
Crystal Pack

CamrynRovner · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: The Tresspasser

As SnowFlake was patrolling the border she heard some leaves rustling behind her. She instinctively turned and looked behind her with a growl coming up from her throat as the fur on her back was slowly rising in alarm. She looked up and saw a bird flying in the sky and decided to continue her patrol, but as she turned around she caught a glimpse of white fur running onto her territory. When she saw him she chase him and decided he would not get away with trespassing on her territory. She used her powers to catch up to him and when she was just a few feet behind him, she leaped onto his back and knocked him over and then pinned him to the ground and gave him a strict growl. She said, "Who are you?"

The wolf with the white fur and gold eyes said, "My name is Max. How about you?"

SnowFlake said, "I'm SnowFlake, I'm the deputy of Crystal Pack, I was patrolling the border and then I found you." As she got off of him she said, "Speaking of, why are you even on my territory?"

As Max was getting onto his paws he said, "I was looking for my sister's and then I decided to find something to eat. I still haven't found them though." He said this with a worried look on his face. "Speaking of, can I trust you? I kind of doubt it with all the hostility that is in your voice."

SnowFlake said, " Of course you can trust me, everyone trusts me, I love helping others, please, can I help you find them Max?" She begged.

Max hesitated but eventually said, " Fine, their name's are Sorrel, Cinder, and Tawny. And yes, I guess you can help me find them."

"SnowFlake excitedly said, "Yay. You smell like no-furs, are you a pet?"

"Yes I was but not anymore." Max admitted.

SnowFlake understood and said, "Oh."

They started walking quietly and every few minutes Max would stop and take in the scents around him, until finally he caught a whiff of something. He excitedly said, "We found them!" And then ran ahead. SnowFlake didn't have a hard time keeping up with him though. When they turned the corner they saw three pups and Max said, "Oh girls, thank SilverPelt I found you, I thought I lost you!" He had a relieved look on his face.

A light brownish gray pup said, "I'm so happy you found us, we were so scared. Who is that?" She said turning to look at SnowFlake.

SnowFlake said, "I am an Arctic wolf named SnowFlake. I am also the deputy of Crystal Pack. Who are you?"

The pup said, " My name is Tawny."