
11.5 Adapt And Compromise

Change, Stanley decided was the hardest aspect of his life. It's easy to say or promise to do something in the moment only to do something else that completely contradicts said promise in the next. The one underlying reason for why people would contradict themselves in such a way will always be change. Either they changed or the situation itself has changed and Stanley can say for certain that for him it was both. He believed it was the same for Ezraphel too based on what she told him.

He knew deep down that the current routine of their relationship wouldn't be sustainable long term. He could actually remember the exact moment when he realized this. It was when they were out shopping for groceries one day some weeks ago. At that point they'd been doing grocery run long enough for him not to need to chaperone Ezraphel around the place anymore so he would let her go about looking around for stuff she wanted, within a budget of course.

One day a total stranger walked up to them and started a conversation with Ezraphel. It wasn't like a first meeting type thing either the two of them talked like they were really good friends and that person wasn't the only one. Despite only appearing in that supermarket fairly recently Ezraphel was already making friends with random people. It wasn't something he would ever be interested in but clearly his girlfriend knew how to work the social stratum.

That's when he realized that a naturally social person like Ezraphel who has mentioned that she liked to travel to new places and experience new things would never be truly satisfied staying cooped up in the house every day. She simply wasn't built for that kind of life and he suspected her tolerance for it would only extend on the number of new distractions that could keep her occupied. The internet didn't count for much when a lot of the stuff she saw on there could easily be experienced through her own power.

'Why the hell couldn't she have been the type to go out on her own?'

But no, instead Ezraphel was the type who would want to share the experience with those she cared about. In this instance it was him and now Stanley found himself in the precarious position where the only way to appease his girlfriend is to spend time with her doing stuff outside.

You know what you have to do.

"Fine" he sighed.


He turned his head to look her in the eye "you want to go out and just hang out together then I guess we can do that every once in a while when I have free time."

"You don't have to force yourself."

'Too late for that' he thought sardonically.

"Ez, me refusing to go outside isn't just a personal choice. I've adapted to where I only go out of the house when I really need to."

"I know tha-"

"But" he interrupted with another glare "that doesn't mean I can't do it again and this isn't me forcing myself" he paused "at least…you know I've been trying to make honest attempts at doing things I don't normally do for your sake right?"

"Yes" she answered not really knowing where he was going but very curious all the same.

"I want to start doing that for my sake now."

Ezraphel's eyes widened and she turned her body to face him "may I ask why?"

At that he frowned at the ceiling, refusing to meet her eye as he contemplated and spoke his thoughts.

"Believe it or not I am actually aware that my lifestyle choices aren't exactly healthy and I want to change that. I should at least put that much effort in this relationship because, you know, you're worth it."

By the end of it Ezraphel was gushing which was expected, as was the way he suddenly found his face buried in her cleavage. Stanley was by no means a romantic at heart but it occurred to him that there are times when he can be romantic both incidentally and deliberately. The former happens when he's being honest about his feelings, speaking from the 'heart' as it were.

As for the latter contrary to Ezraphel's belief Stanley is very much aware of the magical bond they share. He knew it was there but it was only recently that he began to actually get a feel for the intangible yet 'tangible' connection that allows him to know things specific to her. Things like her location and how to provide her with maximum pleasure during sexy times. In this specific scenario however he managed to tap into what was essentially a 'mood meter' which is self explanatory.

But just because he can tell her general mood doesn't mean he's going to instantly know how to solve it. He has to figure shit out but it was better than having nothing at all like every other guy on earth. Not that his words were just a means to get on her good side, Stanley actually meant what he said about his honest attempts at changing his lifestyle, well changing his lifestyle further in any case.

Part of him was afraid he was betraying himself and that he was going soft. Then there was the ever present idea that Ezraphel may be manipulating his mind through their connection and with his being a very sexually active Incubus it was very likely. At the same time he didn't believe this to be the case and there were valid reasons for this.

First Ezraphel seems about as interested in manipulating his mind as she does in celibacy. Second, he always had that subconscious want to change but just didn't have the motivation or true inclination. How could he change when he was so stuck in his ways? Why should he have to when things are working out so well for him? And most importantly who would he be changing for?

