
My Brother’s Keeper Part 01

Year: ???? (Age of Gods)

Location: The Golden City, Elysium

Sakinah's eyes helplessly struggled to open as she lay motionless at her bedside. The gentle embrace of a soft and warm white blanket kept her from making any attempts at moving. Sitting by her side on a wooden chair with a book on his lap was none other than Izunia. Rays of light made their way into the small bedroom through a glass window revealing the cozy, small cabin. There was not much more to the locale besides that. This place was very clearly a simple getaway for those who wished to be free from the woes of the greater areas in Elysium.

The Progenitor of the Storm let out a brief sigh as she forced herself awake and sat up on the bed. "Hmm… where is Reina?" she pondered upon recalling their altercation with the Crawling Chaos' avatar.

The Architect chuckled. "My mother's servant has already made a full recovery. Despite her origins as a child of human scum, Morana has certainly earned her place in the heavens," he mused as he thoughtfully looked down upon his book. The faded, yellow paper told a story all its own.

"What's that old man? At this point, I figured you'd realize. Humans are a pest left to us by Akasha. No matter how much you teach them… their nature is chaos. There is no shepherding for creatures that naturally seek sin."

"Sakinah…a great many centuries have come and gone since your mother's passing. Your father and I have given you a place here, yet you persist in your disdain for your own kind," Izunia sighed as he went on to close his old book. The man's long hair hung over his temple hiding the finer details of his disappointed gaze.

"Men are evil creatures by nature, yes. They are flawed and easily sin. That is why the gods such as ourselves must show them their place as subservient creatures that exist to fuel belief in the gods. Through true submission of heart and soul, their nature will be lessened and betterment will come."

The Architect's words were nothing but an annoyance to Sakinah. The deity stood up from the bed and walked over to the wooden door north of her. All she had on were bandages over her chest area and black shorts that barely concealed her voluptuous divine figure.

The Goddess took a deep breath before looking over her shoulder with intensity in her violet gaze. "Old man… the gods and men alike are nothing but fools. You claim that it's your duty to guide them into subservient, but in reality, all you want are convenient unthinking slaves that'd follow your every whim. That's never going to work. Need I remind you about how your precious Garden of Eden project ended? I bet you're still busy torturing that fool Adam and his son Cain."

The older deity froze up for a moment, stunned by Sakinah's eyes. Her intensity and her intent were clearer now more than ever.

"Erebus and Nyx have a point. Elysium is diseased, rotten to the core. There is no saving it or humanity. We need to wipe the slate clean," she reassured with unwavering resolve whilst balling her hand into a fist.


No more words were shared between the two. Instead, Sakinah merely summoned her traditional attire onto her body with a snap of her fingers and made her way out. The Architect seldom had a chance to speak with his prodigy student like this, but it seemed the time for understanding had long since passed.

"If that is how it must be, Child of Thunder, then I am truly sorry…" Izunia reinforced his resolve before swiping his book open to a particular page where a rough sketch depicting a familiar crystal-like structure could be seen.

"I can't allow you to stand in our way."

The seeds of fate were planted that day. From the gods that gave her a home in the heavens would come divine retribution for her sins. Sakinah Vashti would be sealed away and splintered while the world was made to forget her existence. The same fate would then befall Reina Arashi when she was banished to the depths of Purgatory in the absence of Akasha. Deception and a need for power plagued the gods into such acts. The nature of the gods of yore and their unending desire for complete dominion over all existence seemed to have doomed them from the beginning.

Yet a lost tale can be found here, one forgotten by the modern era and the source that gave rise to one of the Abyss Order.

As Sakinah strolled back to the Golden City, an unfamiliar figure suddenly appeared before her in the passing wind as if summoned by nature itself.

"And who might you be, little one?" Upon seeing the girl in her path, the Goddess paused. Sakinah was, in all honesty, a little taken aback. The girl on her path looked like a young woman with a delicate tiny figure from the outside. Her long, platinum-colored hair was straight and appeared transparent; it had a delicate light similar to the sun's brightness. Her hair was so radiant that it appeared to be flowing over her delicate shoulders and resting just below her knees. She had sea-blue eyes that were framed by lengthy eyelashes. Any person who laid eyes on her would find it impossible to control their quivering due to her nearly uncanny inhuman beauty. In Sakinah's mind, she could no doubt say that her charming facial features were considered the ideal image of the word "beauty" accepted by human beings. If it were possible to kill through beauty alone, it would be this stranger's radiance that would be capable of doing so. No doubt a normal man would feel overwhelming happiness in the event that this girl made even a casual glance towards him.

As if to amplify the impression of primordial perfection that her physical appearance conveyed, the clothing of the girl was incredibly simplistic. She wore nothing but a single white sheet that draped over her like a poncho and covered her entire body. The fabric was embellished with a blue ribbon and a row of deep blue stitches at the top. The only material that could be located on the Enchantress, except her gown, was a blue ribbon wrapped into her hair, resembling the one that adorned her outfit. Despite the fact that her legs and feet were entirely exposed, her incomparable beauty made any impulse to touch her exposed skin seem impermissible.

"My name is Acedia… like you, I seek the purification of the world of the gods and the betterment of humanity," the girl spoke. Acedia gave off an important aura and her voice had an almost magic-like charm that seemed to bind the bodies and souls of others. Just by being looked at or talked to, one could experience enough happiness to die on the spot.

"It's not often that I don't feel a damn thing coming from someone's aura. What kind of monster are you?" The Progenitor of the Storm inquired as she crossed her arms over her chest. In-kind the girl merely smiled meekly.

"My origin is of no matter, dear Legion. What you seek and what will guide your heart in the coming days is the warmth of a warrior. Seek the Architect's plaything. Free him from his torture and you will find meaning," the girl cryptically warned as the image of a stone and brick prison fortress amidst an endless backdrop of rolling, verdant hills appeared in Sakinah's mind. Within its walls, Sakinah came upon the visage of a shirtless, dark-skinned man, chained to a wall.

Sakinah flinched and held her head in pain only to return her gaze to Acedia, but by the time she did so the Abyssal Enchantress was gone like the wind.

Location: Stone Fortress, Unknown Realm

The ever-inquisitive mind of the young divinity was able to almost instantly discern the precise location of the prison revealed to her by the cryptic beauty she encountered before. She held the fledgling book of the Golden Ark in front of her prepared to fight; however, she met no resistance at all.

"Does no one truly guard this place while my Uncle is away?" Sakinah whispered to herself in disbelief until she approached the door. She steadied her breathing to ease her nerves and maintain a clear mind. Whatever lay behind the threshold, the girl was more than ready to face.

An audible creaking sound bellowed outward as the rattling of rusted chains and metal wafted together generating a calamitous action signifying various locks breaking off. As the Divinity passed through, her hollow footsteps echoed throughout the seemingly empty space consumed by darkness. Persisting forward, the holy aura from her book was the only thing illuminating the area. It was then that she heard a second source of rattling unlike before which led her to flare her guard up ready for battle.

"If you think you can sneak up on, you are sadly mistaken," the girl dared aloud. Yet nothing responded. As a result, she continued walking until she happened upon a sizable stain of blood on the floor beneath her feet.

"What the hell is this?"

Careful, she followed the crimson source until she arrived upon the body of an unknown individual. Moving the Ark into position, she used the divine light of her text to radiate the area ahead of her revealing the person whom she saw in her vision in a despondent state. The dark-skinned, long-haired, muscular male was indeed chained to the wall as Acedia's vision dictated; however, it left out the gruesome reality of the male's condition.

