
Crippling Frustration

This is a story of a girl from the Arie family trying her best to live a life she can be proud of and achieve her dream. Disclaimer:[this is a Tower of God fanfic,I don't own anything besides my oc, everything else's are owned by the author of tog]

Unknown_Stranger22 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The Arie

The Arie estate stood nestled within the towering walls of the aristocratic district, an imposing structure that whispered of generations of tradition. Inside its hallowed halls, an air of anticipation hung heavy, as the family's patriarch, Arie Hon, awaited the arrival of the newest addition to their lineage.

The girl took a few steps, only to realize that her legs were weak and unsteady, causing her to stumble. She frowned,It became clear that she was having challenges to even walk steadily without falling,her leg felt weak and useless to her.She tried to take another step forward only to stumble into the ground.

The attendant besides her just quietly observes her as she falls to the ground without a word.Only after watching her struggle to get up to her feet for a while did the attendant help her to get up and prepare a wheelchair for her use.

As the girl is being escorted into the estate,she observed the corridors were lined with portraits of legendary swordsmen, each gaze fixed on the entrance as if to judge the newcomer's worthiness. The doors swung open, revealing a figure cloaked in a shroud of mystery. Arie Hon eyes, sharp as the blades he wielded, studied her.

The girl's gaze remained unwavering, her frosty eyes meeting his without a flicker of emotion."I am Arie Hon," he spoke with an undeniable solemnity, his voice echoing through the chamber. "You are now under the banner of the Arie family."

His eyes wandered to her wheelchair as he spoke"the experiment results are not quite successful I see,but it still remains to be seen whether or not you can still be useful to me."

"You are a result of an experiment to create the perfect Arie by combining Arlen Grace's DNA,white soul fragment,an ignition weapon and of course my DNA"The man spoke as he observed my reaction."you possessed white memories so I won't have to explain everything to you do i?"

The girl's lips parted, her voice like the crackling of ice. "I know my duty."

The patriarch nodded, a semblance of approval in his eyes. "You will undergo rigorous training, both in combat and in character. The path of the sword is not just a physical journey, but a spiritual one as well.From now on your name will be Arie Isolde."The man spoke as he walked away.

With the man gone,Isolde is escorted to her room and put herself to sleep to prepare for the harsh time ahead.


As days turned into weeks, Isolde's days were filled with unrelenting discipline. The clash of steel against steel reverberated through the training grounds, a testament to her unyielding determination,yet her body keep failing her.her weak and feeble legs was not able to support her throughout her entire training sessions.The icy veneer that once surrounded her began to crack, revealing flickers of vulnerability beneath.

'Damn it'her weakness and repeating failure keep growing into frustration.'I can't keep this up,if I'm not even able to wield the sword properly I will be useless to the Arie family'She has no loyalty towards the Arie family however she knew that a cripple like her will sooner or later be disposed of she doesn't show any significance to the family.

The whisper of ridicule keeps getting caught in her ear.

(mocking tone) "Have you seen Isolde struggle on those feeble legs? It's an embarrassment to the Arie name."

(laughter) "Indeed. She clings to the sword as if it's a lifeline, but no amount of effort can change the fact that she's fundamentally flawed. Such a shame for someone of our lineage."

Isolde grips her sword tightly,she remains stoic yet her hearts yearn to rip and hack into the flesh of those insolent enough no mock her."No... I won't let their words affect me."

The Arie family is one of the Ten Families that hold great influence and are known for their exceptional swordsmanship skills and their close connection to the Zahard Empire, the ruling entity within the Tower.'it is only natural for them to look down on a cripple like me'

Isolde return to her room with the assistance of her personal caretaker and collapsed from exhaustion atop her bed.'There must be something I can do to turn this situation around with the memory of white swordsmanship she would be able to surpass most members of the Arie family, however without a dependable legs sword wielding becomes impractical.

Plus the amounts of shinsu and power that contains inside this body is average at best and she can only sense the presence of the ignition weapon inside her yet she can't seem to gain any response from it as if it is broken and unusable.

Isolde keep straining her mind for solutions until she lulled herself to sleep.