
Crimson Wolf Zero

Kunaigai · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Prologue 03

The young man's plan relied mostly on the cameras and the area he made his base on.

The cameras he would attach the batteries on and place them all across the city to use as a bluff.

The buildings in the area he chose were close to each other.

He climbed up a building and broke some windows so that he could go to the other buildings without having to make a sound.

He did the same thing to the buildings around the area.

The cameras would cause the people chasing him to tread carefully through the area, and would give him a chance to escape through the buildings if necessary.

"Okay! Now it's time to commence the second stage of the plan."

The second stage of the plan consisted of hunting down animals for food.

He went to all the restaurants he could find and looked for as many intact utensils as possible.

He picked up spoons, forks, and any type of knife he could find.

As long as they weren't broken he would pick them up.

He also picked up a couple whetstones he found in a drawer so that he could sharpen the dull knives he picked up.

He then returned to his base and separated the utensils in between those he would use to eat and cook ,and those he would use to hunt.

He first sharpened a couple of spare knifes so he could learn how to use a whetstone.

After a couple of tries he got the hang of sharpening knives.

He then started sharpening the kitchen knives first so that he could better improve his skills before he moved on to sharpening the knives he would use to hunt.

Since he would need better sharpened knives to hunt a lot more easily, he decided this is the course of action he should take.


A couple of days had passed.

Since the young man still had rations left he decided to keep on sharpening knives.

He also started working out to get in better shape.

He did knuckle push ups, squats, leg raises.

To practice running, he would go around checking the camera's condition around the city, and while running he would also stop from time to time to check the perimeter.


The young man's routine lasted for about a month before he had almost run out of rations.

Some days he would check the cameras only to find them broken after being thrown on the ground.

He wouldn't touch the cameras so that the people chasing him wouldn't think he was still there.

Surely enough, they stopped searching that area after a week, presumably going to search for him in another area.

He used this opportunity to look for areas to hunt animals.

He first checked the forest in which he came from.

Since the hoard of demonic beasts had already passed through (or so he thought because the military now had the leisure to search for him), he thought some animals might have come back to the forest.

Unfortunately, he couldn't have find a single animal.

The forest was just as empty as the first time he had passed through there.

He tried searching other areas of the forest, but they were all the same way.

He then looked for a river or a water source in which animals would reside in.

On the way he also looked for a straight and sturdy branch.

He found one and immediately started sharpening it with one of the many knives he had brought with him.

He did the same with a couple other branches he had found.

Upon finding a river, he looked upon it to see if there were any fish.

He saw a few fish and was about scream with joy, but stopped himself from screaming so that no one could hear him.

He took out a branch and sharpened one side into something akin to a harpoon.

He then tried to catch few, but he missed them every time.

He could have thrown the "harpoons", but he hadn't prepared any rope before hand so he had to use it as a spear.

After a few tries he changed the way he stabbed the fish, and he also changed the timing as well.

He could barely catch three before returning to his base.


Once he reached his base, the young man ate some rations.

He decided to practice gutting the fish before he actually ate them.

The first two fish he gutted incorrectly, but from those mistakes he gutted the last one correctly.

He didn't get to eat it now that it was night time.

He couldn't start a fire indoors, and if he started one outside he didn't know what he would attract.


The next day the young man woke up early and went back to the river.

Once again, he had caught three fish and then went back to his base.

He started a fire, in between the many buildings, after he had gutted all three of the fish.

He cooked them all at once to find out how much time it took to cook one.

One he removed after a couple of minutes, the next he removed a couple minutes after, and the last he let it sit for too long and it got burnt.

The first he removed tasted raw.

The second tasted better, but he felt that he could've left cooking for a few more minutes.

The last one tasted burnt.

He wanted to see if it tasted any better than the other two, but that was a mistake.

He then kept note in his head that the minutes he should cook the fish was in between the last two before he went on to exercise.

After a couple of days he also found some birds and decided to practice gutting those too.

A week had passed and he found a multitude of different small animals to practice on too.

After returning to the base one day, he noticed that the bottled water was running out and decided to go to the river the next morning.

The next morning, the young man went to the river with a few buckets.

While filling the buckets with water, he heard something rushing at him from behind.

He let go of the bucket he was filling with water and turned around.

He could see what appeared to be a demonic boar charging at him.

He waited until it was close enough and then jumped to side and landed in a position facing the boar.

The said boar that was charging at him landed on the river.

The young man saw how fast the boar charged at him, and he knew he couldn't outrun it.

He stared at the boar, which was in the water, in the eyes.

He calmed his mind and readied himself.

He then shouted in his head with determination:

"I've got to face it."