Blood was visibly dripping from his brown trickling down his face in tandem with the curling strands of hair soaked by its crimson embrace. Numerous cuts, abrasions, and deep stab wounds dotted his body in every conceivable way thereby allowing more pools of crimson liquid to seep out unattended. His flesh and skin were hanging from his arms and legs as if he was a living chew toy at the mercy of a wild beast. His consciousness was all but present as his eyes were completely hazed over, almost devoid of all life. The only evidence that he still clung to living was a few bated breaths escaping his chapped lips.

"The Gods are just as cruel as Men… how utterly sickening," Sakinah spoke with disgust as she severed the chains surrounding the man using small blades of light emitted from her fingertips.

"Come, let us get you somewhere safe and have you fixed up," she suggested whilst reaching down to hoist the bloody individual up to his feet.

"Good grief, for someone so emaciated, you still have some weight to you…"

Untethered by any unnecessary interruptions, Sakinah conjured a portal to the mortal realm to escape the prying eyes of the other gods.

The duo set foot in a random, undisclosed human settlement located in a region far removed to the south, a place unbothered by tyrannical regimes or pesky government officials of the era. It was a simple brick and mortar village with several huts, taverns, storefronts, barns, and even a little farmer's market. Taking refuge at the local inn, the girl requested that an in-house doctor be called immediately and visit their room as soon as possible.

"This should cover our stay, food, and any medical fees," Sakinah said whilst popping over two gold coins to the innkeeper. Nodding in acknowledgement, the individual showed the pair to an empty room and immediately went off to fetch the doctor.

After laying the man's body on the soft surface of the bed, the girl snapped her fingers and covered him in a simple shirt with long trousers to keep him warm before pulling up a seat beside him. A solitary knock on the door came as the duo was then visited by a male in white black robes wearing a mask over his face that was shaped like a crow.

"I hear there is a patient in dire straits," the masked male inquired whilst walking in the room to which Sakinah merely nodded and pointed at the former prisoner's nearly limp body. Without a second's delay, the doctor immediately got to work.

The medical officer did all that he was capable of doing for him with the limited resources he had on his person. He used several different combinations of ointments and medicinal oils to treat the open wounds while stitching up the rest as much as possible. Then he proceeded to use large, damp leaves filled with aloe to treat any burns and irritated swelling caused by hot, foreign objects. Lastly, he utilized nearly all of the bandages in his bag to cover the rest of the wounds before putting his tools away.

"It's amazing this man did not die from his injuries. I've done all I could, the rest is up to him. I've given him a mixture of herbal sedatives to ease the pain. He may slip in and out of consciousness over the night. The best you can do is wait and see what happens next. I will attempt to visit again tomorrow provided no other emergencies come up," the masked figure detailed to Sakinah before making his departure. Now left alone, the divine prodigy sat quietly watching over the male figure.

A few hours passed before the wounded man stirred awake in the midst of the night. Sakinah was currently in the midst of meditation with her book floating in front of her when she casually sensed her companion's awareness return.

"So you've finally awakened? That's a good sign," she remarked whilst opening her eyes to focus on the individual. Unsure of his surroundings, he was visibly distraught whilst trying to struggle upon the bed.

"Relax, no one is going to hurt you. You are no longer imprisoned. I set you free from that foolish old man's clutches. My name is Sakinah Vashti, what is yours?"

"C-...C…Cain…" he muttered in a dry, raspy voice.

The young divinity grabbed a clay cup nearby and poured some water into it before moving closer to him.

"You must be thirsty, here…let this refresh you," she said whilst guiding the cup towards him, but he was hesitant to accept.

"You do not trust me? I see… as long as you were chained up in that forsaken place, I too would be suspicious of basically everything before my very eyes. Look, it's not poisonous," she said, then taking a sip for herself.


With a curt nod of approval from the wounded one, she moved in once again thereby giving him that chance to appease his thirst.

"There you go, much better now. Try to take it slow. We are safe here away from the prying eyes of the other gods. You said your name was Cain, right?"


"I see…I have heard of this tale…the firstborn son of the primordial mother and father of humanity. If I recall correctly, he was the one who killed his brother…but…surely this man cannot be him. Perhaps a test is in order…"

"Tell then, Cain…why were you held prisoner by The Architect?"

Cain fell silent for a moment as he felt hesitant to answer. He knew exactly what he did, and he was aware of the taboo of it all. It was there as an obstacle that he would have to face and at the very least, he owed his 'savior' some form of explanation. Mustering the strength to sit up, he turned his gaze towards the woman who notably sat attentively before him with her mysterious book open as if ready to take notes. Taking in yet another breath, he began to speak.

"All…started…working…fields. Harvest season…brother and I…tribute to Architect…" the man said in a weakened tone of voice. Considering the state he was in, the fact that he could muster any form of speech was a miracle in itself. Nevertheless, Sakinah wanted to understand just how cruel her uncle was. Fortunately, the open pages of the Golden Ark painted pictures for her to fill in the gaps and help tell the story.

Cain was the firstborn son of Adamas and Eva, the primordial man and woman of humanity. He had a younger brother named Abel. One toiled in the fields while the other maintained the livestock. When The Architect frequented mankind, he demanded tribute in honor of their salvation and his favor towards them.

For Cain, he was dealing with issues maintaining the purity of his crops; portions of his fields were diseased due to harsh weather conditions thereby affecting his harvest. Nevertheless, he wanted to offer something so he harvested portions of fruit that were pleasant but not the best quality that his crop could consistently yield.

With Abel, he raised some of the best livestock among the various herds he was in charge of shepherding. When the time of the offering came, the younger brother selected the firstborn calves of his livestock, as well as fresh fat trimmings to offer to The Architect. Though he was the younger brother, he carried a very smug and arrogant attitude just because he had a natural affinity of working with the animals.

As the brothers presented their gifts, The Architect was pleased; however, he passed more favor over Abel's offering than Cain's citing that the elder brother forsook his duties which led to a poorer yield. As a result, this angered Cain.

"Mocked by Abel…often…angered me…greatly. One night…resting…trying to forget. A voice…called out to me… I…will never…favor like…little brother. Next day…tired of scorn…mockery…led Abel…to fields…snapped…killed him."

The pages translated Cain's broken speech into images once more. Abel was humble and dutiful whenever their parents or The Architect were around. He was often praised for his attention to detail and excessive pursuit of excellence in his work; however, his personality would switch whenever they weren't.

Abel took the praise he received and used it as a point of contention in order to establish superiority between himself and Cain. He would boast all of the time that his livestock was far superior to anything that his older brother could harvest from the crops and that he would be the one with the greatest inheritance whenever their father passed. Every time they argued, Cain was always scolded for bullying his little brother.

Then one night after another incident, Cain was resting in his bed when he heard a voice call out to him in his dreams. "You'll never earn God's favor, Cain…", "Don't you want to matter?", "Abel is standing in your way…" As the night gave way into the day, the fated time was about to come. Once again, Abel elected to patronize Cain while he was busy preparing for his next harvest which drove Cain to his breaking point. He took the plow he was using and struck Abel again and again thereby taking his younger brother's life.

"Wandered alone…days…blood…dripping from my hands… Felt…relieved, sorrow, confusion…all at once…most of all…guilt. Eventually…discovered by Him…captured and isolated…then cursed…torment…endless torment…ensued…"

Knowing the weight of his sin, Cain had forsaken his duties and left home. Ending the life of his own flesh and blood was taboo. He could not bear to face his parents so he ran. Nevertheless, he was found out by The Architect. Knowing that one of his own creations violated the sanctity of Eden, God's wrath was unlike any other. He condemned Cain to a fate worse than death.

