
Cursed Legacy

When the Amberster Dukedom fell and was destroyed on charge for colliding with the devil, Aleks was hit so hard. A high noble suddenly becoming a commoner is like losing everything you have in life. Luckily, he remembers a legend that he used to hear when he was a child, a legend that people deemed as false, the fact that there is another living dragon soul residing in their country! Aleks who wants to restore the honour of his family will do anything to get those power. Sadly he loses his life trying to get the impossible. If all those powerhouses couldn't get it, what makes him think he can get it by himself? And that's when I wake up as Aleks. Becoming one of the tragic characters in the novels that I read. I know the future event, but even the knowledge of the future can't guarantee my survival. This is not a journey to power. This is a journey about trying to avoid using power as much as possible to survive. cover: https://www.deviantart.com/megatruh/art/Age-of-Valor-Awakening-586183063

DaoistfG1FmB · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Second Chance

Have you ever seen a new side of someone that you used to know? Pretty shocking right? That's what Robert Goldwell feels right now.

When he first entered this tavern, he never expect that he'd meet that boy here. Aleksander Amberster. No, it's just Aleksander for now.

Of course, he had heard the news about the fall of Amberster's house. As the richest and biggest merchant from Usnia, his information network is huge. He's the first merchant in Usnia that heard the news about the fall of Amberster's house. Of course, they also know the fate of the family afterwards.

When he heard that Aleks was chosen as the survivor, the only thing on his mind was, "such a shame".

That's normal considering that he already knew Aleks when he was still little. He and Aleks's parents were business partners in the past. He has a good opinion of duke Amberster and they were good friends. So he often visits their territory in the past.

But Aleks, the son of duke Amberster was a little bit different. He's already a naughty kid from a very young age. He did all the naughty things in the territory that make people imagine what he'll be like when he grows up.

He knew all along that Aleks was fond of his daughter, Melody. But he's sorry to say that he's not a good candidate for his daughter. Even though the Duke himself tried to match them, he rejects it on the pretence that "they're still a kid". Luckily, the Duke also agrees with that.

From then on, he often hears about Aleks's misdeeds when he grows up. He just thinks that Aleks just grows up exactly as he thought he would. He'd be a bad-mannered kid, an arrogant one, a playboy, a drinker, and a gambler. In short, he really knows what sort of man Aleks was.

Right now, he went to this country in order to get his daughter into the magic academy. As this country has the most famous academy in the world. There would be around 2 months until the new semester opens, so his daughter can enrol.

He just thought to use this journey to check on this country's culture, especially the surrounding city where his daughter will spend most of her time from now on. He also has a few branch stores in this country, especially in the capital, so he'd also check on that later.

But to his surprise, he'd meet Aleks in this tavern. To be honest, seeing him drinking in daylight is as normal as seeing a bird fly. But for him, who used to be Duke's son, to be drinking in such a place is never to be heard of.

He knows that there's a bar in this city that's somewhat exclusive to nobles, so he avoids that place as it's a place where most nobles like Aleks would gather. Even though he'd be seen as a noble, he's still a commoner. Although as a big merchant, he has more money than most nobles.

Seeing Aleks drinking in such a common and humble place surrounded by commoners is such an unbelievable sight that he thought he'd never see in his lifetime.

At first, he just thought, "Maybe it's because he lost his nobility", which is normal. But he also knows that most nobles that lost their nobility will still retain their noble bearing and arrogance, especially the hatred towards commoners. Let alone a lower-ranked noble, but for a high-ranked noble, it's basically never occurred. The more he remembers Aleks past actions, the more he didn't believe what he just see.

Seeing Aleks interacting with commoners with genuine intention is a sight to see. As a merchant, he's able to discern people's intentions clearly. And seeing Aleks doesn't have any bad intention towards commoners is unthinkable.

"He's changed", Mutter Robert.

"You think so?", Answer his daughter.

Robert knows it's hard to make her believe what she just see. As a merchant, it's a good skill to be able to judge people's intentions. He always teaches her that, but she still lacks experience, especially when her judgement was clouded by prejudice.

It seems that the tavern owner already notices his party that they have to make a performance on the stage. He doesn't feel comfortable with the special treatment that they're getting. Also, he knew that they were not very welcome here.

