

(THIS IS MTL I.E MACHINE TRANSLATED NOVEL) (FROM MTLNOVEL) (AUTHOR:qingsi looking back,日常系美剧) [ORIGINAL SYNOPSIS: Traveling through the world of American dramas, in order to avoid premature death, embark on the path of an ordinary doctor. Along the way. Existing The Big Bang Theory Group of Seven, Friends of the Six Group, and the Five Group of Xun Ma Ji as friends, There are also Interns Grey, Dr. House, and good doctors. There is also the disappearing lover, fruit hard candy, and the horror of Ulenka. Daily life is not ordinary, and American drama life is endless.] [MY SYNOPSIS: NOVEL IS IN MULTICOMPLEX WORLD CONTAINING AMERICAN TV SHOWS AND MOVIES. SOME OF THEM ARE BIG BANG THEORY FREINDS YOUNG SHELDON HOUSE M.D GREY’S ANATOMY AND OTHER MOVIE SOME THILLERS MOVIES. SO BASICALLY THIS NOVEL IS ABOUT AUR PROTAGONIST WHOSE LIFESPAN IS SHORT BUT HE CAN GET MORE LIFESPAN BY HELPING OTHERS GOOD KARMA SO HE DECIDES TO BECOME A DOCTOR TO LIVE HIS SYSTEM : BASICALLY GETS ATTRIBUTES FROM HIS FRIENDS SUCH AS INTELLIGENCE OR STRENGTH ETC .] (NOT MY NOVEL IT IS FROM MTLNOVEL)

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40 Chs

Daily American Drama Chapter 28: Not alone

on Wednesday.

   Four o'clock in the morning.

   It's not dawn yet.

"I hate you!"

   Sister Misie closed her eyes and complained, little Sheldon turned off the alarm clock and started to get up.

   came to the garage, put two large cartons of milk in an ice bucket, put a spoon evenly in neatly arranged glasses, ten or so chairs were arranged last night, and the spacing perfectly fits the laws of mathematics.

Then, little Sheldon started to tune the radio and heard the introduction of the preparations for the Swedish Nobel Prize, little Sheldon smiled happily, and then sat on his throne, facing the garage door, quietly waiting to hear He broadcasted his classmates who were coming.

   But until 4:50, no one came over, and Little Sheldon's mood instantly fell into a trough.

   At this time, only mother Mary, who really loves little Sheldon, walked in in her pajamas.

   "I don't think anyone will come over."

   Little Sheldon whispered.

   "Oh, baby."

  Mary felt distressed and comforted: "Mom is here."

"I know."

   Little Sheldon's mood did not improve: "You are my mother, you were here."

   At this time, the voice of the award ceremony officially started on the radio.

   "Do you want me to stay?"

   Mary asked.

"Do not."

   Little Sheldon shook his head. After Mary left, she listened to the radio alone. When the winner of this year's Nobel Prize in Physics was announced, Little Sheldon couldn't help but cried.

   Because the scientist who won the prize was not the scientist he agreed with.



   Little Sheldon sat there arrogantly, with an expression of 'no one cares about me'.

   "Sheldon is all right?"

   Juno hit Adam.

   "It's okay."

   Adam looked at Little Sheldon and smiled indifferently: "It must be that no one listens with him and feels wronged."

   "Poor little thing."

   Juno said pityingly: "I knew this, so I went to accompany him."

   "No need."

   Adam shook his head and said, "He is not alone."


   Juno gave Adam a surprised look, then deliberately raised his voice: "Why is Shelton not alone?"

   Adam smiled knowingly. Seeing little Sheldon's eyes drifting over, he thought about it and smiled: "Because although we didn't accompany him this morning, there are definitely people around the world with him.

   maybe some nerd with glasses,

   may be a certain game boy sitting on a potato chair with crazy keystrokes,

   Or maybe it's a 'peaceful neighbor' on the other side of the ocean, with dozens of small foreign brothers who are accompanied by servants standing next to him.

   As long as they are there, Sheldon will never be alone.