The process was excruciating to say the least. Cain was initially chained up in some remote cave far removed from his parents' knowledge. He was bathed in a curse that was crafted by the harsh cruelty of Izunia himself. He was bathed in it like the surface of the earth scorched by pools of molten lava. It was like his skin boiled and peeled away layer after layer with each nerve in his body pierced by a thousand needles. His mind was buried by all the world's evils of sin from the past, the present, and future. If there was ever a sacrifice needed to wipe the slate clean, his punishment was merely the down payment and even that was not enough.

Visions assaulted his mind as his consciousness sought to escape the pain, yet even in his psyche, he was not safe. He dreamed of his parents welcoming him home with false smiles painted across their faces. As he went to sit down to prepare for dinner, he found his brother's body lying in their tent in a wretched state more grotesque than when he last saw him.

"You did this!"

"You killed your own brother!"

"Why Cain? Why would you do such a thing?"

"Was inheritance so important to you?"

"You monster… why were you born?!"

"I should have offered you as a sacrifice!"

His father and mother chastised him relentlessly over his deeds leaving him unable to speak. Then as he turned his gaze towards his brother's gruesome visage, he saw the corpse of the boy rise up from the ground as if trying to reach out to him.

"Why did you kill me brother? You took…everything from me! Brother…my…foolish…brother, you were my keeper!"

Cain could not even beg for the nightmare to end, because he knew he was guilty. In fact, the guilt was so strong that The Architect made him kill Abel over and over again. It was a nonstop cycle of guilt and shame which he was not allowed to end by his own will. The only way to escape it was to become numb to it…and after the screams of agony stopped, only numbness and twisted satisfaction began settling in.

"Time…passed. Then…at random…he set me…free…allowed me to mingle in civilization. Grew close with people…many knew me not…nor my sin…peace…settled in my mind…until one night…desire emerged. Dark…rage…carnality…only to be unleashed…killed dozens…hundreds…destroyed entire villages…then captured again…"

As time went along, Cain was randomly set free. He did not know how many years passed since he last saw the light of day, but the population of humanity grew in size scattered about the land. Eden was no more, his parents were no more. Various tribes speaking many tongues came across his path. Eventually, he found settlement in some random place where he was given a place to stay, food to eat, and labor to continue earning his keep. It was tough to adjust, but eventually he opened up to those around him until a mysterious cloud of negative energy came over him. He felt an unquenchable desire to kill and thereby began killing once again until The Architect imprisoned him once more and the punishment restarted anew.

"This does not surprise me at all. For all his bravado, my uncle is just as twisted as the creations he attends to; his paranoia is only getting worse," Sakinah sighed heavily whilst closing her book for the moment to take in the information. She examined Cain from afar to notice the black markings that were burned into his skin which was representative of the curse.

"You weren't trying to torment him, you were just trying to create a new weapon. What a miserable old fool… playing with things you know you will not be able to control in the end."

Her silence and musings in her thoughts created a brief pause in the room. This allowed Cain to take a few more sips of water which allotted his speech to become more coherent.

"Why….free me? You are a goddess, right?" Cain inquired.

"Indeed I am… half. My mother was human, my father was divine… but I am stronger than both," Legion boldly declared.

"Your freedom was a stroke of luck… I was guided to you. Given your disposition, perhaps you would be interested in a little job. What if I were to tell you that you will have a chance to get your revenge on the man who wronged you and then some?"

"Re…venge…against the gods?" Cain pondered with a slight tilt of his head. He then went silent after considering that sentiment. All of the years suffered at The Architect's hand making him commit unspeakable atrocities… to have the ability to pay back that debt sevenfold was a delightful thought. If the gods were anything like The Architect, then they deserve to fall just as well.

As Cain's mind gave way to the sadistic thoughts of vengeance, he felt a strong surge of pain strike his body. Immediately, the man sharply twisted in his bed before reaching up and clutching both sides of his head. This led Sakinah to jump out of her seat and back off.

"Cain…what's wrong with you?"

"The pain…the PAIN!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

His agonizing screams gave way to a harrowing cry of terror as the markings on his body began to emanate a sinister, crimson glow. An audible pulsing noise wafted from him as if his heart was beating outside of his chest. With a slight pause, a sudden crescendo of intense destruction consumed the room as dark, crimson flames emerged from Cain like a solar flare discharged by the sun.

The quiet night in the village was disturbed by the onset of calamity as flames consumed the inn and instantly rendered it to ash. Sakinah was sent flying backwards into the nearby market as the wrath of destruction slapped her aside with ease catching her off guard. Shrieks of terror filled the night atmosphere as the onlookers were devoured by the destructive essence unsure of what caused such a fearsome phenomenon. In the midst of their dismay, a singular figure emerged from the great inferno as his eyes shimmered red with destructive impulse.

"RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" several villagers shouted. As the communal stampede started, people darted all over in various directions letting their fear dominate their rationality. This only provoked Cain as he proceeded to act on his thirst for bloodshed.

Cain reached for his first victim, a man in his late 20s or so of a decent build. He was a diligent farm handler who knew a life only of working the fields and attending to the livestock. That life was cut short when the first sinner punched a hole through the man's chest and ripped his heart out before crushing it into pieces. This was followed by ripping another man in half with just his bare hands while another had his head snatched from his shoulders. Another had his limbs ripped off one-by-one before he was crushed under Cain's heel. All of these victims fell within one after the other without pause.

A man and his pregnant wife were running down the dirt road away from Cain when the cursed male leaped in front of them and impeded his path. The husband knelt down and sheldied his wife using his body as they trembled in fear. Cain merely cracked a wicked smile as he reached down and ripped the man's spine out of his back leaving the woman completely unprotected. Seeing how she was endowed with a child, the male seemingly hesitated. However, the grin merely subsided for a split second.

It was like the sight brought up a bad memory; seeing a mother protecting her child made him see the visage of his mother, Eva. Instead of a kind woman nursing the uneasy mental wounds of a hard-working son, he only saw a visage of her chastising him in favor of the brother. This turned his stomach. At once, the man reached down and ripped the unborn fetus out of the woman's belly, clenching it by its neck. The stillborn dangled before the mother's astonished eyes as her mind was numbed by insurmountable agony and despair. Then, he merely squeezed and made the infant burst into pieces which was enough to shatter the woman's mind causing her to fall over lifeless.

Blood and death, that was all that billowed into the night. The scent of charred flesh and stinking gore littered the atmosphere and Cain unapologetically went around killing anything that moved. He picked up heavy objects like wagons and wheel-barrels and hurled them into houses. Then he ripped entire buildings off of their foundations and tossed them into others causing a domino effect of falling structures. He even tore the livestock limb from limb, turning the stables into a slaughterhouse sparing absolutely nothing in his destructive wake.

"No…" stammered the horrified voice of Sakinah as she lifted herself out of the rubble and took a keen observation over the fields of despair unfolding before her very eyes.

The echelons of screaming, the sight of infernos and ruination, and the stench of death culminated together to wash over her psyche bringing up unpleasant memories of her past. She recalled the underground village that she was a part of and the followers that amassed under her wisdom praising her as the light of the world. All of that came crumbling down at the hands of people she thought she had changed, but they could not escape their nature and as a result, death consumed her people. Those painful memories washed over her like a tsunami that consumed the land.

"No…tragedies like this must end," she spoke with a burning sense of determination fueling her will to fight. The Golden Ark levitated before her as she firmly fixed her gaze on the cursed man that was dead set on wreaking maximum havoc.

"I enact my will and invoke my commandments…Thou Shalt Not…" she was about to utter as the pages of her divine instrument radiated with intent to reshape the unfortunate present. However, just as she sought to cast her first commandment, she felt the power behind her weighted words flicker away.

"What?" she gasped, "Thou Shalt…"

As she went to invoke her will again, she felt the power fade away for a second time; like nothing was there to begin with. She observed Cain's position and watched how the pulsing glow of his cursed aura seemingly intensified in response.

