
Crimson Wolf Zero

Kunaigai · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Prologue 02

Before the young man dashed to the forest he grabbed a map, a compass, a first aid kit, some rations, and a backpack.

After stuffing the four things into the backpack, he ran as fast as he could into the forest.

He ran for a couple of hours and stopped once it had become night time.

He then decided to change his clothes for ones that would make him less identifiable in the darkness.

After that he looked around, with what little light from the moon he had, for a wide enough tree that would let him sleep without falling off and that would hide him from the people that are looking for him.

Once he found it, he climbed up the tree and slept as lightly as he could.


He got woken up by the sounds of feet stepping on grass.

He held his breath and tried to look around, but he was unable to see because the moon was covered by clouds.

It was an advantage that he could be seen even less, but it was a disadvantage that he couldn't see.

Once the sounds got closer he noticed that he could hear growling.

What was close to him at the moment wasn't a human but an animal or beast.

He heard the sounds coming closer each passing second, until the sounds reached the tree.

He then heard the creature scratching the tree.

Whatever it was, it had found him.

He stayed as calm as possible, and instead of questioning how it had found him, he prepared his next move.

In case the creature could climb, he was prepared kick off whatever climbed the tree.

He could have jumped off the tree and ran somewhere else, but he decided not to because he couldn't even see ahead of himself.

Minutes passed and the scratches continued, but there was no sign of the creature coming up.

He calmed himself down and continued resting, but stayed aware of the creature in case it decided to climb up.


After a couple of hours passed, the sun started to rise.

The young man didn't know how much hours he slept, but at least he knew he slept quite a bit since it was morning in just a few hours.

Once it got a bit bright he decided to take a perk at the creature that was scratching the tree.

He was quite surprised at the creature he had just seen.

It certainly looked like a boar, but the the best way he could describe said boar was that it looked a bit demonic.

He wanted to stay on the tree as to not wake up the creature, but he still had to escape as far as possible from the military base.

He climbed down as slowly as possible trying not to make any sounds .

Once he reached the bottom of the tree, he could see the boar a lot more clearly.

It was certainly bigger than an adult boar, but it's features were those of a baby boar.

Perhaps that was the reason why it couldn't climb up the tree.

'Perhaps the mother is nearby. It seems I got lucky in only encountering the child in the night.'

The young man decided to leave it be and left as quickly and as quietly as possible.


Once he was was far away from the boar, he decided to change into clothes that would help him camouflage himself with all the plats in the forest.

He also didn't want a repeat of what happened in the night so he covered himself in mud to hide to hide his scent.

'I don't know if it was a coincidence or not that the creature was there, but if there's one thing I know about these types of animals, it's that they have keen noses.'

Having relearned something he should've known sooner, he continued on his way along the forest.


The young man didn't think about why nobody had been following him, but based on the boar he could deduce that they were busy defending the base from a hoard of demons.

After a couple days, he then happened to reach an abandoned city that was at the end of the forest.

It had been abandoned thanks to the demons rampaging around the place, but despite that the majority of the buildings were quite intact.

He decided to make a small part of this city a temporary base.

He looked around the town and looked for bottled water.

He managed to find some in a convenience store.

As per the food there was either none or it had already expired.

He also managed to salvage a couple of cameras from various buildings along with some batteries.

Now he was ready to go into hiding from the military for quite some time.