
Danmachi The reincarnation of the menace

This is the story of a man who died and reincarnated as Bell Cranel and fused with his soul, with his awareness of the plot, the new Bell will change the storyline to one that he approves of.

zack_364 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 21

(Gallas's Point of view)

Orario honestly never ceases to amaze me, it has been more than 50 years since I got here yet I never once got bored, I left my home as my point of view clashed a lot with the other elves, and I never understood the reason for their blind arrogance, not to mention I was young and wanted to explore the outside world.

When I got to Orario I was a bit lost as to what I should do I just left without any plans I started exploring a bit I had some money on me so was fine for a few days.

Eventually, I found a job at a bookstore and started working there the pay was okay and the owner was friendly and allowed me to read the books in there in my free time, I tried to pay her for it but she said that knowing the content will help me give a better recommendation for the customers.

I was really grateful for her and took my job seriously, I had a bit of difficulty with communication at first as I wasn't really used to different races But the owner was always there to help and guide me thanks to her all the rigidness I had before disappeared and I even started enjoying the work and always looking forward to the next customer, heck I even had a hearty chat with a dwarf about a weapon book from fairy tale if you told anyone in my hometown they might pass out hahaha.

I continued working there for 2 years until the owner unfortunately passed away, before she did she told me that I shouldn't waste my life in a bookstore because my abilities can take me further than that.

I of course refused at first as I was concerned for the store, but she told me to transfer all the books to one of her friends they too had a bookstore like hers.

I was really against it as it meant the place I had so many encounters with will cease to exist but that was her final wish, I did as she told me and informed her friend, and we worked together and moved it all into his store after we were done he asked me about my plans which I simply answered that I had none.

He thought for a while and then told me I should work for the guild which puzzled me as to why, he explained to me that the guild hires people for work their job can be tough but the pay is generous and the best part is paperwork at least for me.

I decided to give it a try and applied, and after going through some tests I passed and started working, of course, as I was new I was only given basic work, and in my free time I studied about Familias and adventurers and how to handle their issues and even studied about the dungeon and monsters as one of my seniors told me that I will be an adviser I took my job seriously as always and I eventually started working as an adviser for adventurers.

Thanks to my experience from the bookstore I didn't have trouble talking and teaching the adventurers, though there were always those arrogant ones that say that they don't need this knowledge, overall it wasn't that bad as most listened to my advice.

It's all thanks to the bookstore owner if it wasn't for her guidance I wouldn't have been this easy as I would have still had trouble communicating with others, I always made time to visit her grave and thank her.

The years started going by and Orario was constantly changing with each year there was always an adventurer or Familias rising and a lot falling as well, there were a lot of adventurers I advised a lot of them died sadly, I even saw some of them being brought back as a corpse in front of my eyes it was truly heartbreaking but I continued to do my work.

My coworkers had a different thought than mine though, some of them quit working while others choose to not be advisers anymore, but the worst thing in my opinion is that some of them decided to completely shut their hearts so they won't get hurt by their adventurer death news only giving them the necessary treatment and knowledge without any feelings.

It didn't sit right with me at all, if you don't believe in your adventurer then who is gonna do it, it's true that the sadness from their death is unbearable but that's just a part of life and we need to accept it, going by their view that there is no point in living as one day we will die anyway… that's just not what life is about.

I held on to my belief and always did my best when it came to advising but even with that the dungeon still took their lives, I was called a fool by my coworkers because what I was doing is useless to them and I was only torturing myself but it didn't matter, the moment I took this job I was determined to always do my best.

5 years, 10 years, 20 years, 30 years the number of adventurers… no people that I knew that died were in the hundreds even though I have experienced it multiple times by now, the pain of losing them never lessened, but instead of giving up on them I learned to treasure my time with them, I still remember every single one of them what we talked about what we laughed about and even what I scolded them for.

The short life of adventurers never made me run from them but made me always treasure my encounters and memories with them.

But alas my coworkers had enough of me they really couldn't stand me any longer in their view I was destroying myself, it got to the point that I got summoned by the guild master Royman and got scolded by him but I can tell that his eyes did have the light of pity though faint it's still there, and that was a surprise for me, everyone knows Royman as a greedy pig and a shame for elves because of his fat physic and even known for being rude to everyone except the gods, but I guess you really can't judge a book by its cover huh.

Royman decided to make me leave the adviser role temporarily and take other jobs around the guild, it didn't take me long to get used to them as I already have done them before just not at the same load, and although it was quite a lot of work for one person I was a workaholic anyway, it felt quite… peaceful.

Sitting on the desk alone and just reading paper after paper and signing them felt calming to me, I guess advising truly did take a toll on me and I haven't even noticed I needed this change of pace, I found myself having a silent respect for Royman it may sound weird but I appreciate the work he threw at me I guess he is the guild master for a reason after all.

I continue working peacefully for the next years but the same can't be said for Orario, the Strongest Familias in Orario Zeus and Hera Fell, and all of their members were wiped out while fighting the One-eyed black dragon.