Just when he was about to leave, he could hear a big crowding sound from the table Aleks was in. Along with many people surrounding him, they seem to be discussing something loudly. And the other crowd also cheer.

"Let's do it!"

"Ha ha ha, good idea!"

The crowd seems to support Aleks doing some performance. When he heard that, he also get interested in what kind of performance Aleks going to bring. Because, knowing him from the past, he's not interested in anything artistic. He hates music and painting. Arts bored him.

But when Aleks go on stage and start his performance. Robert feels like his understanding of Aleks was to be turned upside down. Who knew that the boy who loath everything concerning art would be able to sing such a song?

'Looking at his expression while singing, it seems like this song has a deep meaning to him? It's like he's reminiscing about something while singing the song. Although I don't understand why, you can tell by looking at him'

When the performance ends, they bow down to the crowd. That's also something that a person with noble values will do. Bowing down to commoner is the same as throwing your noble dignity. Even a noble wouldn't do that as an act. But Aleks does that with ease.

The smile that he gave when people surround him, feels so genuine. Maybe he indeed has changed. Robert couldn't feel any noble or arrogant aura in him. On the contrary, it's as if he's a commoner that without knowing his past, you wouldn't believe that he used to be a Duke's son.

He doesn't wear anything fancy, his cloth is simple. He treats other people equally and genuinely. He blends easily with commoners. He gives off a confident aura, but not arrogance. He tells jokes casually. He doesn't care about noble manners.

Everything in him reeks of commoners.

He gives off a gloomy aura, but his eyes always radiate confidence. The change in a person always affected their eyes. In the past, he used to see everyone with eyes full of contempt. But now he still maintains that sharp gaze of his, but it's not full of contempt anymore. Instead, it's full of calmness, a word that doesn't match his old personality.

Seeing Aleks like this, Robert unconsciously has a smile on his face. It seems like he's happy that the old friend of his, the legacy of Amberster Dukedom, could still live on.

"Why are you smiling father?", Asked his daughter.

"No, it's nothing", Said the Duke while shaking his head slowly, "Let's return to the inn"

The sun is setting when they exit the tavern. The road is full of people, it's a lively sight that always filled the capital city every day. Robert was walking with his daughter side by side. His bodyguards follow behind him.

"It's a nice city", Remarked Robert.

"Is that really Aleks at the tavern back then?", Asked his daughter, still bothered by it.

"Why, Are you bothered by it?", Robert asked back, "It's indeed him. Are you not recognising him anymore?"

"No, it's just felt... Unreal"

He chuckled, "People change, Melody"

"Especially after experiencing a sudden life-turning event. Even you would've changed if you had experienced the same thing as he was"

"I see...", His daughter seems to ponder about something.

"Let go of your prejudice, Melody. Every person deserves a second chance in their life. Especially, when they're still young", Says Robert, "When you meet him in the academy later, please treat him fairly. I know it's hard because of what he did to you in the past. I won't ask you to forgive him, but at least treat him fairly. He really deserves a second chance"

"I... I get it", Answer his daughter, feeling conflicted.

When they arrived at the inn, Robert said to his daughter, "Rest early, I'll take you to see the branch store tomorrow"

"Father...", Calls Melody when his father turns his back, "That song at the tavern, it's not the kind of song that nobles like to hear right?"

"He said he learn it from a commoner when he was little", Inform Robert.

"That can't be right?", She asked while knowing the past Aleks won't even listen to any commoner, let alone learn a song from them.

"Why don't you ask him yourself? When you meet him at the academy later", Robert said while smiling and turning his back again to enter his room.

Melody still couldn't believe what she just sees and hear at the tavern. She knows Aleks since childhood, but she never heard him learn to sing from anyone.

'Seeing his expression then, that song must be important to him', She couldn't help but think that.

Contrary to Aleks, Melody always loves art when she was small. Her father collects many kinds of art from all over the world. She also loves to sing, she always had her mother teach her some songs. Just any song. A foreign song, even one with a different language always intrigues her.

And when she saw Aleks sing at the tavern, she knew from the very start that she was seeing a side of him that she doesn't know.

'Maybe he has changed as father said?', She thought to herself.