
Dark Christmas Prince

[MATURE CONTENT] Excerpt: "It's chilly.", Noelle squeeze her eyes tightly as it runs down her back. "Shhh~" a smirk formed on his face as he stared at her curves. "Be a good girl and I will give you a present." He whispers slowly to her ear before giving it a nibble. Synopsis: Growing without father figure has repelled Noelle from commitments. However one night change it all when she poke something that she shouldn't have. Maybe that why the wise one has come out with the saying "curiosity killed the cat". Noelle's life start to go down in spiral from that moment on. Follow Noelle's journey as this chilly and jolly season become steamy.

Menie · Fantasie
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29 Chs

Cliché Enough?

The walk to the helicopter feels like eternity. Noelle felt like she was walking towards the gallows for severe crime. She wipes her tears and holds in her sobbing for she knows that acting weak wouldn't help in this situation. She hopes that her friends will be alright because it will be better if they don't really know her real identity. Noelle can't jeopardize the innocent lives just because she hates her father.

She takes Kian's hand and holds it tightly. Kian takes Noelle's hand and brings it closer to his lips and gives it a gentle kiss. He hugs her shoulder as they walk because at least he can comfort her. Kian is racking his brain on how to help Noelle escape this sudden kidnap. Even if it is Noelle's own father that takes her away but it is against her will. Kian ponders if he should use his power. However, he doesn't really know what the outcome will be. Since, he never use his power ever since he wakes up from his deep slumber few days ago in Noelle's house

Meanwhile, Noelle can't stop staring at her dad while following his steps. His back still looks the same but there is no love nor affection was shown in his gesture. Noelle can feel a pang to her heart due the indifference from her father. "Seventeen years of no contact and now he just grabs me like a stray on the street.", Noelle thought to herself. She used to think that her dad has forgotten her existence from the earth and built a family that he loves more than her. Maybe she will see her step siblings and new mom that despised her just like in generic drama.

The memories from that day flashed in her mind.

"Papa~ Papa~ When you come back from the business trip, remember to buy me a huge Pikachu plush. Thissss big." Noelle made a big round gesture so that her dad understood how big of Pikachu she wanted.

"Your wish is my command, my little princess." Her dad replied with affection while giving her a long hug before carrying his enormous luggage out of the house.

"Bye~ Bye~ Papa!" Noelle waves her hands until her dad's car is no longer visible within her sight.

When she turned around, Noelle saw her mother's eyes were red from crying and she covered her mouth so that no crying sound escaped despite her shoulder moving up and down.

"What are you crying Mama?" Noelle wonders why her mom is sobbing because her dad frequently travels for work every now and then. Her mom proceeded to hug Noelle without saying anything. The hug was so tight as if her mom was trying to gain strength from Noelle's small body.

"I am sorry Noelle. Mama will take care of you.", she replied to Noelle, who started with a puzzled face. She was hurt but she must be strong for young Noelle. She couldn't believe that the man that she fall in love with during college would leave them for a young and hotter secretary.

Every day, Noelle sits at the bench in front of their house waiting for her dad to come back. Normally her dad would call once he reached the destination however this time around there is no news from her dad. Yet Noelle still waits for him without fail.

"Mama, when will Papa be back?"

"Mama, why Papa didn't give us a call yet?"

"Mama, is Papa doing well?

Everyday, Noelle asks endless questions to her mom but her mom always avoids the question by changing the topic. From Noelle's point of view, Mama just lives her day as if nothing happened except occasionally crying in her own room. She no longer asks her mom about Papa because she realizes her mom's expression changed gloomy. Every night, she heard sobbing from her parents room.

Everyday without fail, Noelle still waits by the bench for her dad. She can feel her heart breaks as Papa doesn't come to any of her piano recitals and when she received the first prize for her Public Speaking competition. Noelle joins various competitions as a way for her to reach out to her dad. She tries really hard to well because maybe just maybe he will come back when he sees her name in the newspaper articles. Maybe her dad would not forget at least her name as long as it is frequently mentioned.

Ten years have passed and now Noelle comes to full term that her dad is not coming back. Noelle was her high school valedictorian for her outstanding performance in academics and sports.

"Everyone of us here has done our best within our capabilities. Some might struck us down with their words or action but we managed to find our strength within ourselves to carry on. Some day when we look back to the hardships that we face here, we will no longer remember the pain but we will remember how strong we were. Mama, thank you for always being by my side for all these years and congratulations to the class of 2012!"

The hall was drawn from the applause by the audience. Noelle held back her tears when she saw that her dad still was not there. However, she is grateful for having her mom by her side through all the dark times in the past years.

Noelle has learned to be brave from her mom. No matter what people say nor do yet her mom never backs down. Mama works two jobs to support Noelle yet still makes time for all her competition and parents' meetings. Noelle is the only she has left in her family since Mama was an orphan. While it is easier to just leave Noelle and start a new life with a better man yet she chooses the hard road. Despite the obstacles, Mama still would choose Noelle over everything else in her life.

"Miss Noelle, we have your belongings in the hotel packed." The leader of man in black's voice brings Noelle back to reality.

"How about my house in KL?" Noelle is worried about her rabbits and all her treasure belonging in her house.

"No worries. Our team is already on their way to retrieve all of it Miss Noelle.", he replied earnestly. The helicopter ride with her dad was not comfortable as no one said anything at all. Meanwhile, Kian was in a different helicopter.

When they reached the airport, Noelle saw the jet that she regularly used to visit her grandpa in Switzerland every Christmas when her parents were still together. However, all that has become history and painful memories for Noelle.

Christmas was supposed to be the greatest time to be with family. It is the moment of reunification for a big family after one busy year. Being left alone on Christmas was like a stake being pushed deep to Noelle's heart. The happiness that she used to have is no longer can be felt. Even so, Noelle managed to find the greatest people during her university years. Maeve and Rael have taught her a lot. They never failed to bring Noelle to their house and it makes Noelle feel like she has a bigger family despite not related by blood.

"Noelle, your friend can't be in the same plane as us but he will follow later with the others on different flights.", Papa breaks the silence while taking a seat in front of Noelle.

"Oh." Noelle replied nonchalantly because she still despised the man in front of him.

There were deep furrows on Papa's face before he let out a deep sigh before he opened his mouth, "Your grandpa has requested for you to come back home. He missed you dearly."

Noelle didn't reply to her dad and just stared at the window as the jet took off from the runway. She knows her grandpa misses her however she was too occupied with her studies and work. She remembers that her grandpa visited her four years ago when she was still in the university.

"I know you are mad at him. But you are still my beloved granddaughter, Noelle." That was what he said when Noelle found him sitting in her living room that day. Noelle knows that he loves her because she is the first granddaughter in the family. His grandfather has always sent funds to her account continuously throughout the years. However, Noelle has never touched the funds because she finds satisfaction using the money from her own hard work.

Yet she made the wrong move when she decided to spend the unused money for the trip. At that time, Noelle did not see any harm in indulging with the money that already belonged to her anyway. Thus, she planned a trip to Genting just to have fun with her friends. To her surprise, this has led to her being caught by her dad and now has to uproot her life within seconds.

"Why does my life feel like a generic movie?" Noelle thinks to herself.

I can't control my tears when I write this chapter. The event is still fresh in my mind as if it happens yesterday. To those who have lost their loved one, know that there are still people who loves you. You just need to look around and open your heart to accept them.

Once again, I am thankful for the continous support from new readers and the loyal ones. Your votes bring the warmth to my day. I will try to publish one more chapter for today.

Loves you from the bottom of my heart.

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