
Gossips and Drama

In the class

"Morning ladies what took you so long you know I have been waiting for so long" greeted ginny as she complained

"morning to you too ginny and seriously it was because of mia that we were late" said jade and mia glared at her and told her to stop as she didn't want to broadcast anything such short attraction especially when she had a boyfriend and she was just checking him out not like she pounced on him or kissed him and she knows how this schools gossip mills are not that ginny would start the rumors' but they are not alone in class and if it goes in any wrong ears such as Kim then no one could stop spreading gossip like fire and jade understood it to so she thought before continuing "I mean that she took a lot of time to get ready and got us late" said jade

"shut up jade I was just took 5 mins extra and there was so much traffic coming to school" resorted mia and jade gave her a look and raised her brow in the teasing manner and said "yeah sure" and snorted and ginny felt there was something going between them but did not interrupt as she thought they would tell her later and decided to talk about gossips in the school

"okay now ladies let me talk, I have a juicy gossip for you guys Stella was caught making out with Jose, Katy's boyfriend" said ginny excitedly "and you know it was Kim who spread this, oh I tell you that gossip monger I just can't get that girl and a new drama was created in the school and katy was crying and screaming at them and at last her cousin Camille had to come in between their fight and end this argument but unfortunately you guys missed the drama" said ginny regretfully "it took place in the class and you missed it as it happened just a few mins. you in the class" she added

"oh yeah it happened and it is all over the school form and insta" said mia while checking her phone

"but isn't Camille a quiet aloof girl and I have never seen her getting into anything before even when it involved katy her cousin" jade is more intruded by this fact that how come an introvert aloof girl could come in this matter

"well you never know and after all katy is her paternal cousin and I heard that their family is quiet close and isn't Stella her step sister so they are related in some way or other" said mia shrugging her shoulders

And Camille they were discussing entered the class and suddenly all class became quiet and it proved that everybody was talking about the same thing as them.

Camille has beautiful french blonde hair and emerald green eyes as she is a French and a half American and she is a very beautiful girl with feminine body structure and a pretty delicate face and soft voice with French accent English and walked straight to their seats and said "hi mia you will be joining the chess club right?" she asked

"yes and?" mia confirmed and raised her brow in as if to ask question

"so can you take care of an event with me…un I mean can you help me because the vice president has quit and I alone can't prepare for the event" she asked as she is the president and a state level chess player and yes she is that intelligent that she can also play verbal chess but she isn't social able and they didn't think that she would take initiative for asking a favor as she is quiet cold in nature and that was what they use think at least "sure" answers mia and Camille walked back to her seat and their professor comes in the class and starts with the same routine with introduction in the class as if the forget their classmates after vacation thought jade with an mental eye roll and the class started eventually.


Outside the administrative office

As the handsome boy who was encountered by the two besties walked out of the administrative office, an intern in the office suddenly called out "Mr. Samuel Carter please wait" she came running towards him when he was just standing outside the office and handed him his id card and cafeteria card and said "you forgot this meal card and also this is your id card that will be needed for you to enter the class as we don't have a attendance system and the entries will automatically enter our system and this has a particular folder for each class that is why it took some time" she explained him the process of the school

"thanks" he said "by the way you can just call me sam" he said with a smile and the intern blushed only nodded her head and went back in the office

Sam just shook his head and walked towards the small garden outside, in the secluded corner and pulled out his phone to talk to a very lazy person and thinking of her only made him roll his eyes and he dialed a private number

"hello…..can't you even greet me before asking me the purpose…..as concise as ever hump….so I met her and as you said her instinct were on the spot….. WHAT. NO! how can it be possible...I just think she looked at me alertly and weirdly and detected some unusualness in me…..yeah but don't worry I've got this...well apparently her friend is quiet interested in me, so you know… yeah I know it is only for the mission that I will get close to her…yeah I know you don't like this method and trust me if have any other choice I wont do it but I really cant approach her as she appears to be quiet wary of me and then you might as well forget about the mission …..yeah I know the rules and I will follow them even without your reminder and you tell me when are you gracing me with your presence princess….what the heck you are throwing all your part of on me now; I tell you don't even think of it….so I really cant do it all alone and I wont do it all alone it is so hectic…let the mission fail….hmm ok then send him and do tell him not to pick up fight with me, gotta go now laters"

He just shook his head and thought now what problem is delaying her but then again she has always been too mysterious so it didn't came a surprise to him and he decided to concentrate on mission as that troublemaker will also come as her substitute for the time being and he started walking towards the class.

sorry i dont get time for writing as i have my exams and other things and a fully packed itenery till june but i will try to upload it as much as i can and please do leave a comment on how you find this novel and do add it in your library as you will be notified when i will publish

LaVieExtraordi1creators' thoughts