"The Revelation is the means by which truth is unveiled….cease all conflict before me. Banish hostility. Rewrite, Act of Fury!" she chanted, casting three more of her unique talents to override the chaotic impulses possessing the man, yet each and every single one of them failed.

"Damn you, Uncle… were you truly so short-sighted and arrogant that you ensured no authority of a Primordial being could affect this man's curse?!"

As the young woman was feeling the frustrating nature of current circumstances build up, Cain caught sight of her from afar. All but devoured by his madness, the son of the primordial parents of mankind felt himself driven to murder her just like he did to the villagers. As he went to charge at her, the woman was seemingly caught up in the details of how she would attempt to stop the man thereby leaving her wide open for his assault. Yet, Sakinah was not ready to lie down and die like a stray dog.

"Don't even try it, human," she uttered as she stopped the male in midair by briefly imprisoning him in a sphere of gravity.

"If you cannot bend to my will… then I suppose I will have to go the traditional route and beat you into submission. Come then, son of Adamas and Eva…show me the depths of your rage. Will it rival my fury?"

A wicked smile creased the lips of the berserker. With a subtle flex of his shoulders, he seemingly broke free from the superdense energy that kept him bound in place. Clenching his fists, the aura of the curse swirled around his hands as the blood staining his skin evaporated from the overwhelming heat. No weapon in sight, only a lust for death and an overpowering cloud of strength to compensate.

"He will be a tough opponent… but I have faced worse. I cannot help but wonder… was he endowed with such strength solely to fight against me? Foolish old man, your day is coming."

Cain kicked off the ground rushing at Sakinah head on. As he quickly closed the gap between them, the Earth cracked causing dirt and rocks to splinter off into the air underneath the weight of his pressure. Legion's gaze focused in on the advancing foe as she twirled her book in the air. Just as he went to throw the first punch, she summoned a wall of flames before eyes to cut off his oncoming attack. As his curse struck the divine wall, a burst of embers spewed out from their position like a volcano effectively canceling one another out.

Circling to his left, the girl manipulated her control of the elements to then attack him with a strong gust of wind. The density of the air pressure sliced through the air and cut across Cain's skin. Small, miniscule cuts appeared along his flesh as tiny trails of blood seeped out. Yet it was nothing worthy of a grimace. In fact, it hardly threw him off center.

Cain used the sudden shift in momentum to sharply turn his body in the air trying to deliver an impactful kick towards the girl's skull. Sakinah raised another wall of energy, except this time it was composed of otherworldly darkness. As the kick landed, that umbral energy transformed into numerous, dancing hands that grabbed Cain's leg and slung him high into the air before slamming him directly into the dirt. The resulting crash cast a great plume of dust into the air after the resounding thud.

Much to Sakinah's dismay, it did not take long for the scourge of mankind to recover from the upending blow. As he casually waded through the dusty fog, she could perceive his burning aura from afar which only prompted her to unleash more of an aggressive front.

"I have plenty more to wear you down with…"

"HHAAAAAA!!!!" Cain interrupted her thoughts with a harrowing battle cry. The man rushed towards Sakinah once again except this time, he was significantly faster. Just as he was about to come face to face with the girl, limbs of umbral energy shot out and knocked him back. Then, the same phantasmal arms threw one punch after another at the man. Mimicking its behavior, Cain elected to do the same.

From there, it was an onslaught of punches exchanged between Cain and Sakinah's umbral arms. As the blows struck true, it was as if a nigh innumerable claps of thunder echoed into the fiery night. While having Cain pinned down with that attack front. The girl cast out more attacks influencing other elements under her reign.

A spiraling chasm of dark clouds spawned over the village as the calamitous echoes of thunder resonated with the punches thrown on the battlefield. In that instant, howling gusts of wind poured in that seemingly overwhelmed the fires consuming the village. Furthermore, the temperature of the surrounding area seemingly dropped instantaneously. Rain began falling over the field thereby saturating the ruined earth. Then, just as the temperature reached a certain point, that rain turned to snow, then ice. Needle-like fragments of ice were showered down upon Cain with the gusts of wind accentuating the assault.

The Earth quaked underfoot as a crater opened up underneath the corrupted man's position seemingly placing him in a pit to be flanked. The umbral limbs kept him distracted as the darkness now assaulted him from all sides thus forcing him to focus on the complete defensive. In the meantime, the chilly weather continued to dump snow and ice on his head; yet the heat from the curse melted it away. As a result, plumes of steam filled the air in kind, thus limiting visibility.

"Heh…dead center," Sakinah uttered as she snapped her fingers. A sudden rush of water filled the crater up submerging Cain about halfway to his knees. Then, the claps of thunder escalated with violence, shaking the Earth in tandem as wild flashes of light appeared. It was here that arcs of electricity rained down and struck the water that Cain was standing in. The resulting reaction caused his entire nervous system to be jolted by the rush of foreign energy waves that paralyzed him in place.

"Just a little mo…" the divinity was about to proclaim feeling that her unique play with the elements was going to work.

"Heh…heh…heh…." the sinner chuckled wickedly as the pressure surrounding his body escalated in size. The burning curse engulfed everything in the pit and virtually cleansed the threats around him. It was as if he just negated Sakinah's entire offensive front with little difficulty. Once more, he marched towards the girl devoid of all fear in his eyes.

"Tch…" she gritted her teeth trying to think of another plan. She felt her frustration fill her thoughts and cloud her reasoning. It was a poor time to let such futile feelings take root.

"Can I truly be angry with this man? It's not his fault he is being used as a tool. But I have to wonder, to what extent will I have to go to bring him down?!"

As she was caught in her own thoughts, the gap between their respective positions was effectively closed. Currently, Cain loomed over Sakinah pulsating with that dark, grimacing energy. Before the girl even had a chance to open her mouth to speak, she found herself flying the opposite direction. In that narrow moment of a second's delay, her brain processed that she was struck by Cain.

With a shocking echo that shook the foundation of the village, the girl was sent into another cluster of brick and mortar that was covered in blood from its previous occupants. Collecting her thoughts, the girl felt a striking chord of raw anger when she saw that her clothes were dyed in human blood.

"Okay Cain…I was trying to be nice, but now…I suppose I'll have to do this the old fashioned way," she muttered.

She let her book fall out of sight into a personal pocket dimension for safekeeping before clapping her hands together. At once, she summoned six, golden arms to protrude from her back of her divine energy. Then, she generated six swords with gold and amethyst colored blades secured by black and purple hilts. Each blade was imbued with a different element under her control: fire, wind, water, darkness, lightning, and earth bound by the properties of dense gravity. As she ascended from the rubble, she cast a loathsome gaze upon Cain's position bathing herself in a multicolored radiance.

"Come then, wretched primordial sinner… I shall entertain you with all my strength."

Their fierce gazes locked with one another before they rushed at each other full speed. From there, a thunderous array of chaos in harmonious display with the chaotic thumps of desecration and ruination followed. Blades against fists, the abomination of the gods against the scourge of mankind, a match of two unlikely foes bound by the same threads of fate. Their conflict resulted in hours of fighting… hours of tenuous combat that led to the passing of night and day interchangeably until a week passed.

Pushed to the brink, Sakinah's body was covered in minor cuts, scrapes, dirt and blood mixed with sweat; the same appearance carried over on Cain's body. Given their dispositions, their wounds healed without further delay which prompted them to keep going; but Sakinah's patience had a limit.

"To hell with this… I'll end this fight with one last technique… even if it's one still in development!" Sakinah declared.

