
Danmachi: Divine Enemy

Dying, getting transported, save a beautiful lady in need. The usual, but the neurotic lady that got saved wasn't your typical princess.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Anime und Comics
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101 Chs

Chapter 58: Twin Power

Lars was currently being carried by Tiona and Tione.

'How did I even get myself in this situation?' Lars wondered.


Minding his own business, Lars was cataloguing the products that was produced by Monstro.

Including the magic stones and drops that the xenos are collecting every day.

"The taxes of my people are abundant as ever~" He was in a really good mood.

Even popping a couple of drops and magic stones in his mouth that tasted good.

Humming, he didn't know that people were conspiring against him.

At Lars' shack, Alfia was reading in absolute silence. Using Silentium Eden to block out any sound.

It was so silent, you could hear your blood flow. The most silent place in the world.

And she frowned immediately when she felt the noise of two people.

They might be more tolerable due to Lars, but invading her private space with him is not appreciated, at all.

"Tiona, Tione. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't cripple you for disturbing my silence?" Alfia closed her book and she stared at the twins.

They shuddered immediately at her apathetic expression. She was dead serious.

The twins gulped and they broke into a cold sweat.

Tiona immediately groveled. "Tione! You idiot, do a dogeza immediately! I learned this from Haruhime, it's what you do to royalty!" Tiona grabbed her sister.

They then trembled on the ground as Alfia stared at them.

Excelia comes from the divine. And when one gathers as much as Alfia, they will start to feel like a demigod.

"Speak." Alfia's tone was final, speak now or prepare yourselves.

"Alfia! We've come to bargain!" Tiona spoke up, gathering her courage. As a wannabe hero, she required to be brave.

"Hmm? Bargain? Interesting, what is it then?" Alfia humored them.

"Here, we have something that would please you." Tione grabbed something in between her cleavage.

Without even moving, Alfia took it by manipulating pure mana.

"Hmm? A piece of paper?" Alfia scoffed, but when she flipped it over, she saw something magical.

"It's called a photo. Lars asked Airmid to make a device called a camera. Then, it prints out accurate paintings like that little treasure." Tione was sure she would value it.

"A photo huh? And it's one of Lars while he is sleeping under a tree." Alfia wanted it. Needed it.

"Y-yes, that is our offer to you." Tiona replied, but they didn't dare raise their heads.

"Very well, I accept. What is it that you request of me?" Alfia grinned as she pocketed Lars' picture carefully.

"We need you to knock out Lars, you're the only one who can do it." Tione requested.

But after she said her piece, she suddenly disappeared and Tiona looked to her side as she trembled violently.

"Tione?" She didn't hear a reply and she looked behind her, Tione flee threw the whole forest and Alfia's hand was raised.

"What? So you wish him harm?" Alfia raised a brow and Tiona put her forehead to the floor.

"No! He's just too busy! And we just want to spend some time with him!" Tiona managed to save her hide.

"You could have just said so." Alfia rolled her eyes at her.

'I would've loved to! If you weren't so scary!' Tiona screamed inside of her head.

She just sent Tione flying for hundreds of meters and she was sure that was just a warning.

"Alright, let's do this." Alfia stood up and she could hear his mana from miles away. It was like a beacon.

Alfia brought Tiona with her and she suddenly appeared behind him while he was cataloguing magic stones and item drops.

"Hey Fia, what's the matter?" Lars tilted his head and she spoke.

"Gospel." Alfia used Satanas Verion to disrupt his balance to the maximum. Making the fluid in his ears vibrate.

She then slugged him right on the chin, making him unconscious.

"There, my magic will be in effect for an hour at least. Bring him to the surface in that timeframe." Alfia did her part and Tiona was shocked.

After all. Tiona, Tione, and Airmid fought him all at the same time in their spars. And they stood no chance at all.

Meanwhile, Alfia could incapacitate him with a single instance of her magic.

He would fare better when he wasn't sneak attacked, sure. But that's still an overwhelming loss.

"Time is ticking!" Tiona carried Lars and she went towards Tione immediately.


Lars recovered now and he rubbed his head due to a migraine. Alfia did a number on him.

"So? What in the world got into your heads so you thought that siccing Alfia on me is a good idea?" Lars looked at them with annoyance.

"W-well... You've been really busy these past few days. And it looks like you forgot about our date." Tione looked sheepish.

"Y-yeah, it's not fair that Airmid is the only one that got one." Tiona supplemented.

They might not have shame due to their culture as an amazoness. But they sure can lack courage.

The twins were afraid that he'll blow them off even though he already said they just have to ask.

"Hah... Girls are such a pain..." Lars rubbed his temples some more.

"I told you, you can just ask me for some of my time. You guys are important enough for that." Lars sighed and they lit up.

But their face fell again. "But we'll cut on your time to do your work... You don't even sleep much." Tione held his hand in worry.

"Ahhh, that... Well, thanks for worrying. But due to my regeneration, I don't feel tired at all." Lars explained.

"But! Mental fatigue still affects you, right?" Tiona argued and he nodded.

"I deal with that just fine, looking at Monstro's development. Seeing you guys enjoy yourselves. What man would be unsatisfied by that?" Lars smiled as he patted their heads.

They both teared up. "Uwaaah! We don't deserve you!" The twins lunged at him and they hugged him tightly.

Chuckling, he caressed their hair softly. "Come on, don't go soft on me now. As a man and your leader, this is only natural."

