
11.4 Something Missing

Once upon a time there was a princess who lived in a far away land call Makai and when this princess was a girl her mother would regale her with stories of her and her father. Her parents' relationship would become the benchmark for how she wanted her relationship to be with her own husband. After many travels, multiple detours, years of researching and one miscalculation with a dimensional spell the princess had finally found her would-be prince.

Yet her story did not end there, for this prince had lost his way in the loneliness of his self imposed seclusion, becoming mistrustful, bitter and spiteful. With her vast array of magical spells unavailable to her the once powerful (but still beautiful) princess was trapped in a strange land and at this man's mercy. Yet despite his negative view towards her (caused in part by her initial actions) he granted her leniency and offered her food, shelter and amenities.

It proved to the princess that beneath the hate, spite and fear was a genuinely good man and all that was needed for someone to bring him out. It was an arduous task for the princess as powerless in and clueless of the new world she was but she managed with great help from the man. It took several weeks, the hardest weeks of the princess' life but it was time and effort well spent for in that time she managed to accomplish what she set out to do.

The grumpy, hateful and spiteful man was no more and in his place was a snarky, mildly irritable but ultimately kind man who was only a bit rough around the edges. The princess had rescued her husband and together the two of them had lived happily ever after.

At least that was supposed to be the plan but the story doesn't quite end there now does it?

'Argh! This is so frustrating!' she mentally yelled.

Ezraphel didn't mean to give her Stanley a hard time about his lack of enthusiasm, really she didn't. Her reaction was more a result of mounting dissatisfaction than any sudden frustration at his current reaction to this side activity. A side activity that was in essence a waste of time from a purely technical standpoint since if she really wanted to Ezraphel could come here whenever she wanted and implement whatever designs took her fancy upon her and Stanley's home.

She knew for a fact that he wouldn't mind it but the whole point of today's outing wasn't for technicalities. It wasn't even to spend time together if she were being honest which was surprising for her. No the real truth is that Ezraphel has been feeling a need for more in her life which, again, is very surprising all things considering.

Once upon a time she could say that's she would have been content with just sex and spending time with her husband. Don't get her wrong her time spent with Stanley as of late has been more than she ever dreamed of when she was a younger Lilim. She was a Lilim who often did whatever she wanted and has never settled for one thing for very long. Now having lived the dream for several weeks nonstop Ezraphel was ready for more.

Earth was amazing, she knew this, she has witnessed this but she hasn't experienced it and that…that grated on her nerves somewhat. How could she, Ezraphel, with her full powers restored and amplified settle for staying mostly in one place when there is an entire world out there to discover?

She could imagine her Stanley's reaction to her current plight.

"If you want to go out and explore the world so much then just do it. Not like you don't have the power to."

Yes, yes Ezraphel is very aware that as she is right now there is not a single force on Earth that could stop her from doing whatever she wanted. This includes traveling the world or even taking it over through force or coercion. On Eos she would have been called a Demi-God, on Earth she was effectively the most powerful being alive. But she didn't want conquest and she didn't want to explore this world alone either, which brings her to the crux of her frustration, Stanley Berkowitz.

It cannot be overstated how much she adores that man. Theirs was a connection that went beyond mere physical and into the realm of spiritual. It cannot be explained in words for there wasn't an accurate description for what they have in any language on Earth or Eos. Ezraphel was more spiritually attuned so she felt that connection deeply however her Stanley too has experienced this connection as well. It's the reason why he has gone through such a drastic change in personality in such a short amount of time.

Many in Eos would attribute a man's change in personality to some insidious mental manipulations on the part of the Mamono. That is not to say such things don't exist or that some Mamono don't manipulate their partner's minds but more often than not it's just that said man is simply happy with his new lot in life. The same thing is happening to her Stanley, he is happier now than he has ever been before.

Was it a deliberate thing on her part to change him from the man he was?

Not necessarily but she can't say that she hated it. Why would she hate the fact that her Stanley was becoming less miserable and self destructive? And anyone who believes that a person becoming happier and less miserable is somehow a bad thing is a fool of the highest order.

"I don't think they allow customers to just lounge on their products Ez."

Ezraphel wasn't at all surprised to find him standing before her. She could sense her Stanley for very long distances and appear or teleport him from anywhere. Still his presence was a mixed bag for her right now. She wanted some privacy to think but at the same time just his presence never fails to uplift her spirit. It's times like this where she was frustrated with being a Mamono.

"Don't care" she mumbled taking her eyes off him to stare up at the fluorescent lights.

She heard him click his tongue and speak, though not to her "can you give us a minute?"

As the woman began to protest Ezraphel employed a flex of her will in magic and the woman immediately if reluctantly complied and walked away leaving them alone. A further flex of her magic would ensure that they were undisturbed.

Stanley walked up to the edge of the bed and sat down beside her before laying down so that they were both laying face up with their eyes to the ceiling.

"This is a nice bed" he began tentatively "very spacious."

'Cute-NO not cute, you're still angry at him!' her thoughts raged.

On the outside she gave a non committal grunt.

"Have you decided on this one?"




"Are we just going to lay here staring at the ceiling or are you going to tell me what's going on with you?"

Ezraphel's turned to face him, their eyes meet and she silently pursed her lips in contemplation.

"You know I'm bad at this Ez."

"…I know."

"So talk to me."



The sincerity and very subtle desperation she felt through their connection did it for her and Ezraphel began airing out her grievances to him. She told him of her current state of mind, of her mounting frustration and dissatisfaction with the current state of their relationship and of her wants for their immediate future.

By the end of it the Lilim could only turn away from him in mild embarrassment. She realized that she may have started ranting somewhere in the middle and may have come off as complaining. After a long moment of silence Ezraphel hazarded a glance and found that Stanley was looking up at the ceiling with an expression of contemplation.

"I could say I should have seen this coming but that would be ironic" he sighed "so obvious question here, if you want to go out so badly why don't you just do that?"

"I do."

That caught him off guard "you do? What am I saying, of course you do?" he added in a mumble.

"Sometimes I go out to experience what the city has to offer but…"


"It doesn't feel the same. I want you there with me when I venture out to experience these new things Stanley."

"Oh…well I-"

"But you don't want to because it is not in your nature to do these things."

It wasn't a question so he didn't answer causing her to turn away from his gaze to look back up at the ceiling. After a few moments Stanley turned away to also stare at the ceiling. With his fingers bridged together on his stomach he uttered two words.

"Well fuck."

And for once Ezraphel did not admonish his use of the curse for it felt like an apt summary of their present circumstance.