
Danmachi The reincarnation of the menace

This is the story of a man who died and reincarnated as Bell Cranel and fused with his soul, with his awareness of the plot, the new Bell will change the storyline to one that he approves of.

zack_364 · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 22

Hello everyone I hope you are all having a great day.

Before I start speaking I want to give a special thanks to RaikerOkamura, like seriously my guy has been sending me power stones every day now, and even though I didn't upload a single chapter for 10 days he was still sending them regardless, RaikerOkamura if you are reading this please know that I'm really grateful for you.

Now then, There are 4 chapters this time I know that it doesn't sound like a lot but this is 3rd time I'm writing them, the first time was too cringy so I decided to start over again, and the second time was actually not bad it was funny and filled with jokes and pranks but the characters that were involved in it are not supposed to be that free at that time.

I'm currently writing about the time when the Great Feud ended, not even a day has passed yet, so realistically the characters that I wrote about should not have any time to be messing around and should be busy with fixing the city, so I had to delete it again and start over as it.

For now, the scenario that I wrote currently is more satisfying than those two so I decided to go with it.

Anyway, I will leave you with them and I hope you enjoy them.





(Royman's point of view)

This has been the most stressful period I have ever lived in my whole life but thankfully it's all over now… is what I wanted to say but it's not time to relax yet.

The amount of damage caused by the Evilus is enormous, The clean-up and repair job from the aftermath falls into the guild's hand, and the workload is seriously no joke as well as the amount of money the guild need to spend, ugh it hurts just thinking about it.

Thankfully there are some Familias who are assisting with the repairs and even the security around the city(though the guild is still paying for the repairs), even though I will never say it I'm grateful for them, without them, Orario wouldn't have survived that Event.

Though that light ball that revived everyone is still a mystery, even Lord Ouranos doesn't know anything about it, he told me we could worry about it later, fixing the damage to the city and getting everyone back to explore the dungeon is our first priority.

There were a lot of people from the guild that got revived, so the workload should be less but I decided to give them a day off, even those who didn't experience it understand that the shock that came from getting killed is not easy to deal with, so I give them a day off to adjust themselves before working again, though there was a stubborn one as always it's not like I didn't expect him to just sit there quietly, but even for a workaholic it's still too much.

Gallas was his name he was one odd elf…or a person, in general, he didn't have a sense of distance from other races like most of the elf workers here as they only wanted to advise their kin and no other one, but he didn't mind and he even advised a dwarf and was always in friendly terms with the adventurers he advised, and he was famous for being a workaholic(it's not like I'm complaining about it).

At first, I was worried that he will mix his private and work lives together and that will not make him fit for work here, but he proved me wrong, he was always serious when it came to work, and he does chat and joked with them in his free time but when it's work he flips the switch and what's more amazing is no one complained about, we are talking about adventurers here and they didn't even complain about him switching the way he treated them, even though I will never say but I did admire him a little bit like a tiny bit.

Anyway back to the present Gallas said he wanted to continue to work even though he was just revived, it was quite a tempting offer after all he was the most efficient one in the guild after me obviously (at least in my opinion) him working will help a lot but I need to stay true to my words or my position will be questioned.

Gallas approached me and whispered in my ears that he didn't have a house at the moment…. you don't have a house to stay at so you decided to work instead? he really is one hell of a workaholic.

Ah well, thanks to him I can get a wink of sleep I hardly got any this day, and knowing Gallas is in charge I can relax a bit even if there was a problem he can handle it just fine, again I really I'm thankful for that light ball for reviving the likes of Gallas makes my work easier.

I had a bed in one of the rooms inside the office so I decided to use it because as soon as I wake up there will still be a mountain of work.

But I would have never thought that I soon as I woke up and started working again Gallas came to me with an absurd thing.

A paper… a talisman is what the owner of it called it, the name is not important but the effect is, a magic spell that can regenerate lost limbs, I asked about the details from Gallas, and wasn't just absurd as this item.

The owner of it is nothing but a child who just turned 7 years old, and he wants to trade this talisman for a right to own land without the restriction of his age.

Now this is a tricky situation, I do have a lot of questions in my mind like why would a child want to own land on his own, and does he even have the money to buy it, and the most important one is where the hell did he get this?

His request is not that hard to grant because my authority as the Guild's master allows me to…but do these things even work? and even if they did work what is the best way to use them? use them as a last resort in desperate situations? there are only three of them so the decision is hard.


"Yes, Guild master?"

"Tell the child that we need to test the effects of the things he offered, so he should wait until tomorrow before we can consider his offer, and if he thinks the guild is going to cheat him we can simply give it back to him and pretend as it never happened"

"Is that fine guild master? if the effects are true then those-"

"Don't worry about if he really is in need of land then he will agree"

"..Alright, I will go and inform him right away."