"But! But you're working so hard while we play around!" Tiona sniffled cutely.

He took out some napkins and he cleaned them up.

"Then let's go play around as well." Lars smiled and they nodded.

They went to the entertainment district of Orario and there were carnival games all throughout the place.

"Woah, is this place just filled with games?" Tiona's eyes sparkled.

"So childish." Tione chuckled, but she too was excited.

After all, they didn't really experience a normal childhood. And he knew that due to their stories.

Where Tione would have her limbs twisted after every session with Argana. Pain and wrath was what fueled her to go on.

Lars then guided them through all the games and the amazons quickly got them after their first try.

Winning all kinds of prizes and stuffed toys, they went through the stalls like a storm.

Especially Tiona who wanted to win the best prizes every time.

Their stomachs then rumbled and the twins looked at him sheepishly. Their cheeks red due to embarrassment.

"How about a meal?" Lars chuckled and they went to all the stalls that selled skewered meat.

Hauling a large basket of meat, they roamed around. Just checking out the city in general.

After their day, the twins still had a lot of energy, being level 5 and all. But they were content.

Sitting on a bench while eating some ice cream, the twins rested their heads on his shoulder.

"Did you have fun?" Lars asked them and they nodded.

"I never thought that simple games like that would be so nice." Tiona smiled and Tione hummed in agreement.

"I'm glad you enjoyed girls, here." Lars gave them some stuffed toys of a valgang dragon and Udaeus.

They hugged it tightly and he caressed their hair.

"You're safe here, even with Argana and Bache here. They won't be able to bring you back." Lars smiled at them.

They looked at him with wide eyes and they saw it in his golden orbs. He would fight Telskyura for them.

After all, what is a country? Compared to the heavens?

"Lars..." The twins lunged at him and they assaulted him with kisses.

"Don't look, little Timmy. They're lewd exhibitionists." A mother covered her son's eyes.

"Easy girls, we're in public." He made them calm down.

"So it's all good if it's in private?" Tione licked her lips and he smiled wryly.

"That's not what I meant." Lars sighed at her antics.

"Lars, I'm pretty sure I'm ovulating." Tiona whispered to him and he started sweating.

'Oh no... They've contracted baby fever and are too far gone.' Lars pinched their waists and he ran away.

"Hey! Get back here! Just a kid or two! That's fine right!?" Tione shouted with hunger in her eyes.

"We're too young for this!" Lars sprinted like his life depended on it.

"Then let's just practice! Come on!" Tiona had a beaming smile on her face.

He then got chased by blurs in Orario and the male body of Orario cursed the handsome bastard that was being chased by amazoness.


A blonde man was currently swirling a glass of wine on his hand as he looked at Orario.

"Ein, what do you have for me?" His emerald eyes locked on to a hooded individual.

"My lord, everything is going according to plan. Yet there is someone that has been sighted in Orario that could be a potential ally." A young lady's voice resounded.

"Hmm? Who is it?" He raised a brow and Ein handed him a recording in an oculus.

The magical orbs that Fels and Monstro uses for communication, only modified for recording events.

He started watching it and the oculus showed the streets of Orario.

"There is nothing here, Ein." His voice sounded cold and the young lady kneeled immediately.

"Forgive me my lord! Please look at the terrace of that cafe there." She instructed immediately and he took a look.

The man's eyes immediately widened in shock as he saw that person.

"Impossible... How could that person be here?" He blinked dumbly at who was right there.

"Yes my lord, during one of my patrols. I managed to see her by pure luck." Ein was satisfied that her master was hooked.

The trouble she went through to not get seen and hide was worth it. And she would've gotten caught, if Alfia wasn't massively distracted.

"Ein... Well done! Seeing such a valuable person in plain sight." He smirked and Ein blushed in embarrassment at the praise.

"I live to serve." She nodded at him, but somehow. His words does not bring her the joy she expected.

'Even though I am filthy... My lord does not discard me like the garbage that I am.' She hid her self-deprecating smile.

"The incarnation of talent, alive and kicking. She is a variable that will help us massively." He grinned like a loon.

"Yes~ yesss! She will be the key for the orgia that I am seeking!" His eyes showed madness.

Nothing, but pure desire for his so-called orgia was in his very essence. And Ein could see it through the window of the soul.

"Ein, find her at all costs and make contact with her. We shall give her an offer she can't refuse." He smirked.

"Forgive me my lord, but what would interest her?" Ein couldn't understand.

Alfia is a level 7 that could wipe Ottar off the map easily. In the records of the Hera familia, it is well known that Alfia's strength transcends levels.

Even her level 9 captain, the empress. Cannot assure victory against her alll the time. And that's with a staggering 2 level difference.

For normal people, that's the difference between heaven and earth.

"Good question, Ein. The maiden of silence is a haughty witch that does not care about anyone's opinion." He swirled his glass of wine again.

"But you see, she has a disease. And we have the means to get something that she needs. A branch of a holy tree from elven forests." He grinned.

"She might not accept it at first due to her pride. But she'll use it, when that comes to pass. She will have no choice but to keep coming back for more." He laughed and Ein nodded.

"By your will, Enyo-sama." Ein bowed deeply. Intent on completing the task at hand.


Hello, a shameful plug because I'm kind of struggling right now. Spare change? Good sirs?

Read ahead right here, there's 5 chapters for now. But I'll keep adding more.
