
precursor to something greater

From his research into the group known as 'the hand', Luke could find absolutely nothing on them. That night after doing more investigating into that incident the only trail he could even find besides the name the hand, was the name kingpin.

While not ignoring his new superhero duties, he also made sure to continue cultivating. Using his mastery of his sky step, as well as his father giving him a cool idea for a super hero landing, Luke created a technique of his own he called tectonic step. Tectonic step was basically a reverse engineered sky step that instead of using his qi to step in the sky, he uses it to drastically increase his weight. If use from the sky it turns him into a artillery strike. And if used while walking shatters the ground below his feet, while not effective in combat it added the dramatic fair he loved from watching anime in his younger years.


One day while on patrol Luke finds what he had to do a double take to make sure he wasn't going insane, ninjas. The ninjas had a old man surrounded who was in turn surrounded by the bodies of a few of the ninjas. Deciding to help Luke climbs above them before slamming to the ground in a group of the ninjas with the tectonic step, limiting his qi usage so as to not kill any of the ninjas.

"Get away from here, you do not what you are getting your self into" The man

"I can not just let a old man be killed by some ninjas" Luke

"Do what you will then" The old man

Using a mixture of his sky step and his the martial arts he learned before cultivating he proceeds to high speed knock out as many ninjas as he could. While he could use his sky shattering fist to take out a bunch of them with the shockwave from his punch, he was afraid he may kill some of them.

As the fight comes to a end, Luke finds the old man begin to kill one of the knocked out ninjas. Before Luke could stop him, the old man slits the ninjas throat with the ninja turning to dust.

"What the hell just happened" Luke asks

"Hell is a appropriate statement. These ninjas are a member of the group known as the hand. The less you know about them the better. But what I will say is should you run in to any more of these people turn and run away. They are all enhanced from their belief in a demon. While I will admit you are strong by yourself, do not try and fight them alone. The group has more members than you could even dream of." The old man

"I can not just leave them alone. They are terrorizing my city. Just a month or two ago they were trying to sell children, and I will not allow that to happen. And anyways who are you?" Luke

" My name is stick. I am afraid I can not help you fight them. Not because I do not wish to, but because my group does not know more about them other than they are in this city and operating heavily. However if you still wish to help me no matter, address is where you can come should you ever wish to help." The old man says handing Luke a sheet of paper before whish him well and leaving.

Folding the paper into his pocket Luke takes to the sky to continue his patrol.


As the events of Luke's fight with the hand's ninjas are taking place.

Kamar taj


"Wong I am afraid I the future has changed." The ancient one

"for the better or worse?" Wong

"That is the problem. Since our meeting with that child Luke last year the future has constantly been changing. Some times for the better and others for the good. This time however I can not proceed at all. It is like there is a barrier blocking me from seeing the future. Come Wong it seems we need to make a house visit" The ancient one

I know this is a shorter chapter but this is a transition from the bgeggining to the start of the mcu. Think of this as a foundation for a later arc

Phoenixrdcreators' thoughts