Right now all those questions, the how, why and who as well as motivations/inclination could be answered with a single word, Ezraphel. He really meant it when he said she was worth it and really there was nothing more to affirm on that front. He loved Ezraphel, he loved the person that he became because of her and he wanted both their relationship and themselves to evolve beyond what they are now.

But that was still a ways away and so for now he pushed himself away from his too eager girlfriend with his usual annoyed countenance though they both knew it lacked any real heat.

"Okay that's enough of that."

He rolled off the bed before she could catch him again. Or more likely she allowed him to get away.

"Jesus, how long have we been here?"

"Forty Nine minutes."

"How do you-" she pointed at a digital clock on the nightstand that was part of the display "oh, whatever. Did you decide which bed you like?"

"I like this one" she pressed her hand onto it and found the bed to be unnaturally pliable "what is this material? It doesn't feel like anything I've ever touched before."

Stanley looked at the mattress description and hummed "says here its memory foam."

"I like it" she bounced a bit and the smile was wiped off her face.


"It feels nice but the bounce isn't there" she pouted.

"That's because it doesn't have any spring in it."

Her lips became even more pursed in her pout as she mumbled "no bounce equals less fun."

…she's not wrong but he rolled his eyes anyway.

"Then just make it so that the foam bounces Ez."


"Good, now let's go" he thumbed the general direction of the exit.

"What's the hurry?"

She said while posing on the bed.

"It's a furniture store with high res cameras."

"Accounted for and taken care of" she answered cutting him off with a smile.

"And the people?" he finished with actual annoyance "I'm pretty sure that those guys loitering around over there actually want to buy a new bed."

He was of course talking about the customers who kept getting close, become confused and then wander off only to find themselves there again in a continuous loop.

"I'm thinking that's you."

At this the disguised Lilim laughed nervously "ah, well"

"Besides didn't you want to get some stuff for the kitchen?"

"Oh!" this had her jump to her feet "then perhaps it is time we leave."

"Yah think?"

The two exited the furniture store with an amicable atmosphere between them. Naturally Ezraphel was the first to break the silence.



"Now that you agreed to going out together, can we go to the beach?"

Well that came out of nowhere.

"Why the beach specifically?"

Ezraphel shrugged with a little grin "oh, you know…" she trailed off looking to the side.

Thoughts of showing off her sexy swimsuit, ogling her Stanley shirtless with the sun glistening off his wet skin, parading around together to the jealousy of the masses and engage in several beach appropriate sex plays flitted through her mind.

"…reasons" she finally finished.

"Uh-huh" Stanley wasn't at all buying it "well the answer is no."

"But you promised!"

"I know that but I have other obligations this weekend."

"What obligations?"

Stanley was silent as he contemplated his next words only to give up and say "fuck it" before going on to explain "I'm going to meet up with some friends and hang out his weekend" he spoke nonchalantly.

That made Ezraphel halt in her tracks.

This in turn made Stanley pause and look back at her "what?"

"You have friends?"

Stanley's expression was completely neutral as he stared at her. Then after a while he walked up to her and pinched her cheeks, hard.

"Owowowowowowowow-Staaaanley schtaaaaaap~ it huuurts~" she whined while squirming in his grip.

The scene looked straight out of an anime with people stealing glances at the odd couple and neither of them giving a damn about it. After a full minute of this he released the Lilim leaving her to rub her reddened and sore cheeks with a morose groan of exaggerated discomfort.

"For the record I do have friends."

As the two got into the car Ezraphel looked at him with a frown and a pout "why did you do that~?"

"You made me remember something unpleasant."

Ezraphel's exaggerated acting dropped as she sensed the genuine discomfort through their bond.

"What is it?"

Stanley sighed starting up the car "I'm gonna have to introduce you to my friends this weekend."

"Oh?" a pause "OH!"

"Yeah" he muttered.

"I can't wait for the weekend!"


With a roll of his eyes Stanley put the car in reverse and left the parking lot. This weekend was guaranteed to be a cut above the usual excitement in his life.

~To Be Continued~

Advance chapters available on my Pa treon, link is in the synopsis.

Streggaecreators' thoughts