   Except for them, at five o'clock this morning, somewhere in the world,

   Maybe there is some silly white sweet who sleeps slantingly,

   Maybe there is a little cutie who falls asleep obediently,

   Maybe there is a future female scientist who secretly watched the romantic story of the prince and the princess in order to hide her mother's flashlight,

   Maybe too much,

   Maybe they seem to have nothing to do with Sheldon now, but once a miracle happens, they and them will surround Sheldon, enduring Sheldon's weirdness day after day.

   It is not that they are stupid, but that they are his friends, they love him!

   So, Sheldon will not be alone. "

   No one responded to Adam.

   Juno was surprised with appreciation, staring at him in a daze, speechless for a long time.

   Little Shelton even swept away his previous depression, with the corners of his mouth cocked, the super powerful brain that often evolved the universe, and has already made 3D video of Adam's description.

He seemed to really see a boy wearing glasses, wearing pajamas, sitting at the desk with thick books on the desk, quietly listening to the Nobel Prize in Physics award ceremony on the radio, of course. There are game boys,'Foreign Iron Man'.

   As for the silly white sweet who is sleeping, the cuteness who falls asleep obediently, and a future female scientist who loves romantic stories, sorry, this is not his dish, he can't imagine it at all.

"what's happenin?"

   Adam was embarrassed by Juno.

"It's nothing."

   Juno smiled and said, "I just didn't expect you to say this. It's very touching."

"Ha ha."

   Adam smiled.

   He is not an emotional person, but when he saw this scene in his previous life, he was very moved in his heart.

To be honest, if he simply wanted to be wise, he would have alienated little Sheldon. After all, this stuff is really a bear kid. He always throws his contemptuous eyes and grudges until it makes people want to do it. Discourse.

   Juno's two-month summer vacation has confirmed one thing, that is, even if you don't meet each other, it doesn't affect the provision of wisdom points every day.

   The reason why Adam still plays with little Sheldon is completely influenced by his previous life. The Big Bang Theory of Seven, especially Sheldon, are really his old friends.

   Zhou Shuren said: When you are staring at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you.

   After watching dozens of times for more than ten years, who dares to say that Sheldon's life is not part of Adam's life?

   The leisure time is easy.

   Suddenly another year.

year 1991.

   is already 31st grade in high school.

   In terms of homework, Adam worked hard enough, coupled with a little increase in wisdom, and his grades have always been among the best.

   Fruit hard candy band, although it has passed the glorious period when "Don't Cry" first came out, it is still a small and famous, and it will also be a bonus item in the university application form in the future.

   In terms of family, the Duncan family is as warm as usual.

  The only downside is that Peggy's problem still hasn't made much progress.

   Peggy doesn't live nearby, and has very little contact with Little Sheldon, let alone Adam.

   Fortunately, Adam is very patient.

  Marriage is something that should always break up~www.mtlnovel.com~ The ultra-high divorce rate in the United States is proof that the numbers are not deceiving.

   "Sheldon, what's the matter?"

   At noon that day, seeing little Sheldon look tangled, Adam asked.

   "Peggy is coming to my house this week."

   Little Sheldon frowned: "My mother said that her parents were divorced. She was very injured and had trouble at school. Peggy's mother felt that I had a positive influence on her and hoped that she would have more contact with me."


   Adam is excited, isn't this the opportunity he waited for more than a year.

  Rebellious problem girl is here.

   "I mean, everyone is friends, Peggy is so pitiful, we should care about her more..."

   Seeing little Sheldon look reluctant, Adam added: "This is a necessary social habit, you know."


   Little Shelton eats this set the most. After knowing that this is a 'necessary social habit', even if he is entangled in his heart, he still chooses to accept it.


   Cooper's house.

   Adam came again uninvited.

   As soon as we met, Little Sheldon was shocked, and the straight boy had a habit: "How come your hair is dyed like this? Is it because your parents are divorced?"


  Mary was suddenly embarrassed, she had told her not to mention it before.

   "She just wants to dye her hair."

   Peggy's mother was also a little embarrassed, so she had to cover it up and said, "And in this case, there is nothing wrong with it."

   "I think it's beautiful."

   Mary agreed with a smile.

   After the greeting, Peggy's mother left, Missy took Peggy in a non-mainstream dress to play, and Adam began to think about how to cut in.