they immediately let both of them go in. Inside the dungeon lies a hallway. On the sides were lots of doors leading to a lower level. Four of the doors leading down were guarded.

"Now that is a lot of security and would you mind getting down your majesty?" I said sarcastically.

"Fine" Amber then got down walked to one of the guarded doors.

"I'm GA... or General of the Army or something," Amber said showing her badge

"Oh! Who's this with you m'lady" the guard said

"Don't call me that... Crimson is fine I swear" Being called M'lady must be annoying for Amber...

"M'lady" I whispered, feeling like I had my ultimate revenge.

"General, just General," I said showing his badge

"Right Sir!" the guard soluted

I and Amber walked down. Their steps echoed to becomes a small dead symphony. A faint sound of someone trying to break the bars. Their screams echoed in my ears. Blood sprayed all over the floor.

They kept walking down, keeping their head held high. So comes the last step, both scared to take it.

"It's just a step," Amber said comforting me, but I'm sure she saying it to herself more than anyone else.

"Is anyone there?" A voice echoed from beyond the bloody bars. A familiar voice, it's drained of the optimism and determination it used to have.

Amber with her eyes holding back tears, took her last step to walk to the lonely bloody bars. In the dark shadowy corner.

"You... YOU TRAITOR!" A hand swiftly grabbed on to the iron bar, it's bloody, it seems to be in pain. It was Shin's pale hand. He looked like he hasn't slept in days. His once dark purple hair has turned into snowy white hair with purple nowhere to be seen.

Did he Keneki himself somehow?

Amber's face was insensitive, but inside I can feel that it kept getting harder and harder for her to hold back the tears. The more she suppresses it the more powerful it becomes.

"Heh, and what are you gonna do about it? Looked up in this cell, unable to use your pathetic magic. Only a little bit of pain and you're down." she said. She seemed arrogant on the outside but I could see exactly what's on her mind. Putting up a mask to cover those tears.

I stood silent as ever, right behind Amber

What do I do? What can I do?

"The only ones who are pathetic are the ones who don't have the will to resist the promise of power. You know nothing about torture"

Shin... I started to like you after we came here. Now, I have no idea what to do. It's a game of choice, Shin or Amber, either way, I lose.

With those words, her facade broke.

Amber grabbed the bar twisting it and looked Shin directly into the eyes, whispering, "You don't know what I've been through" her voice, shaken, her eyes filled with fear and terror of the past.

"Do you really wanna know what happened while you were having fun inside that pleasant cage?!" she face was twisted, her smile, scared.

Inside she's a mess of a person. Her emotions are everywhere. This was the only time Shin saw her break her facade.

"You... heh... you... YOU DON'T GET TO JUDGE ANY AND I MEAN ANY OF US," she said with a face full of tears while recollecting the bloody chambers, the chains that held her, the face she can't ever forget.

Her tears wouldn't stop...

"That's enough" I stepped in and gave her a hug. I... don't know what else I can do.

Shin stayed there stunned

What do I do? Why does it hurt watching? Why do I want to cry too?

"C-Calm down,"

I'll try to upload as much as possible, but it won't be as consistent this week. Sorry

An0nymouscreators' thoughts