
Cypress Lake

TheFallen_Star630 · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Chapter 2

in a small whirlwind of blue green fire the boy disappeared and the fire seeped back into the ring.

Mason stared at it a moment and when he looked up the pale being was looking back at him

" how's that?"

he asked cheerfully

for a prisoner he seemed rather gleeful

Manson's bright green eyes slid away from the ring to train on him.

" you have to do as I say?"

a small bit of light seemed to fade from his icy blue eyes but he nodded

" yes, I do"

Manson studied the strange little male for a long moment.

he seemed sad now

" what's got you looking like your puppy was shot?"

Titus seemed horrified at the analogy .

he spoke softly

" you're the youngest person I've ever seen wear the ring, I thought perhaps you'd be different from other members of your family, I can sense something different in you, but there's so much pain on top of it"

he shook his head making his colorful hair sway

" but you're not going to be are you? it's going to be the same thing, power"


Manson really only wanted one thing

to find his parents murderer, and make them pay

if power was needed for that, then that's what he'd ask for

" we're going to solve a crime"

he threw his closet open and plucked a suit out of it

" and get revenge"

the little demon, or being,

Manson really wasn't sure what this ring genie was

stared at him dumbfounded

" all you humans are the same "

he scoffed

" gambling your immortal lives, for what? to feel special?, empowered?"

Manson gently set his suit down and stalked over

and immediately Titus regret his words

he couldn't raise a hand against his master.

though this human was nothing in power to him, a mere ant, he was suddenly terrified.

he raised his hands in surrender as soon as Manson was close enough.

extremely close

so close he could feel the heat coming off his body

he forgot humans were warm

Titus was small, and Manson was tall, and lean.

the raven leaned down to stare at him in the face

" I'd imagine you can't hurt me?"

he nodded

" I don't think those same rules apply to me?"

Titus swallowed the fear that was raising up in the back of his throat.

his mouth tasted like iron

" of course not, I am yours, bound to you, you may do as you wish"

at first, Titus wouldn't have discribed the young man's eyes as poison green.

but that's what it reminded him of now, as he stared into them

dangerous and beautiful, it could kill you if you dared

but the wonderful color, made it tempting.

Manson stepped back

" I suggest you watch yourself in that case"

Titus found himself trembling.

he disappeared back into the ring

Manson dressed and headed out

he avoided breakfast with his siblings

and went out a different doorway.

he didn't want to be questioned or chided about eating

he needed to work.

he looked at his ring

the demon, since that's what his ancestor had thought him to be, that's what Manson would refer to him as.

he didn't know what else to call him

he highly doubted he was a ring genie

though the thought was slightly amusing

he had yet to show himself again.

he stayed silent, and absence.

Manson didn't mind, it was more peaceful that way

as soon as he had finished the thought he heard light footsteps beside him

"where are we going?"

he glanced at the small humanoid on his left

" if you're all powerful, shouldn't you know?"

those bright blue eyed rolled

" I'm not ALL powerful, just very powerful, and no, I can't read you, you're my master"

Manson hummed but said nothing

he kept walking until he heard the demon make a surprised squeaky noise

" what are we doing here?"

he turned to him

" I need to see the evidence, to my parents case, can you do that?"

Titus tapped the ring

" most of my power is in here, I can, but so can you, just demand it Vex, and it's yours, you have no idea, the being your family has trapped within that ring "

Manson didn't question it, though he probably should have .

he swung the door open and strolled into the police station going straight to the desk

he wasn't nervous.

they wouldn't think anything strange of a grieving son losing his mind after constant death in his family

the officer looked at him a bit puzzled

" I want my parents case files, and all evidence with it"

the ring shined slightly and a haze went over the lady's eyes

she nodded, stood up and motioned for him to follow

Manson looked over at Titus slightly amazed

it was the first youthful expression he had ever seen on the ravens face

they followed the officer to the property room, she gave him the evidence, then the case files

he put them in a backpack and slipped it over one shoulder

getting home he took the items out of the bag and lay them out on his oversized bed

Titus sat on the bed, Manson didn't seem to care so he stayed

there wasn't much evidence, their smartphones, a computer, and a thick leather binder, that had blood on it

Titus could feel the evil radiating from it,

he wanted to turn it into ash on the spot

there was hope for Manson, under his rage and pain

he was a human child

orphaned, scared, alone.

feeling like the universe had wronged him

perhaps once he realized revenge would not bring his parents back, he'd stop his madness

he'd breakdown like a normal child

he'd feel again

the others had been ruined

and hopeless

but perhaps this one Titus could save

he would try, this boy deserved it, he deserved a chance.

Manson opened the book and looked up at the demon

" I can't read it, can you change it?"

he shook his head

" no, that's older than even I, I can't read it, nor change it to your tongue"

Manson looked suspicious but didn't push the matter

" then, we'll find someone who can "