

(THIS IS MTL I.E MACHINE TRANSLATED NOVEL) (FROM MTLNOVEL) (AUTHOR:qingsi looking back,日常系美剧) [ORIGINAL SYNOPSIS: Traveling through the world of American dramas, in order to avoid premature death, embark on the path of an ordinary doctor. Along the way. Existing The Big Bang Theory Group of Seven, Friends of the Six Group, and the Five Group of Xun Ma Ji as friends, There are also Interns Grey, Dr. House, and good doctors. There is also the disappearing lover, fruit hard candy, and the horror of Ulenka. Daily life is not ordinary, and American drama life is endless.] [MY SYNOPSIS: NOVEL IS IN MULTICOMPLEX WORLD CONTAINING AMERICAN TV SHOWS AND MOVIES. SOME OF THEM ARE BIG BANG THEORY FREINDS YOUNG SHELDON HOUSE M.D GREY’S ANATOMY AND OTHER MOVIE SOME THILLERS MOVIES. SO BASICALLY THIS NOVEL IS ABOUT AUR PROTAGONIST WHOSE LIFESPAN IS SHORT BUT HE CAN GET MORE LIFESPAN BY HELPING OTHERS GOOD KARMA SO HE DECIDES TO BECOME A DOCTOR TO LIVE HIS SYSTEM : BASICALLY GETS ATTRIBUTES FROM HIS FRIENDS SUCH AS INTELLIGENCE OR STRENGTH ETC .] (NOT MY NOVEL IT IS FROM MTLNOVEL)

binnu99 · TV
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40 Chs

Daily American Drama Chapter 8: Know 1

Duncan's house.

"this is…"

   Adam, who was awakened by the system prompt in the early morning, just wanted to scold the street. When he saw the wisdom attribute increased by 0.005, it turned into 109.005 and then turned anger into joy.

  The increase in wisdom is always refreshing.

   "Is it because of Juno?"

Adam stared at the system panel happily, and then thought: "Apart from her, I have no contact with other geniuses, but yesterday she took the initiative to find me and has added 1 point of wisdom. Now what is this 0.005? It will not be just contact every day. Has it all increased? Huh?"

Thinking of this, Adam widened his eyes and muttered to himself excitedly: "Perhaps it is true! Although other attribute points do not have this growth pattern, according to the inferred theory that those who are close to Zhu are red and close to Mo are black, they increase every day after contact. In fact, it is reasonable. 0.005 is really small compared to 1, but it can be far more powerful than 1 under the accumulation of time. This is fully in line with the theory that those who are close to Zhu are red and black are black.

It's like meeting a person with a big brain for the first time, and the three views are all shocked by the other's opened brains, but the real subversion of the three views and even becoming the other's brains is still dependent on the accumulation of contact. Little changes..."

   Thinking of this, Adam is no longer sleepy, tossing and turning, his mind is full of red figures.

   If his guess is correct, in order to increase wisdom and achieve goals and finally increase life span, even if Juno is really the bloodthirsty Little Red Riding Hood, he will recognize it.

   Anyway, he is not to blame, what is he afraid of?

   "Right, and Sheldon!"

   Adam turned over again, and when he was lying there looking at the ceiling, he suddenly thought of Sheldon.

   "Juneau just added 1 point of wisdom point for me, maybe I can add 0.005 points every day, so how about Superman IQ absolutely crush Juno's Shelton?"

   Even if Juno is the bloodthirsty Little Red Riding Hood who can completely crush the IQ mentality of the strange tree, Adam still feels that Sheldon is more sharp when it comes to real high IQ.

She went to high school at the age of nine. If she was not too young to give up her mother or said her mother could not bear it, Shelton would not have to wait until she was 11 to go to university. She graduated with the highest honor at the age of 14, was selected as an exchange scholar and went abroad at the age of 16. I got my first doctoral degree, and then I studied for the second doctorate a few years later. I also got a master of arts degree by the way.