And with their fall came the dark age of Orario, it really wasn't the best time this city has seen, crimes were just everywhere although a lot of new Familias stood up to bring back order to the city it still wasn't enough, Evilus is what they called themselves were just lawless.

One of those days Royman summoned me to his office and told me to work at the city entrance check, I didn't ask for the reason as I believed in his judgment and when I got there I was convinced why.

The number of people is just too much and from what I saw they were lagging in paperwork, I don't mean to brag or anything but I'm quite efficient when it comes to paperwork, so I gladly took the job at hand.

The people were just unending I worked from early in the morning till late at night and then someone took my place, I got used to the work there and even started teaching the new juniors more effective ways to work.

I continued working there until one day there was a weird case appeared, it was a human child and he was alone, and he didn't even have Falna, looking at him closely his features are quite striking white hair with red eyes and what even more eye-catching is the tattoo or more as tribal marking in his face, he had a farmer son clothes, he answered my question without lying and was even polite I guess I'm just overthinking it he is just a child and even the reason for getting in is just too pure even if he is weird he won't harm the city.

I gave him a city permit and got back to my work, when I looked at the time it was already over lunchtime I guess missed it again but I need to get something to eat so I can continue working.

I haven't even got far and I saw the kid… Bell was his name running towards here when I asked him he said he already found what he was looking for and he wanted to go back to his village, it's not something rare really you would be surprised by the number of people leaving just after getting in.

I helped him get out without waiting in line again and went to eat and shortly went back to work.

I continued working for a year and there were a lot of things happening in the city but the work was the usual until that day came and we all were caught by surprise, Evilus launched the strongest attack that Orario witnessed.

The attacks came from all directions giving no one time to react, but thanks to my years of working I knew something called priority, I started instructing my Coworkers and the Guards to calm down and help Evacuate the citizens and try to put distance between these suicide bombers.

It was working at first but one of the bombers was hiding with the ones we were trying to evacuate and exploded himself this caused panic and chaos, and no one listened to our guidance and just run with no plans making them die faster, I managed to calm some of them and started heading towards a safe spot and found a broken down building, I instructed them to hid here and not make a sound until helps arrives, and went out again trying to save more people I kept doing it until I, unfortunately, meet one of the bombers I instructed my coworker to hid and wait for help and tell them the location of the rest of the survivors and without waiting for his reply I started sprinting towards the bomber and managed jump on him and push him further from my coworker but he activate the explosion taking his and my life with him…at least that's what I thought.

When I opened my eyes again I was surrounded by people hugging each other while crying did I not die?

I looked at my body and there was no sign of injuries, that should be impossible even if I survived that explosion I should have at least lost a limp or two and that explosion was close to my upper body, I really am confused about this.

Thankfully, I met the coworker who I saved and he started thanking me while crying I tried claiming him down and urged him to explain what happen and oh boy did that not clear my doubts.

A ball of light started shining and expanding in Central Park and when it disappeared all the people that died before were found there.

I was about to slap some senses into him but when I let my eyes wander to the crowd I was shocked to find one of the people that actually died in front of me was alive there, he really wasn't playing jokes on me.

I headed to the guild to see if I can get some answers but they had none, and even Royman confirmed that no god abused his power to do this, as for who or what could have done this, no one knows, confused yes but no one was complaining about it is it appears only the people on our side got revived.

Royman told us (the ones who got revived) to take a break for a while before working again, but I refused obviously how can I leave my work like that (my house was broken) so I told him I will continue working.

He tried to stop me but I told him there is a big load at the guild now and after being revived I'm feeling energetic (and I didn't have a house to sleep at), he reluctantly agreed.

I worked from night to morning yet I'm still not tired at all, I suppose it's one of the effects of being revived, but thanks to that the long lines now are mostly gone… well at least for me as I can see the lines on the girl's side are still long, even with this situation they still want to flirt? I really pity them as well as thankful I was not born a female.

While I was doing my work and thinking about this I called for the next one only to find a child, and one that I know.

Bell Carnel, He told me that he just got here for business, but his timing is just… forget I decided to listen to him, and oh boy didn't he just say something interesting there.

He wanted to buy land, yes a child that looks about 7 years old wants to buy land, sigh this is not easy I decided it's best to talk to him in one of the booths at least if he made a scene no one is gonna be effected we don't need any more chaos here.

I told him about the requirements and restrictions of buying land here and in Orario and making clear he is still young for it, I was expecting him to throw a tantrum, but he reached his pocket and took a paper-looking thing and put it on the table.

If it was anyone else he would have simply told him to stop playing around and leave, but I'm different being in contact with adventurers for more than 40 years and all the weird things they came with, I can tell this is not something ordinary even if it looked like one.

I stayed silent and urged him to explain, and when he did I was completely shocked, this is big like seriously big even if he was just messing around I can't simply let this thing go like this, you have to understand that since the beginning of the age of gods, there was not even one magic or item that can regenerate lost limbs, it's no wonder he told me to give it to the guild master.

This child is really not normal, as much as I want to ask him where he got this but I know that it's not the time yet, I picked up the paper… talismans is what he called them and told him to wait here and started heading towards the guild master's office if what he said is true this thing is going to change Orario.