
Cursed Legacy

When the Amberster Dukedom fell and was destroyed on charge for colliding with the devil, Aleks was hit so hard. A high noble suddenly becoming a commoner is like losing everything you have in life. Luckily, he remembers a legend that he used to hear when he was a child, a legend that people deemed as false, the fact that there is another living dragon soul residing in their country! Aleks who wants to restore the honour of his family will do anything to get those power. Sadly he loses his life trying to get the impossible. If all those powerhouses couldn't get it, what makes him think he can get it by himself? And that's when I wake up as Aleks. Becoming one of the tragic characters in the novels that I read. I know the future event, but even the knowledge of the future can't guarantee my survival. This is not a journey to power. This is a journey about trying to avoid using power as much as possible to survive. cover: https://www.deviantart.com/megatruh/art/Age-of-Valor-Awakening-586183063

DaoistfG1FmB · Fantasie
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20 Chs

The First Predicament

"You know the reason why you're here?"

I was inside the Academy's principal office when the principal asked me that question.

The academy is still on semester break and it's quite desolate here, but it's not like I hate that.

When I got a letter sent to my room from the academy last night, I know that there'll be another problem for me. And my sentiment is right, so here I am, as being called to the principal office the first thing in the morning is not my hobby.

Miss Adele, the principal of this academy, is looking at me with that cold of eyes of hers. Sadly, I've already been used to being stared at like that for a while, so I don't really get intimidated. Her hands clasped in front of her face seems to show dominance.

Her gestures seem to imply that she won't deal with my bullsh*t anymore. And I can understand that. The previous Aleks must be a real troublemaker from the first time he attend the academy, but she had to deal slowly with him as he's the son of the duke. But now? I'm just a commoner, so I get why she won't show me respect like she used to.

As for the answer to her question...

"I don't", I replied calmly while standing with both my hand behind my back, like a soldier, facing their commander.

"Have you seen the result of your final exam?"

"I have", I answered her, "But what about it?"

She looks at me for a few seconds before sighing, "Sigh... Do you know how bad did you perform on the final exam?", Her hand gesture a question while also implying her frustration, "You're ranked at the bottom among all the first-year student. Do you understand what that means?"

"That means that I have to take an extra class?"

"No! It means that you're going to get kicked out of the academy!"

It's that bad? I never heard of students getting kicked out of the academy no matter how badly they perform. No, maybe I'm just way WORSE than them. That has to be it.

Also, even if students did perform badly, they won't get kicked out that easily. As most students at the magic academy are nobles, and they have to consider this when kicking out a noble from the academy. The minority of commoners here perform quite well. Well, they're totally not your normal commoner if they can attend the magic academy, though.

It's not like I'm not expecting some sort of punishment, but to be honest, getting kicked out of the academy is the worst case that I could think of. To think that the worst case just happen like that, my luck must be pretty bad huh?

"...You're strangely calm about it", She said after calming herself down.


"Yes", She replied while standing up from her chair, "You're rather calm for someone who... Who used to be noble, I could say"

She said that while approaching me and moving her hands like she couldn't find a better word to describe what she just said.

"No, to be honest, I'm not calm right now. In fact, my brain is hurting when I heard that"

"Oh really?", She smiles while looking amused, "You still remember the last time you were here?"

"You mean when I'm asking permission to visit my family at that time?", That's the last interaction that Aleks had with this woman before he died, in the novel.

"Yes. At that time, you act like... How do I say it...", She put her fingers on her chin while looking upwards, "Like how you are. Like "Aleks". Do you get what I mean?"

"You mean that I'm not acting like the real "Aleks" now?", I asked suspiciously scared she realized that I'm indeed not the real Aleks.

"No no no. What I mean is, look at yourself now", She said while circling in front of me, "You've changed. In the past, you start acting like a brat when you were here. But now? I could see you've changed. Maybe becoming a commoner humbles you?"

"Well, I couldn't say that I haven't changed after everything I've just experienced", I give her a safe answer. Really, won't you change too if your whole family is executed and you've become a commoner suddenly?

"Well, what can I say?", She said while nodding her head and walking back to her seat, "I'm impressed", She say while throwing both her hands in the air resignedly in a sitting position, like she still couldn't believe what she saw, but still accept it.

"Now, let's go back to the main topic, shall we?", She goes back to her first position before she stands up from her seat.

