
Cursed Legacy

When the Amberster Dukedom fell and was destroyed on charge for colliding with the devil, Aleks was hit so hard. A high noble suddenly becoming a commoner is like losing everything you have in life. Luckily, he remembers a legend that he used to hear when he was a child, a legend that people deemed as false, the fact that there is another living dragon soul residing in their country! Aleks who wants to restore the honour of his family will do anything to get those power. Sadly he loses his life trying to get the impossible. If all those powerhouses couldn't get it, what makes him think he can get it by himself? And that's when I wake up as Aleks. Becoming one of the tragic characters in the novels that I read. I know the future event, but even the knowledge of the future can't guarantee my survival. This is not a journey to power. This is a journey about trying to avoid using power as much as possible to survive. cover: https://www.deviantart.com/megatruh/art/Age-of-Valor-Awakening-586183063

DaoistfG1FmB · Fantasie
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20 Chs

The Shoals of Herring

"Now, let the exam begin!"

Said one of the teachers overseeing the exam. Right now I'm facing my biggest issue ever since coming to this world.

I've sitting in a big hall filled with many students. They all began to turn the paper on their table and read the question inside. And me? I don't know about that. I feel scared to open what lies ahead of me. Should I use my dragon power to cheat? No, that's not right.

"Tch, A boring way to use the power", Remarked Balaur while clicking his tongue.

Cheating on an exam is already hard in a world with no magic, let alone in a world filled with magic like this. Furthermore, because of all of Aleks's previous actions, I feel like the examinee watches me more closely than other students.

Damn it, you really don't want me to pass don't you? Sure then, let me show you what I can do at least!


And that's how I failed all my exams. You know what, I really regret not asking William and the others to teach me in the past. That's it, kid, learn while you can before you regret it.

Sigh, after dealing with those stupid exam weeks, I'm free at last. Starting today, it's a long holiday and I don't want to waste such a day staying in my room. So I better go outside and stroll around the town? You know what, the weather today is great, so let's go for a drink.

Most students would start preparing to come back to their hometown. But as I've got nowhere to return to, I just stroll the town. When I see the common-looking tavern that I've gone to a few times before, I get inside.

"Gimme the cheapest drink, as usual, Bob", I said at the counter.

"Right away, kid"

Right now, I'm at the tavern in the city. As you can see, It's not my first time here. In the past few weeks, I've gone here to drink over and over. How about my money you said? Nah, I don't care anymore. At this rate, I'll get kicked out by the academy judging by my exam result alone.

"Yo, ex-son of the duke, drinking in daylight again?", Said the man sitting with his comrade at the table near the counter.

"Yes, it's a good day to drink", I replied.

"Hahaha, you got quite a sentence there. Are all nobles like you?"

"Yes, all of the "ex-nobles" are like me"

Then we both laugh together.

Spending days like this is not bad once in a while. As I thought, I'm more suitable as a commoner than as a noble. I know, from the perspective of most nobles, becoming a commoner is a big nightmare. But they forgot that most people living in this country is a commoner. Did they seem like they were living unhappily?

"Here's the drink, kid"

"Thank you, Bob"

I took a sip and heard someone from nearby say, "Yo ex-noble, let's join our table will ya?"



"A man walks into a rather small bar and notices three pieces of meat hanging in the ceiling. He then asks the bartender, "What's with the meat?"

The bartender replied, "If you can jump and slap three meat at once, then you'll get a free drink for an hour. But if you fail, you'll have to pay for everyone's drinks for the night. Wanna go give it a try?"

The man takes a look at the meat and says, "Nah, I'll pass. Your bar is quite low, but the steaks are too high", While shaking his head"

"HA HA HA, what's with the dad jokes? Are you an old man inside?"

Said one of the guys that laugh after I tell the "man walks into a bar" jokes.

It's been a few hours since I joined this table. Usually, when you think about taverns in a fantasy world, you'd think that it was filled with adventurers. I don't know about the other tavern, but this tavern is filled with many kinds of people of every profession. There are blacksmiths, sailors, artisans, carpenters, builders, cooks, etc.

"If only most noble son were like you", Said the middle-aged man beside me touching my shoulder, "My son... You know, he's going to the academy soon"

"Your son? Magic academy?"

"No, of course not, it's the knight academy. I heard it's better there, but I am still scared knowing his personality that he'll not get along with anyone there"

"Nah, I believe he'll do just fine", I tried to reassure him.

"I hope so", He said while sipping his drink, "But if you meet him, please take care of him for me"

"For sure old man", I lied even though I don't know whether I can stay at the academy after this. People lie, but adults lie the most. If I can make someone feel better by lying, I'd be sure to do it.

The tavern door opens and shows a pair of men and women. The man is old, around middle age. The woman wore a robe, but she was still quite young. But even the robe can't hide her delicate feature of her. She most likely is an important person or noble.

Behind them, there were two people wearing a robe following them. They must be the bodyguards of those pairs. There's no use coming to the tavern while bringing your guards though. It'll give your identity right away.

"Tch, a noble"

"What are they doing here? This is no place for them"

Some people began to judge them, but most of them have a bad opinion about the tavern's new guests.

They walk quickly to find an empty table. The woman stop her gaze when our eyes met. Under the robe, she seems quite shocked to see me. I avoid her gaze because I feel it's rude and I also feel awkward exchanging gaze with her like that.

"What happen ex-noble? Someone, you know?"

I won't exclude that reason, but I lost Aleks memory from the moment I took his body. Can't say for sure whether that young lady is someone that the "real" Aleks know in the past. But even if that's the case, I'm sure that it's just another case where he tries to hit on her. In short, there's a high chance of enmity between us.