Gallas went out to talk to him while I waited and contemplated what should I do with these things while doing some paperwork trying to reduce the size of the mountain of paper on my desk, it didn't take long for Gallas to be back again.

"So what did he say?"

"He said he was fine with that he already expected this and didn't mind it, rather he said if 1 day is not enough he can even spare a week if he can get the restriction removed."

"A week? looks like he is confident about these effects, well we are not losing anything from this anyway….I'm going to be away for a while so I trust you will take care of any problems if they arise"

"I will take care Guild master."

He bowed and then left the office, now then I started making my to the room of prayer under the guild to meet Ouranos, it didn't take long to get there and he was there as always unmoving with his eyes closed, but as he felt my presence he opened them and looked my way.

"Is there anything wrong Royman?"

I bowed down and greeted him and started telling him everything.

"..I see."

"Do you think that these things will work Lord Ouranos?"

"You may not have felt it but I can. those things in your hand contain the star energy and it indeed does have the aura of healing, but I can't confirm if his statement is true or not"

"If it is right then how should we handle them?"

"Hmm… you told that child to come back tomorrow right, leave those things here I will have someone check their effects and tell you the result tomorrow as well."

"Alright, but should we ask him where he got them?"

"….You can but if he refuses to tell don't force him."

"Alright, then I shall return Tomorrow farewell Lord Ouranos."

I started making my way back to the guild as I still have a lot of work to do….sigh I really want to retire all of a sudden, but when I think about it again those guys that I gave a break would be back shortly I guess I will throw a lot of work on them, there is Gallas too… sigh for once in my life I find myself wishing for more workaholics in the guild.

(Fels's point of view)

"From where did you exactly do you get these talismans Ouranos?"

"Hmm… I guess I should start from the beginning."

I was out wandering around the city looking for clues about that light ball, the one that revived everyone on our side, I had a lot of questions about it as why only our side?

From my investigations the ones that got revived felt as if they woke up after they got killed and weirdly enough they were all energetic and in good condition, and when we checked their graves they were empty and there was not even one sign of anything being dug up.

But that was only the people from our side the people of Evilus are still dead and even when dug some of their graves they were still there.

There are still some points worth mentioning though, one of them is the people that got revived all died on the surface, but I can't be sure about that as we didn't have any during the Great Feud, but that leads to the second point, none of the people that got killed before the Great Feud got revived only from the start of it till the end all the people that got killed at this time got revived.

This led me to believe that the light ball and the reviving were done by someone, not something I told Ouranos about it and he agreed with my point though he mention if this person who's done it doesn't want to be found out we will never find him, but before I can go back to investigate more Ouranos stopped me and told to focus on other things like the talismans that he handed me.

I didn't think much at first until I started studying them and if I had eyes they will be wide open, I asked where did he get them and he told me the whole situation behind these things.

Absurd….absurd is all I can think about that, I can't tell if that child is genius or stupid for offering something like this, though I will personally go with genius.

"So what did find about them?"

"It is like you said, they are loaded with star energy and have a healing aura but that is nothing compared to the array that is drawn into this paper."

"What is special about it?"

"This array itself is not the one that heals but the one that holds the spell in place, in easier words, the array freezes the time for the spell and stores it inside the paper without losing its power or effectiveness"

Ouranos raised his eyebrows impressed by the effect of this array effect but he stayed silent as he knew Fels wasn't done yet.

"And as for the healing spell itself, it's quite the complex one as the pattern of the spell will collapse if any sudden changes have been made…but overall I can still copy it though it can't be used without the star energy so I have to collect it myself before using it"

"You can make something like it?"

"Not only that but with this spell if I can understand more about it then even regenerating my dead skin, flesh, and organs will be possible"

"Then this thing is more valuable than we initially thought."

"Indeed, but I don't think it is a wise idea to just seal the deal just like this with that child, he might have something crazier than this"

"I agree with you but it's a tricky one."

"Indeed, even if he is just a child I still don't want to trick him and lose his trust."

"Hmm… how about I talk to him and negotiate?"

"You? You haven't allowed anyone here in a long time people might get suspicious if they know about it."

"Only Royman and Gallas know about him and his offer, and those two are trustworthy plus I have a feeling that he is not a normal child I want to see him myself."

"…Alright then as the one who wants to use this spell I want to meet him as well I hope that it is alright."

"That's fine, just be careful not to scare him"

"…Funny Ouranos, very funny."

"Alright, then I will notify Royman to bring him here tomorrow, forget about investigating the light ball if it really is a person doing then he should have already erased the clues about him, for now, focus on helping the city recover."

"I agree with you, then I should head out for now"

And with that, Ouranos closed his eyes again and the room of prayer fell into silence once again.