She channeled what remained of her energy into one final technique. Pulling off of her body, the golden aura that held her blades escalated in scale to a silhouette matching her visage. It was the formation of The Ruling Bodhisattva technique that she used against the nightmare when she fought alongside Morana. However, unlike before, she did not create an alternate realm that she had complete dominion over. Due to the demanding fight she had endured, she was not trying to muster that level of energy with the limited pool of strength she had access to.

"I'll imbue the fields within this village and bring it under my control, otherwise I might wind up obliterating all of creation in one fell swoop," she said as a golden circle encapsulated the village.


The giant image took the six blades and held them up in the air as a giant projection of the Golden Ark appeared in the sky with six locks. The image then threw the six blades into the lock which seemingly opened the book like a pair of heavenly gates. As the dazzling light engulfed the area, the entity unleashed all of the elemental fury contained in its hands into the gate. At once, those energies morphed and concentrated into a ball of stellar mass.

"O Arkadia, Protect the Stars - Carpe Diem!"

A brilliant display rained over the location consuming the vicinity. It was almost like Sakinah was willing to commit suicide for the sake of defeating this man, but unlike her target and the perimeter, she was completely immune to the devastating blow she was about to cause. Cain responded by simply standing in a firm position reaching out towards the powerful blast. Using his bare hands, he gripped into the energy and attempted to claw away at it. As his fingers tried to break the technique, the disturbance in its discharge created so much blow back that it consumed everything in its divine glory.

A massive crater remained, the pair now lay in the dirt opposite of one another. Everything in the area was obliterated in that moment leaving them to revel in the results. Their fight reached its end and as a result, the victory was undetermined. Nevertheless, the insanity consuming the fallen son faded away. In that sense, the winner was Sakinah.

"What have I done?" Cain murmured painfully as his senses were restored to him. Under the influence of the curse, his conscious will took the back seat during the ride where his insatiable thirst for destruction manned the helm. Though control was not his own, memories of the trip still remained.

"I'm…sorry…" Cain apologized with an empty tone and deadened gaze dyed his composure.

Sakinah took his words in for a brief moment. She could sense that behind the guise of a Berserker was a deeply depressed man with nothing left to live for. That was something that not everyone could see, but she could. After all, she felt the same way.

"I suppose you and I are not all too different in the end. Where humans wronged me, your God did the same to you," she voiced her thoughts before mustering the strength to rise up and walk over to the defeated man.

"What's to say we do something about that? Together… we can change this lost world. But to reach that goal, we must abandon these feelings that make us weak," she concluded with a dark, foreboding atmosphere.

"Mommy? Daddy? Where are you?!" an alarming voice called out amidst the wasteland created from the battle between the two adversaries. The Young Progenitor rose up on her feet and turned on heel to see a small figure in the distance.

It was a young girl, no older than ten years old. She had long, flowing purple hair that danced in the winds of the dust-stricken ruins. She wore a short, summer blouse that cut off right above her thighs as its frills trotted along in tandem with her steps like a ballerina. The clothing was white layered over purple, then two layers of yellow where a matching purple vestment hugged her petite torso and was matched by long, purple sleeve gloves, white knee socks, and dark purple heels. A dark ribbon was tied behind her back completing the almost fairy-like outfit that the child favored. With innocent, golden eyes, the girl with delicate vanilla skin walked over the wasteland worried beyond belief until she dropped a basket full of apples on the ground, tears streaming down her face in despair over her missing parents. Noticing this, Sakinah casually strode over to her location.

"Shh…there, there," the young woman knelt down whilst patting the girl on the head.

"Saki…Sakinah-sama? You must have saved them…my parents," the girl's eyes filled with hope at the sight of the fabled messiah.

Taking her visage into account, the divine hybrid assessed that gaze as someone who followed her teachings when she was just a girl, journeying around inadvertently spreading salvation as a figure of sanctity. Yet that was a different life, one that Legion abandoned long ago in her mind.

"Those apples look tasty, you're a good girl for fetching them," she said calmly whilst reaching for one of them that was within reach.

"What's your name, young one? If you tell me, perhaps I will remember the faces of your parents and tell you where they are," the goddess uttered with a subtle grin.

"Ma-Masako Matsarya," the girl responded as her hopes escalated with faith in her messiah.

"That's a good name… yes. I remember who they are… or were, should I say? They were vermin, ants trampled underfoot, that perished while Cain and I clashed. Like everyone else, they were pathetic, weak and worthless bits of human waste. For creatures who preach the value of each other's lives, you lot are so frail and easy to exterminate," Sakinah beckoned ominously. The light of hope that filled the girl's eyes shattered in that moment and sorrow instantly replaced it, the visage that gave the misanthropic goddess joy.

"That feeling… hold onto it for the rest of your life, Masako-chan. If you want this world to give a damn about what you have to say, then you need to be the undisputed, dominant one at the top. Always remember that for as long as you draw breath. Otherwise, this world will swallow you whole," Sakinah lectured before grabbing more of the apples and leaving the child to wallow in her helplessness, alone in the forsaken world of mankind.

Cain watched this exchange whilst standing on one knee. Sakinah strutted up to him as a wicked smile crossed her lips in that instant.

"My path is one not meant for Gods or Men. There is no place in my quest for the weak and faint of heart. So I ask you, Cain, will you stand with me?" she asked while reaching out her hand to him.

Struck by admiration and fascination, the man grabbed her hand as she pulled him to his feet. She handed him one of the apples for his nourishment nodding in approval. With their paths firmly set, the newly formed pair vanished in violet light. As for Masako, the broken girl was left in the wake of devastation to writhe in agony over all that was lost for her. A lone survivor in the shadow of ruin left with nothing but the clothes on her back and a basket partly filled with fruits. Now all that was left for her was the fate of suffering alone and likely to perish.



Location: Elysium

Another day in Paradise, at least that's what it felt like for Sakinah. She never really bothered to take in the beauty of the Golden City or any of its heavenly views regardless of the fact that she was long since welcomed as a goddess. It was trivial for her, something that was just a mere afterthought; she never even embraced it as her home. Nevertheless, it was a different feeling for her. After all, she had the privilege of showing a stranger around its splendor.

"Come on my dear, you'll get dizzy if you keep staring like that," the young woman tugged gently on the hand of her companion.

Holding onto her hand was none other than the Original Sinner himself. His long hair was combed down neatly as it flowed freely down his back. He wore a tan and black, short-sleeved shirt that cut off just above his abdomen allowing him to show off his toned physique. A free-flowing cape tranced behind him in tandem. Long, black trousers covered his legs while matching black boots that slid up his calves matched; a pair of black gloves then completed his outfit, giving him a regal, yet fearsome look.

"I…can't believe something like this exists," Cain gasped in astonishment as the supernatural architect left a particular impression upon him.

"I know, and as much as I get that you want to try and digest the visuals, we will wind up late to our meeting if we dawdle for too long," Sakinah chuckled whilst tugging on him once more.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming. Sorry…" he apologized as he continued walking with the girl, side-by-side, holding her hand calmly.

Cain seemingly stabilized since his last episode. In fact, since his bout with Sakinah, the male did not show any signs of uncontrollable violent urges since then. Even when he trained or hunted in the wilderness, nothing triggered him. Over the past few months, he and Sakinah were able to get to know one another more, comparing the woes of their pasts together and sharing various experiences too. They grew close, and as a result, a strong affinity was born between them kindling into a relationship. As they happily strode down the sidewalk uncaring of whose eyes lay upon them, whispers were passed between observing counter guardians, heroes, and lesser gods alike.

"Those two really have no shame, do they?"

"Aren't they a part of that alliance that people have been talking about?"

"Prince Erebus' movement right?"

