
Dark Continent

Growing up in a small secluded village high up in the mountains, Arko never expected much from life. But when his hometown was raided by orcs forcing him to run away, it seemed fate had more than an ordinary life in store for him. Even after the orcs declared the 1000 year holy war upon the continent, Arko didn't think much of it. but things start to change when he uncovers his ability to wield Aura - an energy that the continent's best warriors use to unleash apocalyptical attacks and wage war amongst each other. Follow Arko as he uncovers the mysteries off the continent, his past, and an old decrepit book. As he wages war against the mightiest of foes and ascends to the peak of of the continent. //---------------------- Cover illustration by John Anthony Di Giovanni. All credit goes to the artist. //---------------------- This novel is a mix of the classical fantasy genre and a light novel like power system, in a Medieval world with classic fantasy monsters and races.

Mytzi · Fantasie
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16 Chs


The battle's echoes faded into the night. Arko sat down fully exhausted, exchanging a glance with Milo and the other survivor, he sighed.

"We need to make our way back to the city,"

Nodding in agreement, Milo wiped the sweat from his brow and adjusted his grip on his great axe.

The other survivor, a young woman named Elara, tightened her hold on her weapon as well.

The path was treacherous. The forest was a labyrinth of darkness, punctuated by the looming presence of orc squads.

Thankfully the forest provided enough cover for the group to remain unseen.

Moving cautiously, they navigated through the forest undergrowth. The eerie stillness was occasionally shattered by the distant howls of wolves or the echoing calls of night birds.

Milo's voice broke the tension, his tone laden with frustration.

"Higher command thought the orcs taking over Mavaria would be their limit. They think the orcs aren't really that powerful, estimating their army at around 100,000 Strong."

Arko's furrowed his brow . The orcs were a far greater threat than anyone had anticipated. Their sheer numbers and the strength of their aura users had caught them off guard.

The moon continued its slow descent, casting long shadows that seemed to stretch and contort.

Slowly the night receded, giving way to the morning sun, rays filtering through the canopy of trees.

The march kept on.

Suddenly Arko picked up the sounds of rustling leaves. Crouching down, he signaled to his companions to keep quiet.


They had gotten to the edge of the forest, now all that remained to get to Haitan-dma was a five hour walk across open plains and fields

"Its a whole army."

Stretching out in front of them, an endless stream of orcs marched through the fields. Extending as far as the eye could see, an unbroken serpent moved through the vast open fields and sprawling plains.

"The city is doomed"

Turning around, Milo sighed. "No point in trying to return. Haitan-dma isn't capable of resisting such an assault. In the whole kingdom maybe only the capital stands a chance."

"Well, lets go to the capital then." Said Elara.

"Its our only option now."

"It will take us about us about 8 days to get there, considering its 250 km away. Not counting the time it we will need to navigate around the orc army."

Standing up, Arko looked away from the imposing sight.

"Well then lets get going"


Moving through the countryside, the small team had made good headway. Now only 3 days away from Lepsoshini, the capital of the Kingdom of Tadashita.

Along the way they had been careful to avoid being detected by the orcs.

The journey continued, their small team making steady progress.

As they traveled, they came across multiple small villages, reduced to rubble and ruin, their former inhabitants nowhere to be found.

Pressing on, they realized they had had passed the orc advance advance.

Eventually, the small group arrived at a village that had not yet been raided.

Entering cautiously and walking through it, the streets where deserted.

Arko's footsteps echoed in the emptiness, and he exchanged a puzzled look with Milo and Elara.

"Where is everyone?"

Milo's brows furrowed as he looked around. "They might have already evacuated," he replied, his voice low. "The news of the orc advance must have reached them in time."

Their footsteps echoed off the silent walls as they continued to walk through the city. The once-familiar places now seemed eerie and deserted.

Peering around all Arko could see were abandoned market stalls, empty homes, and eerily quiet alleys

Walking on, All that could be seen were more signs of abandonment and emptiness.

A day later, they began to overtake peasants on the road—some dragging carts laden with belongings, others with weary expressions and the only possessions being the clothes they wore.

The closer they got to the capital, the heavier the ambiance became. The closer they got to the capital, the darker the atmosphere became. The people they passed were silent, their gazes distant as they watched the trio walk past.

And then, finally, they stood before the grand gates of the capital city.

Many carts were strewn about in front of the entrance, clearly indicating that refugees were not allowed to bring much with them.

Arko gazed upward, taking in the sight of the massive city. The urban sprawl extended far beyond the gate, bustling streets eventually giving way to a towering wall, a true testament to the capital's might.

The gate was an imposing structure, with a massive wooden door and a formidable metal portcullis.

Behind the wall tall spires of the Cathedral of Lepsoshini pierced the sky, their intricate designs reaching towards the heavens.

Soldiers clad in armor rushed along the parapets, their purposeful movements a stark contrast to the chaos that seemed to reign outside the walls.

He also saw many Ballistas mounted atop the wall, their massive forms poised to unleash destruction upon any threat that dared approach. Banners bearing the emblem of the kingdom fluttered proudly in the wind, their vibrant colors providing a stark contrast to the grim situation.

The sunlight glinted off the polished surfaces of armor, casting fleeting reflections that danced like fire. The stone walls themselves exuded an air of timelessness, standing as a steadfast sentinel against the encroaching darkness.

The gates loomed ahead, guarded by stern-faced sentries who eyed the newcomers skeptically. As Arko, Milo, and Elara approached the entrance, a sense of both hope and apprehension filled the air. The capital city held the promise of safety and refuge, but it also carried the weight of unknown challenges that lay ahead.

Shorter chap today but don't worry because tomorow's is a big one.

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