"Maybe. I can't remember her though", I replied while shrugging my shoulder, "I've met many people in the past. I can't remember each one of them"

"Ha ha ha, that's ex-noble for you. He really said that he met many people in the past!"

"Ha ha ha...", I just try to laugh it off.

The Tavern owner from the kitchen, sensing that he may have a sudden important guest, suddenly calls one of his employees and whispers something to them.

Then, the employee starts to take his guitar and go to the small round stage in the middle of the tavern. He began to sing some songs, which I presume to entertain the important guest that we have over there.

But the guest, taking no interest in the performance, just called the waitress and ordered something. Making the waitress nervous about servicing them. But I could see that she gives her best.

I don't know what's our important guest purpose here. But I guess they're just chilling and trying to enjoy the moment. I speculate that they're not from this country because it seems like they want to experience a "new" environment. As we know, trying to experience and "blend" with locals is the hobby of foreigners.

Furthermore, they're noble. If they really want to drink, there's a bar exclusive for nobles and riches in this city. There's no need to go to this tavern that's not special by any means.

"Our important guest feels unimpressed by the performance", Said one of the guys at my table sitting across from me.

"Yeah, no way a noble would be impressed by what we commoners enjoy", Complain another guy, "If they want to, they can hire as many singers and performances as they want. They have the money anyway"

"Hey, what does the noble usually enjoy? Like, what kind of songs", One of the guys asks me.

Damn, another one of those questions about nobles.

"Well, I'd say they enjoy other activities more. But as far as music goes, they usually listen to slow music maybe?", I'll just keep bullsh*iting my way through this.

"Well, I suddenly kind of interested in the music that nobles enjoy. Why don't you go up on stage and entertain us boy? Well, who knows you'll be able to entertain our important guess too!"

"Ha ha ha, let's do it!"

"A good idea!"

"As an artist, I'm also a little bit interested boy!", Said someone claiming to be an artist while pushing my shoulder.

Suddenly, all of them forced me to go. I could even see people from other tables looking towards here with a smile on their faces. Sigh, I guess I have no other options huh? So I stand up.

"Ha ha ha, way to go boy!"

"This will be my first time hearing a noble song!"

I borrow a guitar from the tavern employee. He feels dejected when he sees the important guest don't feel entertained by his performance. Dude, what do you expect? A noble is rarely entertained by a performance, don't be so sad about it.

I got up on the stage and sit on the chair there. I prepared the guitar and my position. I took a deep breath and look at the people at the tavern. This time, I could see all the eyes directed towards me, even our important guest seems to gaze this way.

"Fuuh... Okay here I go"

I started playing the intro while humming.

"Oh, it was a fine and a pleasant day,

Out of Yarmouth harbor I was farin',

As a cabin boy on a sailin' lugger,

For to hunt the bonny shoals of herring"

My parents used to sing this song when I'm still a kid. I think this song is beautiful and sad at the same time. A man claiming to be a sailor seems sobbing. It's no wonder as this song is about a fisherman remembering his youth.

I could see some man having teary eyes over there. Some guys are also seen began waving their heads vertically up and down while tapping their fingers on the table.

"Now you're up on deck, you're a fisherman, You can swear and show a manly bearin'"

Eventually, most of them are having melancholic expressions. More and more of them stopped looking at me. Some of them looking at the table, while some of them looking at their front. They just look somewhere else, their eyes seem like they see the distance, like they're reminiscing about something.

They all have something in common. They didn't utter a single word or noise. They just sit there reminiscing something while sometimes sipping their glass and just realize that the glass in their hands is empty.

"Sweating or cold, growing up, growing old. Or dying"

I stop for a bit to take a deep breath there. I don't know what kind of expression I have while singing this song, but it must be a sad one. I glance in the important guest's direction. They still look at me singing.

"As we dream about the shoals of herring...", I continued the last part of the song.

I finish my performance, put the guitar on the ground and bend over my body. It's me saying thanks for their attention to my performance. Look, even I feel melancholic too now. This song is not something from this world. It means that it's the connection I have with my past world.

Suddenly there's a clap and whistling sound from all over the place. Everyone laughed while still crying and clapped at me. Even the important man was seen clapping his hand to my performance. It seems like they enjoy it.

You know what? Maybe I can be a singer someday. I know many songs from the earth, maybe I can travel all over the countries and be a travelling singer. You know, it doesn't sound so bad. I might even consider it now. Aleks's voice is not too bad, maybe he had the talent to be a singer all along?

"It turns out the noble's song really relates to us commoners!", Someone said while I return to my table.

"Sorry to disappoint you pal, but commoner taught me this song while I'm still little", I made up a new lie.

"Then he must be someone who lives on the sea for quite some time!"

"Suddenly, I've got an inspiration", Said one of the painters.

"I've begun reminiscing about my youth when hearing that song"

"As a sailor, I also feel closely related to the song"

"Haha, it's good that you guys enjoy it", I tried to laugh it off.

"Indeed we are! Why won't you perform again next time?"

"I'll consider it"

When I'm in the mood of course. But I won't tell him that.

When I see the smiling adults around me, I thought to myself, "Who says that music is useless in a fantasy world? Look even all the adults around me seem to forget about all of their problems and seems to enjoy the moment"

All in all, I'd say that today is a great day. I just hope what I feel today could last forever.

The song that Aleks sing here was called "The Shoals of Herring". Yes, it's the same as the title.

If you wonder what version it is, then try to search the "Inside Llewyn Davis" soundtrack with Oscar Isaac singing it.

Thank you

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