"S-Sure", I answer her fearfully, knowing what is to come.

"Although you've become less annoying than you were in the past. I still regret to inform you that you can't stay in the magic academy anymore, Aleks"

"Don't I have other options? A second chance maybe?", I asked her panicked.

Sigh, looks like I really have to be a street performer or in the worst case, be an adventurer, from now on.

"You've failed in all subjects with zero scores on the exam. Even those student from the knight academy performs better than you", She replied while raising her voice, "What do you expect me to do?"

Damn it. Looks like I've got no hope now. Well, she's right. As an adult, you have to face the truth no matter how bad it is. I guess this is it then.

"Alright. But I-"

Knock knock knock.

Suddenly there's a knocking sound from the door behind me. Making me couldn't finish my sentences.

"Come in", The principal replied with a deep voice.

As I am standing near the door right now, I move to the side to give the door more room when it's opened later.

Then suddenly, a middle-aged man entered the room. From his appearance, he must be a teacher or staff of this academy. My speculation is the vice-principal.

He walks passed me hurriedly towards the principal who's still sitting on her chair. Then, he gets beside her and whispers something to the principal.

The principal just nodded and gave me a stare a few times while listening to the man whisper. I don't know and don't care about what she's hearing right now, as I've faced one of the biggest crises since I've transmigrated here.

"Alright, I get it", The principal said after the man stop speaking, "You can leave now"

The man then walked quietly and hurriedly towards the door and exit the room. When the door closed, I looked back at the principal and see that she was closing her eyes. Seems like she's pondering something. The information she just heard must be quite something.

"Alright...", She suddenly said while taking a deep breath and opening her eyes, "Okay Aleks, I can give you a second chance", She said while staring at me this time.

"Really?", I asked, still couldn't believe what I just said.

"Yes, but not as a student of the magic academy"

"What do you mean?"

Really, just when I thought I just got a new hope.

"I mean what I just said", She said while straightening her back, "You can't stay in the magic academy, and you are to be moved to the knight academy. How about that? That's the second chance you're talking about right?"

No, that's not what I'm talking about when I asked for a second chance. But, a knight academy, though...

I really don't have much information about the knight academy. The novel is really focused on the magic academy, as the main character was there. But I have to remember that this whole academy consists of mostly knight students. around 70% per cent of this academy student comes from the knight section.

Wait, is she also the principal of the knight academy? I don't think so, though. But if I really have to choose, maybe going to the knight academy is not as bad as I think? I may be able to survive better there, as I really don't have much talent in magic.

"Ku ku ku, becoming a knight while having the strongest magical power in this world?", Said a voice in my head.

Damn it, this guy always shows up at bad timing. Look, I'm trying to think really hard here okay?

Sigh... Maybe I'll just try going to the knight academy first? One thing about being an adult is that you have to be flexible. So I guess I just try my luck there.

"Alright... I'll accept it", I said resignedly.

"Great! It's not like you have much choice anyway. Why are you thinking so hard about it?", She just mocks me, "Okay, now go back to your dorm. I'll take care of your transfer to the knight academy later. I'll inform you when you're ready to move"

"You can leave", She added, seeing that I don't have anything to say.

"Sure, I'll leave"

But I still remember that I have one final thing that I have to tell her before I go.

Seeing that I'm not leaving yet, she asked me, "Why you won't leave? Still have anything to say?"

I looked at her and say, "Miss Adele, I... I'm sorry for what I've done in the past. And thank you for giving me a second chance"

Really, I'm really thankful to her for giving me another chance like this. It's still better than getting kicked out by the academy. So yeah, it's my real feeling there. And I also felt sorry for what the previous "me" had done before.

She just froze there and saw me like a madman. I know that you don't expect it coming from me, but I still have to say it. I already have many enemies here at the academy, and if I have the chance, then I'll apologize for what I've done with pleasure.

"You...", She frowns, "Don't thank me. Just thank the king"

The king? Really? So it was the king that command her to not kick me from the academy? Now, that's surprising. But when I think about it again, the king used to have a good relationship with duke Amberster, meaning, my family. I guess it's no surprise that he'll try to save his friend's son?

I guess so.

"No, I just want to say it", I said, seeing her for the last time before I turn back my body towards the door, "Okay, I'll leave now"