
Crippling Frustration

This is a story of a girl from the Arie family trying her best to live a life she can be proud of and achieve her dream. Disclaimer:[this is a Tower of God fanfic,I don't own anything besides my oc, everything else's are owned by the author of tog]

Unknown_Stranger22 · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

The Beginning

A sensation of weightlessness gave way to the prickling awareness of consciousness. Blinking, I struggled to make sense of my surroundings.

'where am I?'

I was suspended within a glass flask, submerged in a translucent liquid that shimmered with an otherworldly glow. Bubbles danced around me, carrying tiny flecks of shimmering particles upward.

My heart raced as I processed the surreal reality I found myself in. Panic crept in, clawing at the edges of my mind. I was trapped, ensnared within this glass prison like a specimen on display. My fingers brushed against the inside of the flask, sending ripples through the liquid that distorted my reflection.

Fragments of memory flickered in my mind, causing unbearable headaches.Flashes of life long memories of someone named White keep playing in my mind.The memories of his beginning to his end.

'please make it stop!!'

'make the PAIN stop!!!'

Days turned into weeks, or perhaps even more, eventually the unbearable pain stopped as my mind slowly adjusted to the foreign memories, everything starting to make sense to me,my memory starting to provide guidance to my once ignorant self.My body felt different,my hair a familiar hue of white, now cascaded around me like pale strands of silk. I watched its slow dance in the liquid, the strands catching the otherworldly light and refracting it into a dazzling spectrum of colors.

Time passed in a disorienting blur. The rhythmic bubbling of the liquid and the muted sounds from the lab outside were the only constants. It was both mesmerizing and maddening, the passage of time a distant concept that held no sway within my liquid prison.

'where am I?'

As my gaze swept the lab beyond the glass, I watched shadowy figures move with purposeful haste. They wore white coats, faces obscured by masks, their movements deliberate and efficient. My gut tightened as I realized I was at the center of their focus, an unknowing participant in their enigmatic experiment.

"Subject's vitals are stabilizing. The experiment is progressing as expected."

"The subject seems to be responsive. We might be witnessing a breakthrough,Get ready to extract the subject."

As I heard what was said I suddenly lost consciousness.


The first thing I saw as I opened my eyes was a blinding flash of light and a piercing sensation in my head. Now, I find myself in a stark white room, the brightness overwhelming and disorienting. My heart races, and yet I remained calm and stoic. "Where am I? How did I get here?"

I scrambled to my feet, yet my legs felt unsteady beneath me.my body feels weak and lethargic.

The room I'm in is featureless, devoid of any distinguishing marks or objects. The walls are a seamless expanse of white, extending infinitely in all directions, creating an unsettling sense of emptiness.

My breath quickens as I take in my surroundings, the sterile air tastes metallic against my lips.I reach my memories for salvation for my predicament,yet all hope seems lost as my body is too weak and fragile to carry out any of it.Since escape seems impossible I proceed to slumber as I was probably under surveillance.

Time seems to lose its shape within the endless white expanse. Just as I begin to question my own existence, a subtle change in the air catches my attention. The sterile atmosphere shifts, and a soft hum fills the space. I turn my head, heart pounding, and there, standing before me, is a figure.

My breath catches in my throat as I take in the sight of a person. A man, dressed in a simple white that seems to blend seamlessly with the room itself. His eyes, a calming shade of blue, lock onto mine, and a faint smile graces his lips.

"I see you've awakened."his voice resonates, breaking the silence that has haunted me for what feels like an eternity.

"Where am I and why am I here?"I manage to ask, my voice remains calm without any hints of emotion.

"where you are isn't important, just know that you will be going with me as a daughter of the Arie family"the man says in a cold tone as he ordered his subordinates to readied me to leave this place.