"I can't believe they would take up with the likes of The Dark Gods…"

"It's blasphemy, yet no one does anything about it…"

Even with their names hot on the tongues of those around them, the two ignored everything and continued onward until they came upon a distinct location that was built like a small office building. It was an indiscriminate structure that maintained no more than four floors at most. To many onlookers, it was like a little complex that catered to those who were into fine art and rare artifacts; but there was always more than meets eye to these types of businesses.

The couple strolled inside and were greeted by a gentleman in a suit and tie. With his regal attire and courteous bow of respect, one could instantly perceive that the atmosphere in this facility was reserved for those with particular tastes and a discernible eye to match.

"Welcome to Shadow Garden, home to the finest artifacts and arts on this side of the Golden City. How may we be of service to you today?"

"My companion and I are interested in your wares suited for a masquerade party," Sakinah spoke thereby reciting a certain code word. That instantly caught the eye of the host who let out a delicate gasp of understanding.

"I see, my lady has an exotic appetite then," he remarked whilst clapping his hands. It was then that a petite maid with a black veil over her face appeared from his shadow.

"Would you kindly escort our lovely patrons to the platinum suite? The manager would be most obliged to show them the wares they desire," the host instructed to which the maid nodded silently.

"Please follow my servant. She will make sure that your desires are met forthwith. And do enjoy the pieces as you happen upon them," the male bowed.

The power couple was led to a certain corridor on the top floor of the establishment. They were escorted to what was deemed the "Executive Lounge". As the doors were opened, a wide open domain lay where several high-quality pieces of furniture were arranged. From comfortable recliners, to large, plush sectionals and marble-topped tables with golden and platinum legs; an array of lavish items were strewn out to welcome VIP guests on a whim for a private social gathering. Several paintings decorated the walls of heroic figures, legendary weapons, and great battles recorded throughout history. In addition, various refreshments, deserts, and other appetizing pieces of nourishment were offered as well.

Two figures awaited the couple. One individual of imposing height draped head to toe in purple and black hooded robes. Their sturdy features and muscular silhouette indicated that the individual was a male. He had a gold and red sash hanging around his neck with plates of armor on display. One visible plate was a silver hardness affixed to his chest with a large ruby cemented in the middle while his visible hands showed matching silver gauntlets. His face was veiled behind a shadowy mist with only two glistening orbs of yellow light showing underneath his hood. He was known as the Primordial God of Darkness, Erebus.

Alongside him was a stunning beauty that was about half a foot shorter than her male counterpart. Unlike him, she was boldly showing off her body in a tightfitting black dress that had a red ribbon trailing behind it. Her toned stomach and legs were exposed along with the upper portion of her chest which showed off her voluptuous curves and bountiful breasts. She had long, flowing white hair and silver eyes that glistened like the moonlight. Her pale, alabaster skin was set off by bold, red lipstick and thick black eyeliner. She was the Primordial Goddess of Night and wife of Erebus, Nyx.

"So good of you to join us, Lady Sakinah and I see that your mortal friend is in good health as well," Erebus spoke, inviting the two to sit.

"Yes, Cain is in peak health. Since being with me, he's never had to worry about succumbing to the Old Bastard's curse," provoked the young hybrid, placing emphasis on her lover's name indicating that she didn't care for the attempted slight that Erebus delivered.

"Please sit anywhere you like and help yourself to whatever strikes your fancy, Lady Sakinah," Nyx proposed, sensing an air of irritation surrounding the hybrid thanks to her husband's passive aggressive statement.

"Thank you," the goddess bowed politely as she and Cain sat together on the sofa. She reached down and grabbed a small plate that had different pastries on them and handed them to her date before reaching for a chocolate cake for herself.

"Feel free to get to business, time is a valuable asset that neither of us can afford to waste," Sakinah suggested before taking a bite of her dessert.

Nyx gently slapped her husband's shoulder pushing him to begin the presentation.

"Hurry before she loses interest," she murmured in his ear, then proceeded to go ahead and take a seat opposite of the couple's position. Erebus rose up from his seat and proceeded to pace around the room giving his report as it currently stood.

"Our collaborators have begun spreading seeds of calamity throughout the human domain. Traces of plagues affecting remote regions of the land and spreading far and wide causing mass hysteria is shaking the faith of numerous believers. In addition, stirring the rise of varying monstrosities such as Charybdis, the Hydra, and the like are also occupying the efforts of many champions. As varying symbols of fear and avarice pop up and grip the hearts of man, their constant prayers going unanswered is draining away the gods' influence.

In fact, news has it that Olympus is starting to splinter over how they should handle humanity going forward. They may be the first pantheon to fall given enough time. Inferno is unstable as well. As Hades struggles to maintain his hold over the Underworld by the request of his brother Zeus, he doesn't realize that Tartarus is steadily gathering strength in Purgatory and the veil between realms is about to give way.

Wars are breaking out among human settlements as various tribes are vying to establish the first kingdom free of divine influence. Chaos and death is spreading faster than any one faction can control. Gaia is also attempting to rouse the Titans for another war. Moreover, even Eastern Factions like the Youkai and the other oriental beasts started wars of their own… Everything is going well."

"I see…" Sakinah replied as she finished the last bite of her desert. Then she reached for a cup of hot tea and sipped on it carefully.

"Unfortunately, it is not enough. In fact… you need something more drastic. What has been done so far is sufficient, yes, but we need something that will literally shake the foundations of Elysium, Earth and Inferno to the core. We need something that is terraforming… so immeasurably cool that it spurs everyone into action. We need nothing less than all-out war. That's the only way to drag out the Primordial Gods… so we need to take action ourselves," Sakinah proposed with a brooding tone.

As calm as her demeanor was in this room, she forsook the need of restraints over her wrath. She was tired of holding back her anger. For so long, she wanted to see everything fall apart. From the humans she loathed so much, to the foolish gods who cared only about themselves never using their status to do anything different. She wanted to destroy it all and build anew. Erebus' cause for ascension was just merely a means of getting to that point.

"Regroup your forces. Organize them and prepare for a full-throttle assault. If you want a war, your declaration must be swift, unexpected and unrelenting. This is where it all starts," she spoke fiercely.

"I concur… enough of the silly battles, the only path forward is all-out war," Nyx nodded in agreement.

"Then war it shall be…" Erebus concluded.

Thus the advent of darkness, death and destruction made its descent upon creation with Sakinah, Cain, Erebus and Nyx at the forefront supported by the Children of Night and Fallen Angels. Like thieves in the night, they unleashed hell on whatever was a necessary target to them with ease. Erebus and his sons descended upon Olympus in a blitzkrieg that caused many of Zeus' children to fall overnight.

Olympus' golden radiance ran red with blood. Hermes' legs were ripped off of his body while Hephaestus was smelted over his own forge. Demeter was triggered like a bomb and detonated causing the domain to destabilize and descend as Hera was cleaved in half. Apollo and Artemis were forced to fight to the death, Aphrodite was raped before her father all while Zeus was rendered helpless to watch it all take place before his very eyes.

"Erebus… how could you?" his voice trembled with anger.

"Simple really… I hated you all since the moment I laid my eyes on you," the dark prince declared before beheading him.

Nyx turned the seas red with Poseidon's blood and drained the part of the seas of life. In fact, her efforts would later become the inspiration behind the naming of the Dead Sea as no forms of sea life was able to thrive in the immediate era. Her children, the Sisters of Fate, decimated the would-be underwater kingdom of Atlantis. As if sinking to the abyss due to their hubris wasn't enough, the efforts of the three children caused the daughters of Poseidon, the Nymphs, to sing a song of its destruction thereby rendering the study to sink to the far reaches of the oceanic abyss never to be seen again.

