

With his surroundings still spinning from his teleportation, Luke begins his journey to find civilization. Unfortunately for him Japanese was not one of the languages he knew. Along his journey to finding someone who spoke enough English so that he can ask to borrow his phone, Luke traveled from a random mountain top in the country side towards the chasing after the rising sun. Along his way to civilization he would steadily practice his sky step with the hopes to eventually be able to 'fly'. As Luke makes his way into a small village he is welcomed to the site of a woman being mugged. Using his sky step, he reappears behind the man holding the knife and gives him what he thought would be a light tap to the kidney. Instead what happened was he send the man flying into the wall. After panicking and check to make sure he was alive Luke sped off afraid of the police arresting him.

After running full speed for a few minutes into the forest in a panic. While he had been in many fight while learning martial arts, but he had never potentially killed anyone like he could have just now. While inside his cavern he had not had the chance to really test his strength on anything so he had assumed he had limited his strength enough.

Afraid that when he gets back to his family he could accidentally hurt one of them, Luke decided that he would stay in the wilderness until he had enough of a control of his strength to keep him from potentially hurting them.

3 months had passed during his secluded training in the wilderness. During his training he finally managed to fully reach a mastery of sky step that would allow him to walk indefinitely in the air. Unfortunately for him, however, he had made little leeway in the way of limiting his strength. If anything his strength had slowing increased.

While doing his nightly meditation, Luke felt a jerk coming from his qi reserve before a strong suction force began to emanate from his reserves. As the suction force slowly got stronger and stronger, his reserves began to solidify. With a shockwave released from his body, Luke broke through from qi awakening to qi solidifying. With the commotion made by his breakthrough a Asian man in a red robe stepped through a portal.

"Who are you and what are you doing making a commotion in the mystical energies." Man in red said

"I am afraid to say I can not really explain it other than cultivating. My name is Luke, who are you" Luke said

"My name is Wong, and I am a practitioner of the mystical arts" Wong replied

"Well Wong, I have a problem that you may be able to sort with your mystical arts hopefully. My issue is I am too strong and I am afraid I may hurt someone I care about. I have been missing from my home for about a year and a half now and I really miss my family." Luke says as he slightly strains himself to rip a tree out of the ground and throw it.

"Your words seem to hold some value. Stay here for a little bit and I shall return shortly" Wong says stepping through a portal

Minutes pass before another portal appears with Wong's voice coming from it telling Luke to come through the portal.

Stepping through the portal Luke is welcomed with the sight of a older room with a few knee height tables, with a woman sitting down at one pouring some tea.

"Hello Luke I'm glad to finally meet you. I have heard about your predicament from Wong, and I believe I may be able to help you." The bald lady said

"I am super thankful that you can help me, may I know your name so I can properly thank you?" Luke says taking a seat on a cushion at the table

"My name has been long since forgotten by myself, but you can call me the ancient one. As for thanking me just promise me should the earth ever need your help that you will help" The ancient one replies sliding Luke a tea

"Of course I would, where else would I live if the earth got destroy. That is a silly request, keep my favor as a IOU that I will try my best to accomplish it" Luke says sipping his tea

With a chuckle the ancient one summons a small portal with 2 wrist band looking objects falling out of them. The ancient one passes the wrist bands to Luke explaining that they are indeed wristbands called the bands of gravity. They will provide a gravitational force on your body that you can change with a mental command. You can also change how they look with a mental command as well. As a added bonus, the gravity is only applied to your body so it is safe to wear them in any situation and you will not have to worry about injuring anyone by touching them or breaking the ground.

Sliding the bands of gravity on, he slowly increases the force of gravity on him until he had around 5 tons of force constantly being applied to his body.

"If you will follow me I will have you punch one of our training posts with your full strength and you can see how well they are working" The ancient one says

Following the ancient one, Luke arrives in front of the training post that had not been reinforced with magic. Punching the post with his full strength, the post does not show any damage done to it. With excitement, Luke rushed the ancient one giving her a hug and thanking her with tears in his eyes, surprising her.

"I was afraid I would never be able to see my family again." Luke says

"I am glad I could be of assistance. Now if you will open your mind to me I will scan the surface of your memories and think of your home I will open a portal to your home. And before I forget take this and message me the moment you get the chance, just in case I need to cash that IOU. And before you say anything yes there is magical ways to do it but phone are so much more convenient." The ancient one

Opening his mind while thinking of his home, the ancient one scans his mind opening a portal to his home. Thankful for her assistance with everything, Luke thanks her one last time before stepping through it excited to see him family again