

Darkness. That was all Si Ning could see and feel the moment he opened his eyes, it was too dark that he wondered why there was no lit lantern or if the candles had gone out but the most confusing and the odd part was he couldn't tell if he was standing or lying down on his bed.

"Ah Dai?" Si Ning squinted his eyes yet he couldn't see a thing. "Ah Dai!" He called out before suddenly feeling a sense of deja vu and at the back of his mind he knew deep down he would not be getting a reply.

First, he tried to stay so still and breathe slowly to stay calm, He might have a strong sense of Ah Dai not coming but as long as he calls him then the high chance of Ah Dai hearing him would increase.

"Ah Dai?" Si Ning called out softly trying to avoid any monster swallowing him up. It was childish to think that a monster might be lurking in the dark but he couldn't help but think something was wrong.