Cain led the fallen angels and brought down hell upon the earliest empires. He tore down the Tower of Babel that would shake human civilization so much that their ability to communicate with one another in one universal language was broken. He ransacked various settlements that rivers ran dry; in fact, one budding kingdom was caught in his destruction that turned a thriving habitat of forests and springs to become a barren desert stricken with sand and harsh winds.

As for Sakinah, she elected to challenge heaven directly. She directly challenged many of the sitting Archangels that protected the gates of Elysium. Michael, Muriel, Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael and a few others… the trumpet bearers as they were known all challenged the girl. And each of them fell by the wayside. She wanted to embarrass them to such a degree that she let them chase her across the different realms catching the eyes of man, god and everything in between alike. Then when she felt like she caught everyone's attention, she unleashed her cruelty.

She robbed the vision of two of the Archangels and caused them to charge at one another with their weapons drawn, altering their perceptions to make them think that they had her cornered. As a result, it created a simultaneous mutual kill, which the last thing they saw was the face of their siblings' death at their respective hands. Another Angel she caused to literally think themselves to death by causing them to reevaluate their existence from the moment they were born. She sprinkled in a few tasteful dismemberments, dramatic touches of torture such as boiling the flesh from their bones or reversing their insides out of their bodies, or literally causing them to crumble apart at the seams.

As for Michael, he got the worst death of them all. She physically ripped each one of his wings off and then ripped his very essence out of his body. Sustaining his consciousness in a jar, she made him watch as the girl ripped each individual part of his physical body, piece by piece, like she was performing an operation for everyone to see. Then she snapped her fingers to piece him back together. With the snap of her fingers, she caused his body to explode into a cloud of blood before resurrecting him again. Then she wrapped him inside a bubble universe and flicked it from the palm of her hand. As it floated endlessly in the air, she snapped her fingers once more and caused the realm to burst, rewriting the man's birth and destruction over and over again before binding him into a page within her book.

The Dark Renaissance, that's what they called it, was a time period that took center stage under the banner of its four pillars. Erebus, Nyx, Cain and Sakinah became symbols of disdain and fear for many years which eventually tore a rift between the pantheons of Gods and fractured the domain of Elysium. The violent attacks and vulnerabilities exposed in the hierarchy led to an outcry of disdain; not only for the parties involved, but for the current system at bay. Thus came the current status quo.

What was known as heaven was a domain of stagnancy and tension. Heroes, Guardians, and Lesser Deities alike divided themselves into factions based upon individual moral compasses that either aligned with the Dark Renaissance, the current regime, or a shaky neutrality based on other ambitions. Nevertheless, Elysium was far from united under the banner of the Architect.

Somewhere in the outskirts of the Golden District bordering somewhere close to The Crossroads was a distinct villa undisturbed by neighbors. It was a simple vacation-style home almost like a high-end resort except built solely for the leisure of one power couple. Within its spacious master bedroom that was laid out with a king-sized bed with a few decorative furnishings arranged against the walls. Two people were currently sharing its sizable demeanor in one another's arms: Cain and Sakinah.

The couple was stark naked atop of the silk sheets of the bed, their clothes tossed aside to different areas of the room while engrossed with one another. Sakinah was currently strewn back against the sheets clutching onto their softness tightly while Cain straddled over top of her. Her face was flushed red, her breathing heavy, droplets of sweat trickled down her body as her perfect figure was in full view of her lover. She looked up and saw Cain's expression which was composed with passion and desire as his eyes locked firmly with hers.

He moved his hips in a slow rhythm, a gradual pace unlike the times before. Their first time was awkward, but as they grew closer and repeated the act of intimacy, they explored one another's desires. A crescendo into the act was something both shared. They loved to feel one another's warmth, their breathing synchronizing together in perfect harmony; interlocking their hands and making direct eye contact. It excited them and soothed them simultaneously.

Cain slid his way deep inside her as his hands traced along the soft, s-line of her curves reaching up towards her ample bosom and kneading one of her breasts like dough. The other kept a firm hold of her right hand as he pressed his lips against hers while he moved. For Sakinah, she felt her back arch with each thrust as her pleasurable spots were being touched, and teased every second they were intertwined. Her free hand reached up and gently clawed into his skin as she slid down his broad back as far as she could. In response to the pleasure she received, her spread legs wrapped around the man's waist thereby giving him free reign to escalate his movements.

As the speed picked up, Cain's breathing became heavier as he felt himself diving more into his lust. At the same time, moans of delight leaked from Sakinah's lips as she felt electrifying signals run up and down her nervous system, the stimulation rising from the pit of her stomach to her brain. An audible sloshing noise echoed out as the nectar secreted from her insides lubricated the man's penis with each passing thrust. This allowed for the friction between them to ease up which gave him further leeway to push himself further into her depths. The passion and gravity of their affinity escalated in such a way that their movements on the bed, the grunts and moans emitted from their mouths, and the impact between their bodies coalesced into a symphony. As they were consumed by one another's love, they had an unexpected visitor interrupt them.

A mist of darkness emerged through the window in collaboration with the twilight of night. It spilled onto the floor and opened up into a tall silhouette molding itself into the shape of a person. The emanating mist was silent both in sound and presence as the figure of Nyx emerged from its embrace. The wife of the Erebus was scantily clad in black lingerie with red and black silk draped over her body as she combed her wavy, white hair behind her person.

"Well, well, you two seem to be having quite the fun," she interrupted, causing Cain to immediately stumble over on his side whilst Sakinah sat up in surprise.

"Nyx, what in Inferno do you think you are doing invading our home and our privacy like this?" Sakinah questioned with growing irritation. Feeling like cutting in between the two women was not a wise decision, Cain kept quiet.

"I was bored. My husband is in his brooding mood over the war and my children are out and about being their rambunctious selves. The night is young and I require amusement so I figured I'd drop by. I was not expecting to see something so exciting going on though," mused the sensual goddess as she proceeded to walk closer to the bed.

"Well I'm sorry you are not being entertained at home by your husband, but we require some privacy during our-..." Sakinah went to counter-argue but Nyx disappeared then reappeared on the bed.

"Shhh," she said, placing one finger over the hybrid's lips.

"Come now, sweet Sakinah dear…you don't think there is room on this bed for one more? After all…the night is dark and full of terrors; so having as much fun as possible when the opportunity arises is something we just have to take advantage of…no?" Nyx joyfully played while running her finger across Sakinah's soft lips.


Just as the young divinity was about to raise another voice of protest, she found her lips at the mercy of the Goddess of Night as she brazenly seized them for her own. Cain was awestruck by the sudden occurrence. He felt that he should have stepped in between the two, but at the same time, he found himself becoming aroused by the visage he was seeing unfold before his very eyes.

The two women were locked in a tussle with their tongues. Sakinah felt like she needed to push away from Nyx, especially given how she was interrupting her time with Cain; but there was a heated feeling welling up in her chest that was feeling elation. It was something she never thought about or considered. Intimacy with Cain was already unexpected, but with another woman? That was an experience she could not predict. She sensed Cain's eyes watching them kiss; the taboo nature of her lips being stolen away from someone other than her partner made her feel guilty.

Nyx broke off their kiss and caressed the girl's cheek, pushing aside the hybrid's hair away from her face. Her seductive gaze locked with that of the delicate maiden as she touched Sakinah's body with her free hand. The young goddess was dazed for a moment, confused over how exactly to communicate her emotions. During that pause, Nyx turned her attention towards Cain who was still uncertain, yet hungry for affection as well. With a slight curl of her index finger, Nyx invited the man to approach them.

