
Dancing hearts (Park Jimin)

Where there is hatred, or where hatred is formed, love also comes there. Y/n and Jimin, who hate each other, then get together. To know how, let's roll in!!

Ruby093 · Musik und Bands
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42 Chs

I think I do

A usual morning. I woke up and refreshed myself.

I took a deep breath in and relaxed. I made my mind clear.

'Y/n, for now focus only on dance. Everything else later.' I said and put a smile on.

I got changed and went out. Jimin wasn't there yet. I thought he must've gone to the room. I went and didn't see him.

I started warming up. I kept looking whether he was coming or not.

He finally came. Hyun-ae came behind him.

As he came, she pulled his bag and he fell. I immediately went and helped him get up.

"Are you ok?" I asked. He nodded and gave her death stares.

"Come let's go." I said and we went to our room.

But she stood in front of us.

"Hey, bitch. Looks like you're avoiding me. Wanna play?" She asked.

"It's actually good for you. Otherwise, you wouldn't even be here right now. You'd probably be on the bed, lying down and thinking what to do with me next." I said.

"See, I haven't come here to fight with you. Ive come here to pursue my dream. And I hope you do the same, instead of wasting your time on me." I said.

"It's just the starting. The main picture is yet to come." She said smirking.

"I don't care what you do." I just walked past her.

We went to our room and I put his bag down.

"Are you fine now?" I asked making sure he was ok.

"Yeah. I'm ok. I'll be fine doing warmups." He said and started doing warmups.

He looked normal. His behaviour is just very different.

"Hey, you heard Lisa and Jungkook confessed?" I said cause I didn't want it to be silent.

"Yeah I'm really happy for them. I never knew they would get together."

"Exactly. They really are a great couple though."

He nodded.

We waited for our mentors but they didn't come.

"Hey." A woman came. We bowed to her.

"I'm actually the other group's mentor. The couple mentors have gone for a workshop. They'll come within a day or two. Until then, they said to do rehearsal." She said and left.

"Are you ready?" He asked. I nodded.

He played the song and we started.

He looked deeply into my eyes. I tried not to look at him but I couldn't. He's like a magnet.

We finished our practice and sat down.

"Hey, Jungkook and Lisa might also be free right? Why not head to them?" Jimin asked.

"Sure." I said and we left to their room.

We reached to their room and I knocked.

"Sorry for the disturbance, but we're bored and our mentors have gone for a workshop. Do you mind if we could join you? We'll just sit and watch." I said.

"Sure. You can join them cause their mentors have also gone for the workshop." He said.

We bowed and went to Lisa and jungkook's room.

"Y/n, hyung. What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked.

"We were bored there. And we didn't have anyone to talk. So we came." Jimin said.

I sat down resting on the wall and watched the other pair dancing.

They were talking something but I was looking at their dance.

"Ours is more way better." I said.

"What?" Lisa asked.

"Huh? Nothing." I just brushed off.

They were having tough steps to practice.

They were even tough that I myself can't do it. I'd take at least two to three days to do one.

"Y/n? Are you even listening?" Lisa asked shaking me.

"Sorry, I was just thinking something." I said and tried concentrating on our conversation.

A woman entered the room. I was surprised to see her. It was Ara Cho. Her choreography is like the best. I always watch her videos and love her so much. She's the best choreographer I've known.

I was just looking at her. She looked at me and yet I was still looking at her.

She waved at me. I just kept looking at her and waved to her. I didnt realise I was waving my hand. And she started teaching them.

"Y/n, who are you waving at?" Jungkook asked.

"Ara Cho. One of the best choreographer I've known. She's just amazing." I said without taking my eyes off her dancing.

"It looks like you're drooling over her." Jimin said.

I hit his arm.

"I'm not drooling over her. I'm just looking her dance live." I said looking at Jimin.

"Let's go somewhere else. Like a double date." Jungkook said.

"Thank god you suggested." I said and got up.

"Come let's go." I said and put my hand so Jimin could get up.

We slowly went without disturbing them.

"Any idea where we'll go?" I asked.

"There's a candy store nearby. Let's go there first. Then we'll see." He said.

"Jimin, what are doing coming behind them? Come here." I called him. As he came I held onto his arm.

"You're with me. Those two keep bickering about how cute even a small thing is." I said and walked with him.

"As you wish." He said.

We walked down the road. I kept looking at the shops as we walked.

The candy shop came. We stood there.

"Why did you stop?" Jungkook asked.

"Where were we going?" I asked.

"Candy shop." He said.

"Then what is this?" I asked without turning my head.

"No, just tell me. What are you even chatting?" I asked without hesitating.

"You'll understand soon." He said.

"Just tell me the jist." I said.

"We talk about how each other. How cute they look, how we like looking at each other, how...." I cut Lisa.

"My mistake asking you. I regret asking it. Now let's go." I said.

We went inside and there were tons of candies. I saw my favourite candy.

"Jimin, come. You should really try this." I took him with me and asked them for a taste tester.

"This is my favourite candy. I love sour candy. I like the sourness." I said and put it in my mouth. He too did the same.

The sourness hit my mouth.

"Can I have two packs of this one." I asked them.

"So, how's it?" I asked Jimin.

"It's damn good, infact." He said.

"Let's go there." I held his hand and walked.

"Let's get that also." I said pointing out to a mixed flavoured candy.

I never left his hand. I wanted to hold his hand badly. Are these signs of me liking him back?

He's the one who changed my mind now. I let out a small laugh thinking about it.

"What is it?" He asked. I nodded saying nothing.

We paid and went out.

"Where's Jungkook and Lisa?" Jimin asked.

"Making out." I said and he turned to see.

I turned and looked at him. His well-shaped jawline. His eyes, his lips, his everything.

'You're really a magnet.' I said to myself.

"Let's go." He said. I nodded.

We walked back to the studio.

"Is something wrong with you? Your smiling continuously." He said.

"Nothing. Just happy about Jungkook and Lisa." I said.

Being with him, I smiled more than getting shy. He's so different. I feel different around him.

He really did something to me. Within 24 hours, he just attracted me.

I think I do like him. Not think, I do like him. He's just mesmerising. He's just the perfect man. I really like you Jimin.

But, I'm not gonna tell him sooner. Let us head back to home, then I'll confess.

I looked at him once again and smiled.

To be continued.....