
Dark Continent

Growing up in a small secluded village high up in the mountains, Arko never expected much from life. But when his hometown was raided by orcs forcing him to run away, it seemed fate had more than an ordinary life in store for him. Even after the orcs declared the 1000 year holy war upon the continent, Arko didn't think much of it. but things start to change when he uncovers his ability to wield Aura - an energy that the continent's best warriors use to unleash apocalyptical attacks and wage war amongst each other. Follow Arko as he uncovers the mysteries off the continent, his past, and an old decrepit book. As he wages war against the mightiest of foes and ascends to the peak of of the continent. //---------------------- Cover illustration by John Anthony Di Giovanni. All credit goes to the artist. //---------------------- This novel is a mix of the classical fantasy genre and a light novel like power system, in a Medieval world with classic fantasy monsters and races.

Mytzi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Ambush (2)

As Arko rejoined the battle, his aura-infused sword gleaming in the moonlight, beside him, Entar continued his relentless assault on the orc he was facing.

As the orc before them swung its massive battle axe, Arko swiftly parried the blow with his sword. Entar followed suit, his great axe crashing against the orc's weapon. The combined strength of their strikes sent tremors through the orc's arms, causing it to stagger backward.

Seizing the opportunity, Arko lunged forward, his sword aimed at the orc's exposed side. The blade connected, slicing through the orc's armor and drawing a spray of blood. The orc bellowed in pain, its aura flickering momentarily.

But the orc was far from defeated. With a furious roar, it swung its axe in a wide arc, forcing both Arko and Entar to leap back to avoid the deadly strike. The orc's red aura flared, enhancing its strength and speed.

Entar stepped forward, his eyes narrowing in determination as he let loose all of his aura into his strike. His great axe gleamed as he swung it with incredible force, the weapon cleaving through the air and crashing down upon the orc. The impact was brutal, the great axe slicing through the orc's defenses and into its flesh.

Blood sprayed into the air as the orc's body was split in two, its lifeless form collapsing to the ground. Arko, despite being covered in the orc's blood, couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction at their swift victory.


Arko surprised, turned to see Entar roaring to the sky almost more menacingly than the orcs themselves.

"The feeling is actually quite nice isn't it ? now quickly absorb his aura and lets get back to battle"

Nodding his head, Entar quickly kneeled down near the dead orc. Extending a hand to each piece of the dead orc, he quickly absorbed its aura.

The battle seemed to have stabilized, with the death of two orc aura users the numbers on each side were almost equal.

Suddenly a feeling of impending doom covered the battlefield. All battle came to a sudden stop, both orcs and humans looking around worriedly .

A slow trotting sound emerged from the top of the hill, getting louder and louder.

Looking up towards the top of the hill, Arko felt a chill running down his spine.

An enormous war horse covered in deep black plate armor, carrying an even more ominous looking rider emerged from the gloom. From the bottom of the hill, the riders only noticeable features were his glowing, gold eyes and huge stature.

It felt as if time had frozen in its tracks.

Then more silhouettes began appearing at the top of the hill. hundreds of them.

suddenly a low voice resonated in the night, speaking in guttural tones.

"Nalkroro ave lat stop? Drepa tak gith ! "

Hearing this, the orcs standing around seemed to have been reanimated, They Instantly charged at the remaining soldiers with renewed vigor.

"ah, this isn't good, this isn't good at all"

looking at the orcs at the top off the hill, something seemed to click in Arko's mind.

"This wasn't a typical raiding party, but an advance scouting party"

"Break formation! Scatter into the forest !" The captain shouted his orders.

"Its an aura Crystallization level orc commander !"

Without hesitation Arko turned around and ran towards the cover of the trees, the rest of the battalion had also run, dispersing in all directions.

Reaching the forest he risked a glance over his shoulder, seeing three orcs hot on his heels. Circulating his endurance aura technique, he prepared for a long chase as he weaved through the foliage of the forest.

Thanks to his endurance aspect, his breathing remained fairly relaxed after more than 2 hours of running.

Luckily, none of the orcs chasing him were speed or endurance types.

His thoughts churned wildly as he ran. Remembering the overpowering aura of the orc commander, a feeling of insignificance gnawed at him.

"Never again. "

Recollections of his mentor's death during the orc raid on his hometown came back.

Gritting his teeth, he continued on.

He walked towards the south, guided by the moon's position. The Night's cool wind whipped through his hair as he Kept a steady pace.

As he was moving forward, faint sounds reached his ears. Curious made his way closer to the noise's origin.

"battle sounds."

Furtively creeping over, he hid in the underbrush. Peering over he recognized the vice captain, Milo and another aura user locked in combat against three orcs.

Silently, Arko made up his mind and slipped behind the orcs, preparing to launch a surprise attack.

making his way closer and closer to the orcs, sword in hand, he observed the battle.

A towering orc, muscles rippling with raw power, ferociously swung his battle axe, aiming at milo's waist while a smaller orc stabbed at his head with a huge halberd.

Milo's defense was valiant. Raising his shield in a swift and practiced motion, he blocked the axe strike while simultaneously sidestepping out of the halberd 's lethal trajectory.

Despite Milo's skilled defense, he was constantly forced back, a hint of strain showing on his face.

Arko's gaze narrowed as he watched the bigger orc. He must have reached the consolidation stage, or Milo wouldn't be so hard pressed against two opponents of basic aura proficiency.

Silently he waited for his chance, an opening off any kind could turn the battle around.

The bigger orc's axe swung once again with brutal force, Milo's vambrace deflecting the blow. The Smaller orc lunged, halberd met sword with a clang.

Going for a strong overhead slash the bigger orc raised his axe with both hands.

Quick as a striking snake, Arko leapt forward. His sword slicing deep in the orc's exposed flank its mark. A guttural roar of pain echoed.

The battle escalated. Each clash reverberated, a symphony of weapons meeting.

The bigger orc's strength was undeniable, his attacks powerful but now his balance was broken. Arko and Milo's synchronized movements began to take effect. The battle wasn't a ballet; it was a chaotic struggle.

Then the bigger orc stumbled, his aura faltering. Not wasting a second, Arko lunged again, stabbing into the enemy's breast. Placing one hand on the pommel of the sword, he pushed.

blood splashed as the sword pierced straight into the orc's heart, and emerged from its back, covered in blood.

The smaller orc hesitated for only a heartbeat before turning and fleeing, its form disappearing into the trees.

wasting no time, Arko and milo darted towards the distant sounds of battle where the remaining aura user fought against a lone orc.

As they reached the scene, the orc's attention was fixed on his opponent, who was locked in a fierce exchange of blows.

Immediately Arko drew the orc's attention, feinting a blow to the back of its head. As if on queue Milo's great axe swung from the right, a deadly arc that left no room for evasion.

The orc's aura flared in a desperate attempt to parry the incoming strike. But it was too late.

Milo's axe struck true, cleaving through the orc's defenses and burying itself deep into its body. The orc's battle cries were silenced, replaced by a gurgled gasp as its life force dissipated.

Taking one final step forward, the orc fell to the ground. Dead.

Silence enveloped them, as the moon sunk lower on the horizon.

Only the ragged breaths of three survivors remained.