
Danmachi: Divine Enemy

Dying, getting transported, save a beautiful lady in need. The usual, but the neurotic lady that got saved wasn't your typical princess.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Anime und Comics
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101 Chs

Chapter 57: A Saintess' Heart

Preparing for her outing, Airmid was trying to pick some clothes.

"Geh, I have no clothes to wear." Airmid looked at her closet and it was filled with shields and light armor.

She then saw her uniform when she's attending others as a doctor.

"I guess that's fine?" Airmid checked herself out in it.


"Having trouble finding clothes? Why not just copy our style?" Tiona suddenly appeared on her window.

"Tiona! Spying on people is rude!" Airmid pouted at her.

"You're hiding too much, you look like a prude." Tione also popped up and Airmid sighed at their antics.

"It's none of your business, now is it? Besides, your outfits are shameful." Airmid couldn't conform to their culture.

"Huh? This is pretty much standard though? You should see how others dress." Tiona looked at her clothes.

She was wearing a mini skirt that looked tribal and a crop top that only covered her breasts and back, like Loki.

Airmid's eyebrow twitched. It was worse for Tione. Because she was growing up nicely. And her boobs are the biggest among them.

"Shut up, it's a cultural difference." Airmid sighed and they just shrugged, doom to never understand each other.

"Whatever, we'll just look out for Haruhime in the upper to middle floors today. Lars was adamant that she should be at least 15 before she grinds the dungeon." Tiona was confused.

As an amazon, even if she isn't as bloodthirsty as normal ones from Telskyura, she's still bred for pure battle.

And she thought it was such a waste for Haruhime to just train in the surface and harvest crops for years.

Especially with her special magic; Uchide no Kozuchi. It was perhaps the most busted support magic that they've ever seen.

Bar Airmid's Dia Fratel that could turn entire groups into zombies that don't die. As Haruhime's magic levels up the target by one.

"Is she about to level up?" Airmid nodded at Lars' decision.

Haruhime had a lot of time to just enjoy life in general. And now, she's ready to take on the heavy responsibility of being with them.

"Yeah, and speaking of the cute devil." Tione waved at Haruhime who was wearing an armored kimono.

She was carrying a metal fan and an uchigatana, a good balance of offense and defense.

"Hello everyone, please take care of me." Haruhime bowed at them with a smile.

She wasn't the deathly scared girl anymore who would tremble like a leaf all the time.

"You ready? Let's go! Let Airmid here be, she has a little date." Tiona pulled on Haruhime.

"Take care of Lars, Airmid." Tione gestured that she was watching.

"How can you even watch us when you're in the dungeon?" Airmid was confused.

But she didn't care about that anymore and she went with them towards the surface. Using their secret passages that they made.

__Orario, plaza__

Lars was waiting for Airmid and he thought he was like a kid waiting for his date again.

"Ahh, youth." Lars thought it was nice to enjoy such a leisurely activity like a date.

"Lars, did you wait long?" Airmid appeared and she smiled at him.

"Hmm, I did. I waited for 30 minutes here." Lars teased her. After all, if you are 15 minutes early for a date, then you're on time.

"Uwah, really? Sorry..." Airmid winced and he ruffled her hair.

"I was here for just 15 minutes, come on. Let's go and have a lot of fun." Lars chuckled.

"Hmph, you tricked me... You asshole." Airmid glared at him.

"Come on, I prepared a little something special for you." Lars smiled as he led her somewhere.

__Daedalus street__

"Huh, why are we on Daedalus street?" Airmid looked at him weirdly.

It is after all, the slums of Orario. The biggest one that is.

"Well, I know you're a really kind girl. So I thought of an event where you'll enjoy yourself." Lars hovered his hand in front of him.

Large containers suddenly appeared in front of them and tons of disposable bowls and cutlery was spread out.

"Lars! Should we begin!?" Hestia appeared with Lulune and Meryl. Behind them, a couple of members of the Hermes familia was there.

"Yeah, call for people. We'll start!" Lars opened the lids for the industrial cookers and the scent of beef stew diffused in the air.

Fresh bread enticed everyone and Hestia drooled.

"This smells delicious..." She gulped. "Oi, you better use this chance, it'll make you more popular so you can get familia members." Lars advised her.

"Ahhh! I can't be sloppy here!" Hestia smacked her cheeks.

"A soup kitchen?" Airmid blinked and he nodded. "We also have a tent here for patients."

Lars took out a large tent for patients that don't have a lot of money.

It was a medical mission and a feeding program combined.

Airmid's eyes sparkled. It was what she dreamed of.

Healing people with her knowledge and potions. Helping those who are unfortunate.

She couldn't do it on her own, so she could only do it whenever the chance arises.

But this time, it was an event that he prepared for her.

"Lars... Thanks!" She hugged him and she backed off after she felt her chest squish on his torso.

"You like it?" Lars patted her head and she nodded with a bright smile.

"I've already informed the guild that we'll be doing this once a month. Would you like that?" Lars smiled and she nodded eagerly.

"I always did want to heal other people, now I can do it in a large scale." Airmid was pleased.

"Then let's call in those who are in bad shape. Lulune, gather the people who needs treatment the most." Lars ordered and the cherianthrope saluted.

"Aye, aye sir!" Lulune started to order her familia and they gathered everyone who needed healing.

Airmid then chanted her magic and the tents that were filled by patients got healed.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, my knee that was hit by an arrow in the past feels brand new!" An NPC cheered.

