
Danmachi: The Black Hole

Life was weird. And turns out, it could get weirder. Now, all I have to do is survive, no matter what it takes. Because no matter the world, there will always be one standing on the top, and that would be me. I would make sure of it. _ I don't own anything of the story, I just own the OCs if there will be any. Will diverge from Cannon eventually but some events will still happen if a little different.

Develish_Beta · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Seven

-Shohei POV-

Captain Bell was really something else.

I didn't expect to meet such a man when I left the Far East when I left my old Familia and my life behind.

Coming to Orario was not a hard decision, almost a reckless one, facing Freya Familia was the most terrifying event that happened, the four Palums, and finally, Ottar, the strongest adventurer.

But Captain was there, and Ava and I got out safely, and a few minutes later, Captain came out of the dungeon, not a speck of blood on him.

And now, I was looking at him as he ripped out a spear in front of the crystal, something not even a level six could do.

He observed it curiously, even as the God Hermes was praising him and the other adventurers were cheering, he just seemed to ignore it, more interested in the weapon that he was holding.

I was close enough to see his eyes widen and stare up, looking into the crowd. Not at me, Ava, or our Goddess.

He was staring past us, his eyes widening in what seemed like... Fear? Disbelief? Mortification? I couldn't tell, but it was concerning, more concerning than what happened in my old Familia.

Was this what he warned me about?

I tensed, turning around, my hand already on my Katana. I scanned the crowd, searching for something that could frighten the Captain. Was it the Freya Familia? No, nobody was there that attacked us in the dungeon.

What was it? Where was it?


Hestia yelled out, excited, and I took a step back, closer to the two.

The crowd got quiet as everyone turned to a blue-haired, green-eyed woman. My eyes narrowed at her and the sound of metal clattering reached my ears.

I glanced back, seeing the captain had dropped the spear and was taking steps back, he was breathing heavily, looking at the blue-haired woman, Artemis, like he was seeing a ghost, someone that should not be there.

His lips moved, and my ears twitched, straining to hear what he said.

Who was Suzune?

Someone ran past me, and I turned to see Hestia running to the woman who started running too.

Her arms were extended, probably for a hug. The blue-haired woman ran past Hestia and jumped up at the wooden platform, straight at the captain, her hands extended.


He blurred, and the woman fell to the platform, rolling once and propping herself up on her arms, looking around in confusion.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, and a shiver ran down my spine.

Captain was standing behind her, a dagger in hand. I felt something coming from him, it wasn't the Chi sense he taught me, it was my instinct, the very basic knowledge ingrained in my very being.

My mind and nature clashed, I knew this was the captain, but I also knew that I could very well die.

I wanted to run.

The dagger in his hand rose, ready to come down to draw divine blood.

Was he going to do it? Kill a goddess?

A hand clasped his own, and I watched the captain flinch violently.

He looked to the side and I followed his gaze, seeing the sword princess that stopped him from dooming himself to eternal torture after his death.

He took a shuddering breath as the sword princess slowly lowered his hand, which was still gripping the dagger like a lifeline, down to his side.

"Are you okay?"

The blonde asked quietly, and the captain nodded, taking a deep breath and seemingly relaxing.

The two looked down at the blue-haired woman who looked back at them with confusion.

Did she not feel that? Did she not feel death so close to her?

That fact was terrifying in and of itself.

My eyes darted around, civilians were on the ground gasping for breath, and adventurers were on their knees, shaking in terror. Yet the one who was about to die felt nothing, oblivious that she almost lost her mortal body and was about to be sent back to heaven.

Somebody clutched my arm, and I tensed, glancing to the side to see Ava, looking terrified. My muscles relaxed slightly as I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

The captain was terrifying.

"Who are you?"

His voice rang out in the silence and I couldn't help but wonder as well.

Who was this woman to cause Captain to react like this?



Just delete the "-" and it should work. Extra chapters and if you wish and I upload early on there