He was a theoretical physicist at the famous California Institute of Technology in his twenties. He had a weird temper, and the dean and principal who provokeed him often got itchy with hatred, but he still stayed in the school. The school board members thought he had a beautiful heart. In the future, I can strive for more honors for the school, and I won the highest honor of the scientific community when I was under 40 years old: the Nobel Prize in Physics.

   Such a super genius, not to mention EQ, Juno is in no way comparable to IQ. Once he can grow wisdom for Adam, the effect is absolutely beyond imagination.

   "Wait, I will act in advance this summer vacation. If you catch Shelton earlier, you may be able to change your destiny sooner. Huh, that's not right..."

   Adam became more and more excited, but suddenly his inspiration flashed: "Since contact with geniuses can improve IQ, why should it be limited to Shelton? Are these few geniuses nearby?"

   The conclusion is of course not.

   Early the next morning, Adam rushed out of the house and rode to the house of an old classmate Duke.

The two are middle school classmates, but because of the cuteness of the original "want to wait for my nine-month-old sister to go to high school together", they stayed one level in high school. Now Duke is one level higher than him. After summer vacation, he is 10 years old in high school. Student.

Moreover, Duke's father has made money in recent years. Duke's grades have always been good. Duke's parents sent him to a private high school with high fees to receive elite education. The communication between them was basically broken.

   "PJ, why are you here?"

   When Duke saw Adam, he was a little startled, as if he had passed away.

   "My name is Adam now."

   Adam also knew about this sudden embarrassment, but he couldn't wait to verify the idea he had in the early morning, and said straightforwardly: "Duke, can you help me?"


   Du Ke calmed down. He was a playmate when he was a child, and he didn't want to pretend to be a face-slapped face. He leaned back and said, "Shall we talk about it first?"

   "Duke, who is it?"

   A woman protruded from the kitchen.

   "Mom, it's PJ!"

   Duke responded: "My classmate in county high school."

   "Oh, PJ, I remember you, your father is Bob from the pest control company, right?"

   Duke's mother looked at Adam weirdly.

   "Yes, Woman Marcus."

   Adam didn't bother to correct their names, and replied a little embarrassingly. He was used to such gazes and fully understood the meaning of these gazes.

   He is so unremarkable, but his father Bob is a bald dewormer. Many people doubt whether his surname is Duncan.

   "Mom, PJ has something to ask me."

   Duke greeted: "PJ, go to my room."

   "Would you like some breakfast first? I fried Moscow sausage?"

   Duke's mother warmly entertained him. For an unremarkable boy like Adam, women, especially housewives, are very fond of them.

"No thanks."

   Adam politely declined and followed Duke into the room.

"Sit anywhere."

   Duke greeted him, and went straight to the topic: "You just said you have something to ask me for help?"


Adam looked around and saw that Duke's room was not messy, only the desks were full of books, there were no concealed magazines, and there were no tired rolls in the trash can. He praised Duke's self-discipline. , Sat down at will: "You should have a lot of geniuses in private middle schools, right?"


   Duke was a little surprised, but he nodded and said, "Of course, private high schools were originally prepared for the elite. Except for the most important family background, only real geniuses are accepted."

   Adam knows that the U.S. class is seriously solidified, and it pursues both elite education and happy education.

   Happy education is the general public who was abandoned at the beginning, while elite education is aimed at two kinds of people. The main body is the children of the middle class and above, and the other is the real genius among the common people, as fresh blood to replenish the vitality of the elite.

  Geniuses are a minority after all. Private secondary schools give these talents full scholarships to relieve them of worries, let them become the facade of the school, and leave a trace of fantasy to the public to prevent the public from equating private middle schools with aristocratic schools.

   "Do you know such a genius?"

   Adam is a little eager.

   "Of course I know, we have one in our class, that IQ, alas, the gap is too big."

   Duke sighed, then looked at Adam weirdly: "What's the matter?"

   Adam took a deep breath and said sincerely: "Can you introduce us to me?"