All sorts of cheers resounded, from children to the elderly. Sick or injured due to adventuring.

And Airmid could hear it all as they chanted her alias.

She almost teared up at the sight and he patted her on the back.

"Look, your magic is quite amazing yeah?" Lars cheered her on too.

"Un! I hope I can do this, one small step at a time. Give the people healthcare that they need." Airmid had a fond expression as she saw the people who were healed.

"And we're also offering food! Line up please!" Hestia shouted and everyone also focused on her.

A goddess with a dynamite body serving food, nothing could get better than that after being healed.

Hestia was swarmed by the people and the Hermes familia had to force them to be in line.

After a few hours, Airmid and the Hermes familia retired in the hostess of fertility and they celebrated for their good deed of the day.

"Lars-san, what's your order?" Ryuu who was now a part time waitress in the pub so she could get better at human interaction served him.

"You already know Ryuu, we'll get one of everything!" Lars ordered and the cook; May. Cursed once again.

Mia smiled wryly and she had to give May double pay whenever Lars arrives.

"Lars-nya! I heard you were giving out free food! Can you also give me a meal nya?" Chloe did the cat begging pose and her eyes dilated.

"Hah, I guess? Man, this place didn't change huh?" Lars hasn't been in the pub for some time.

"We did have Ryuu nya~" Anya clung to Ryuu and the elf glared at her.

"Ohh, she's still a bit prickly nya~" Anya backed off and Ryuu sighed at them.

"Hey, don't trouble her too much." Lunoire chided them.

"Ryuu-san only lets me touch her~" Syr hugged the elf's arm and Ryuu rolled her eyes.

"You're lucky you're Alise's friend too." Ryuu threatened her, but she did have a small smile on her face.

"Did you like our day?" Lars asked Airmid and she nodded.

"I feel pleasantly tired... Thank you for that, Lars. At least one of my wishes came true." Airmid had a pleasant smile on her face.

"Hmm, glad I could make it come true." He caressed her hair.

"Are you not going to ask about my other dreams?" Airmid looked at him with half-lidded eyes.

"So, what are the others then?" Lars chuckled at her being playful.

"I want to be with a reliable man." She rested her head on his shoulder.

"Hoh? I see. How about my dream?" Lars asked her and she raised a brow in curiosity.

"I quite like kids, I want a lot of them." Lars whispered and she blushed an atomic red.

"If... If you want many, I believe the Teasanare family is quite fertile." Airmid hid her face on his shoulder due to embarrassment.

"Hmm, then let's make a lot later." Lars teased her as he nibbled on her ear.

"Ahhh! How lewd! You two are all over each other!" Ryuu who is an elf thought that even hand holding in public should be banned.

"Tch, getting all lovey dovey in front of me..." Syr clicked her tongue.

"Sorry Ryuu, I'm on a date with Airmid right now. So I'm all hers right now. And Syr, why do you even like me, you weirdo." Lars raised a brow at her.

Unlike Ryuu, he didn't really save her or something. And he might be a regular in the pub, but unlike Chloe who loves the butt of younger guys, he didn't know her type.

"Ahhh, it's because you're cool?" Syr couldn't say anything reasonable.

"How shallow." The whole staff said at the same time and Hermes' familia also stared at her like she was a shallow girl.

"You've got it all wrong! Lars-san is really kind, handsome, and dangerous." Syr wiggled around.

And unlike what he expected, they nodded at her.

"Yeah, he's got that mysterious air nya. And he feels dangerous when he glares at me. It makes me so hot and bothered." Chloe who was a raging pervert fidgeted around.

"Damn... Women are weird as hell, why would you like a dangerous guy?" Lars sighed.

He might be the rizzler, but he wouldn't understand his targets.

"Letsh shelebrate!" Hestia was already hammered.

Everybody laughed and they began celebrating.


Lars was carrying Airmid who was inebriated and he put her in their home.

"Lars~ I loveeee, love you." Airmid doesn't really show it unlike Tiona and Tione.

But she is really happy that she got kidnapped by them.

As they've seen what Dian Cecht was all about. The god's a little prick that runs a store for rich snobs.

"Thanks." Lars teased her and Airmid puffed her cheeks cutely in anger.

"You're supposed to say I love you too!" She hit him softly on the chest.

"Sorry, sorry, but I don't love you Airmid." She was so shocked that she even went sober immediately.

"I like you, if somebody says they love you immediately, don't trust them okay?" Lars followed up.

She sighed in relief and she glared daggers at him. "Bully, bad guy." She huffed at him.

"Well, love is cultivated. And it takes two to raise a healthy one." Lars kissed her and she blinked dumbly.

"Yeah... Let's cultivate it together." Airmid smiled at him and he nodded.

"They kissed!" They heard Tiona scream silently.

"Kuu! It should be me! Not her!" Tione was frustrated as hell as they spied on them.

Airmid suddenly appeared behind them and she iron clawed their face.

"So you guys were spying on us huh?" Airmid's face twitched.

"Hah, did you at least guide Haruhime properly?" Lars sighed at their antics.

"Yes sir! I guarded Haru-chan while Tione spied on you! And we even saved a newbie that almost got killed." Tiona reported.

"Hah, they just watched. Let them down Airmid." Lars shrugged and she tossed them on the window.

"It's futile, Airmid. We'll always be here." Tione didn't want to do this, but she'll cockblock her in the foreseeable future.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.