
Cypress Lake

TheFallen_Star630 · Fantasie
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4 Chs


Chapter 1

The day of their grandfather's funeral they sat in the dark parlor of the large, old manor

It was dusty, the eldest sibling fought the urge to choke as he inhale, breathing in the old musty air

Their grandfather was a cold, dark man

Whom had recently took them in when their parents had died

It made little difference to Mason with him gone

His sister, the second eldest, held an old jewelry box their grandfather had left her

Manson held the old man's Will in his hands

Their younger sibling looked cold, even though they sat huddled up by the fireplace in a thick velvet blanket

he took the Will and read through it again, even after the layer had made everything clear

his three grandchildren sat in this room would inherit everything

as they were the only living relatives

he looked at his sister, silently clutching the old wooden box in her hands

" open it "

she said nothing, the only sound in the room the old slightly rusty lock popping open, making the lid spring up.

he knelt and found the family heirloom that now belonged to him

it was a ring

he took it into the palm of his right hand and let it lay there

it was cold

it looked too big for his long elegant fingers, but he slipped it on anyway.

magically, it fit perfectly, the band was such a dark material, it almost looked black, the large octagon gem looked like it was shifting from icy blue to poison green

he wrinkled his nose and grabbed hold of it to slip it off

it didn't budge

he knew it wasn't too small, the thing had seemed impossibly big before he put it on just a second ago.

and now the damned thing wouldn't move in the slightest

it was as if it was a part of him, permanently.

" if you don't want I'll take it"

said Marie with shining honey eyes

she always had an interest in older things

he yanked furiously on the ring, his finger and hand was starting to ache

" I'd gladly give it to you, however I can't seem to get the damned thing off of me"

Marie set down her box and grabbed fast with too hands, placing a booted foot on the table and yanking

he thought his finger would pop out of socket.

" alright!, it's not coming off!"

he yelled ripping his hand away

Sailor, whom had been awfully silent by the fire finally spoke

" maybe it's cursed"

normally he'd chid the young teenager for sounding so childish, but they had a good theory this time

he did indeed feel cursed

he sighed and ran a hand through his ebony hair

" it's late, we should eat and get to bed "

supper was just as quiet as their time in the parlor, they had ordered Chinese take out

and hardly said five words to one another

after a hot bath Mason cracked his window open and lit a cigarette.

the old man was dead, he could smoke in the house now .

most people would be worried that he felt no grief for his grandfather

but if he were honest, Mason had died with his parents six months ago.

or at least his emotions had

he felt very little besides emptiness now

he took one last long draw off his cigarette, blew the smoke out and tossed it into the rain

he shut his window and sat on his large bed

he still hadn't changed anything about the room the half a year he was there

the same dark gray and black bedding remained on the large four poster cherry wood bed

he hadn't moved the dusty books on the heavy writing desk

the dark gray drapes stayed over the windows hiding the sun

the only difference was his belongings were neatly put away in the room

he flopped back into his pillows and held up his right hand that bore the ring

it was an oddly bright gem

almost as if it were glowing.

actually, it was starting to hurt his eyes

the moonlight must have been catching it .

he tucked his hand away and tossed onto his side

he shut his eyes tightly and stayed that way until eventually sleep took him

the next morning he woke to bright blue.

it looked familiar, it was the color the ring had been shining last night.

though it wasn't the ring now.

it was eyes

a pair of them

staring at him as he slept

he jerked his head back fast, and sprang upright into a sitting position.

the thing that stared at him was a boy

he couldn't have been much younger then the twenty years old Mason was

though he was small, and the large sweater he wore that nearly swallowed his hands didn't help.

his hair was a shock of different purples

it started a beautiful fluffy light lavender then faded into a darker grape color

he was as pale as a ghost, Manson thought he could never mistake himself as pale again.

he had freackles, to Mason's surprise they were silver, they looked like tiny stars winking on his nose and cheeks

he smiled softly and gave a bow

" good morning master, my name is Titus, I am the being within your family ring, I surve the Vex family, your grandfather has died, and now I am yours"

wide green eyes stared back at the small pale male

this was a joke

" did my siblings put you up to this?"

the shock was warning off now, Manson threw the covers off and stood

he practically towered over the little guy

" I can assure you Master, it is no joke, some few human generations ago, your ancestor sommoned me, he thought me an all powerful demon, he trapped me, somehow, in your ring, and I am bond to serve the head of your family"

Manson narrowed those sharp green eyes at him

" prove it"