The cursed individual gulped down his nerves and took in a huge breath to steady himself. As he crawled across the soft surface of the bed, the Goddess of Night softly relinquished a gentle smile of enchantment his way. As he got close enough for her to reach out to him, she grabbed him by the back of his hair and pulled him in without any hesitation. Before he could rationalize the reality of her strength, his lips were stolen away by her as well and his mouth invaded by her tongue.

Sakinah noticed this motion and felt like her heart was about to drop; now the foreign third wheel was taking her lover as well. Yet even as the Night Maiden's lips consumed that of the first sinner, there was a strong burning sensation of desire that grabbed a hold of her. Feeling an unknown compulsion, Sakinah unknowingly used her left hand to touch her sensitive area while her right hand squeezed her own breast.

Nyx overwrote Cain's sense of reasoning with that deep kiss. As the goddess peeled away, she saw that that man had a burning fire of lust in his eyes. Without further delay, she grabbed his head and smashed it against her bust allowing him to taste her nipples and suckle on them like he was a newborn. Then she saw Sakinah playing with herself and pulled her close to kiss again. Nyx took the hand of the girl that was wrapped around her breast and moved it down towards her own, unoccupied spot as if commanding the inexperienced female to play with the Night's maidenhood as well. In the meantime, Nyx had to free up a hand to grab hold of Cain's shaft and stir his arousal even further.

The trio were enshrined in a rapture of foreplay that was stirring the heated atmosphere further and further as reasoning was slayed by passion and instinct. Eventually, it was a wrestling match on the bed of pure, unadulterated sexual intensity. Nyx pinned Sakinah down and proceeded to rub her vagina against that of the hybrid's. The sensitive nature of the stimulus drove a series of moans to be exchanged between the two women. Nevertheless, the opportunity was still present for Cain to take advantage of them both.

The man immediately invited himself in their play as he slid his organ in between them. He wasn't sure whom he penetrated first, but it didn't matter to him in the slightest. He felt himself wrapped up by the familiar warmth of his lover, Sakinah, then he found himself enveloped by the clamping folds of their guest. Regardless, he was getting a taste of both of the women and felt a strong sense of satisfaction in kind. There was a series of wild motions and positional changes that swapped between all three parties fighting for who was on top, and who was on the bottom. Nevertheless, at the end of it all, a mingling of juices saturated the bed's surface as Cain's seed was spilled inside both women and their nectar dripped down the sides of his shaft.

As the trio lay together nuzzled close, Sakinah and Cain were already fast asleep in each other's arms while Nyx laid there with a smug expression on her face like she got everything she wanted out of the ordeal. It was then that she rolled over and caressed Cain's chin and tapped her finger on the man's chest. A budding ember of luminescent, blue energy wafted out from her index finger as she touched Cain's chest. As a small smile creased her lips, Nyx faded away into the dark accomplishing her hidden objective.

Cain stirred from slumber as he heard mysterious groaning noises fill his ears. The air was stifling, causing his throat to dry and the overwhelming sensation of heat drove him to sweat profusely. Dealing with the disturbing conditions, the first sinner opened his eyes to an unfamiliar sight consumed by flames.

Disfigured creatures of flesh and twisted limbs surrounded him, reaching out to restrain him while harsh winds of heat swept over the area. Shrieks of terror and suffering overwhelmed the senses as he found himself in a hellish landscape that was unlike any other situation he'd ever face. As Cain attempted to make sense of his new situation, he found himself under the creatures' mercy as they clawed at his flesh and tried to hold him down. In response, his survival instincts took over thereby activating the full nature of his curse. In a surge of violence and desperation, Cain utilized the full potency of his curse to claw his way through the depths of Hell that suddenly had him within its maws.

The Son of Eva did not know that he was imprisoned in Inferno; nor did he know that it was Nyx who caused his "untimely demise". Nevertheless, he fought his way through endless hordes of demons and tormented souls digging towards the human realm to get back to his love whose fate was uncertain. Even though his body was consumed by the curse, his mind retained its reasoning keeping Sakinah's visage at the forefront of his consciousness.

Cain lost count of time. He did not know how many hours, days, or even longer passed before he dragged himself from the depths of Hell and ascended to the gates of Heaven. He was driven by so many negative emotions which were fueled by the curse. All he desired was that singular need of getting back to his beloved's arms. Just as he trekked through the Crossroads and made it to the gates of Elysium, he found a lone, long-haired beauty carrying an abnormally long blade with great foreboding aura encapsulating her body. In her hand, she toted an abnormal dodecahedron that emanated the myriad colors of the rainbow. Within its luster, he felt a small waft of energy flow towards him carrying a lonely voice.

"Be free, Cain…"

"Sa…ki…nah?" he stammered in disbelief, tears welled up in his eyes and streamed down his face.

During his time away, Sakinah was set upon and betrayed. She was defeated and sealed within the item known as the Arcana Crystal currently held by the fabled Blade of Akasha, Morana. Thinking that his love was murdered by the woman with the completely ruthless and cold-blooded gaze, all of his reasoning was consumed as the one thing that gave him hope was stripped away.


A ferocious roar of rage, anguish and suffering escaped from him in tandem with a colossal burst of dark flame. Every muscle in his body pulsed with hatred and insanity as he lost all sense of self letting his mind be consumed by his fate. As a result, he proceeded to forgo any sense of caution and elected for a suicidal charge at the woman holding the crystal in hand. There was no reason to live for him anymore, he would rather die a warrior's death even if he was devoured by insanity than live in a world without the only woman who gave him any semblance of peace.

As Morana stood there observing the oncoming target. She merely slipped into a stance holding her storied blade at the ready thereby charging it with her aura. The notorious enforcer became keenly aware of the circumstances surrounding the man.

"Alas, I shall end your suffering," she determined. Yet just as he entered her range, Cain's raging vessel was entangled within the black and violet whip of a certain Archangel.

"Ara…this one needs a little discipline, no? Then again…perhaps I feel the need to enact my own rage on this one since his lover decided to murder my siblings…" a sensual voice tinged by elements of disdain echoed out as a singular maiden with rosemary eyes and violet-blue hair descent into view.

"Jibril…" Morana called out.

"That's quite enough, mighty maidens of Elysium. I see you managed to capture the wild dog. Good, good," another voice resonated as the gates of Heaven opened up while a nigh-elderly man draped in white robes with gray hair emerged.

"But Great Architect, this monster killed my…" Jibril protested to which the old man also known as Izunia raised a hand to hold her tongue.

"I know what his sins were, as were the sins of my niece. Hence why their punishment is being dealt in kind. Little Sakinah shall never know the light of day again as her fate is to be scattered across realities, whilst her name fades from history. But Cain…this mad dog's fate shall not result in death…"

The Architect walked towards Cain and lauded over him with a hideous grin of sadistic delight filling his cheeks. Jibril and Morana merely stood by awaiting what would happen next.

"Death is too good for a beast like this…therefore, I curse this one to live. I curse him with a stigma that will leave him powerless and everlasting in life, to wander the sands, the seas, and the mountains drowning in regret for all time," The Architect pronounced as he tapped a solitary finger against Cain's forehead robbing him of his will to fight and banishing him from Elysium.

As the helpless warrior fell to the Earth, his impact would change the planet's surface. This one action serving as punishment for the culmination of wrath and suffering divided the great foundation of the landmass covering the Earth and split into seven distinct continents accompanied by various islands. He watched the clouds that covered the Gates of Heaven close to him as he lost consciousness for a time.

Eventually he awoke and began to wander all alone eventually making his way to the desert that he created due to a previous rampage many years before. Collapsing to his knees amidst the coarse surface, he found himself before the guise of a singular female in a dress; one who unbeknownst to him led Sakinah to his prior imprisonment once upon a time.

"My name is Acedia… how would you like a place to call home? A place among the Abyss Order…"
